
created_at2022-01-10 01:45:13.864772
updated_at2022-01-10 01:45:13.864772
descriptionA library to evolve genetic algorithms (beginner friendly to advanced) and reduce boilerplate setup.




Rust library for genetic algorithms

Usage notes

  • defines the primary objects/traits.

  • World contains 1 environment and many creatures, which you will define via the Environs and Creature traits.

  • When setting the config, a "functional" chromosome is defined as a collection of genes that describe a full path from input to output. It is coupled with mutation rate at the moment, and keeping use_chromo set to true will reduce mutation rate.

  • The fitness value returned from act will affect the probability of reproduction, relative to all other fitness values. For instance, a fitness value twice as large as another, will have twice the probability to reproduce.

Example Usage

For an example that evolves a solution: See examples/

Here is a more simple example. It doesn't do much, but it does compile and run.


use gworld::{math, World, Config, Environs, Creature};

fn main() {
	Config::set( Config {
		inputs: ["X", "Y"].iter().map(|&s| s.into()).collect(),
		outputs: ["MOVX", "MOVY"].iter().map(|&s| s.into()).collect(),
		neurons: 3,
		strength_mult: 4.0, // multiplier for gene strengths
		population: 50, 
		lifespan: 100, 
		genome_size: 6, // number of chromosomes
		use_chromo: true, // multiple genes per functional chromosome?
		independent: false, // do the creatures (not) interact with each other?
		verbose: "none".to_string(), // options: silent/low/high

	let mut world :World<MyEnv, Blob> = World::new();; // will advance the world #lifespan steps 
	world.advance( 1000 ); // will advance the world 1000 steps
	// world.environs to access MyEnv structure
	// world.organisms[i].creature to access Blob creatures

struct MyEnv {}

impl Environs for MyEnv {
	type Creature = Blob;
	fn new() -> Self { Self{} }

struct Blob {
	x: f32,
	y: f32,

impl Creature for Blob {
	type Env = MyEnv;
	type CCT = Self;
	fn new( _env: &mut Self::Env, _parents: Vec<&Self::CCT> ) -> Self {
		Self { // may want to generate x, y from env data, or inherit things from parents
			x: 10.,
			y: 10.,
	// your actions can change the world.environs!
	fn act( &mut self, _env: &mut Self::Env ) -> f32 {
		return 0. // return a fitness value
	// calculate an input for the network, match for each node in Config.inputs
	fn rx_input( &self, input: &str, _env: &Self::Env ) -> f32 {
		match input {
			"X" => self.x,
			"Y" => self.y,
			_ => { 
				println!("rx_input: no match found for: {}", input );
				return 0.
	// get output from the network, match for each node in Config.outputs
	fn tx_output( &mut self, output: &str, value: f32, _env: &Self::Env ) {
		match output { // you may wish to refer to env in your logic
			"MOVX" => self.x = math::tanh( value ),
			"MOVY" => self.y = math::tanh( value ),
			_ => println!("tx_output: no match found for: {}", output ),

Future work

Improve the Settings handling.

Fix extinction issues. Currently if Settings.population is set low, and a few other factors including bad luck from the random generator, extinction may occur. You've been warned.

Better mutations and breeding control.

Multi-fit functionality. Select breeding to occur based on multiple fit functions. Additionally would love to try and correlate chromosomes responsible for each fit-function, and enhance breeding.

Multple parents (diploid, tri, n-ploid) mating strategies.

At least one more example. A little more complicated. Maybe migrate to 4 separate corners.

More GUI friendly. Possible have gworld run as a service. It's currently roll-your-own. Good luck.

So much to do. So little time. I'll continue using it for personal projects and add to it as needed.

If you're using the library and have a feature request and/or would like to contribute, I'd love to hear from you in the Dicussion section.

More about gworld

The goal is for the library to take out all the boilerplate work when setting up a genetic algorithm.

I've currently used it to create a painting algorithm, and I plan to reproduce an example that mimics the work done in this video: I programmed some creatures. They Evolved.

I also had this creation in mind, when creating the code. I can't say for sure whether gwould could be used to create something like this, but I think it could get close, and hopefully will evolve to have the capability. How I created an evolving neural network ecosystem

The whole idea is that the act method mutates the environment. That is likely where the meat and bones of your creature behaviors will go.

Commit count: 47

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