- Tabs to browse Top, New, Show HN, Ask HN and Jobs stories
- Open external links in browser
- Show comments for stories in app
- Expand and collapse story comments in tree-like structure
- Refresh to load new stories
- Navigation with keyboard shortcuts
- Accessibility and screenreader support
- Made with egui
Keyboard shortcuts
- Refresh
- Go back to story view from comment section
Alt + Left Arrow
- Go back a page
Alt + Right Arrow
- Go to next page (load more)
Alt + 1
- Switch to Top tab
Alt + 2
- Switch to New tab
Alt + 3
- Switch to Show HN tab
Alt + 4
- Switch to Ask HN tab
Alt + 5
- Switch to Jobs tab
- Debug menu
Accessibility keyboard shortcuts
- Focus next ui item
Shift + Tab
- Focus previous ui item
or Enter
- interact with ui item (click link/button)
Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license