
created_at2022-08-18 17:01:21.348543
updated_at2024-04-22 14:34:58.093879
descriptionProcess isolation for Linux using namespaces, resource limits and seccomp.




Process isolation for Linux using namespaces, resource limits and seccomp. It works by creating a new, completely empty, mount namespace where the root is on a tmpfs that is invisible from the host, and will be automatically cleaned up when the last process exits. You can then use a policy configuration file or commandline options to construct the root filesystem and process environment and command to run in the namespace.



  • Install libseccomp by following this guide.

  • Install the rust toolchain in order to have cargo installed by following this guide.

  • Run cargo install hakoniwa-cli.



When use commandline, hakoniwa-run will load a default policy configuration named KISS-policy.toml to ensure a minimal mount namespace created, use --policy-file to use your custom version.

$ hakoniwa run --verbose -- /bin/bash
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::cli::run] Configuration: "KISS-policy.toml"
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/tmp/hakoniwa-EJemcsRL", container_path: "/"
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "", container_path: "/proc", fstype: "proc"
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/usr/bin", container_path: "/bin", fstype: "", rw: false
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/usr/lib", container_path: "/lib", fstype: "", rw: false
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/usr/lib", container_path: "/lib64", fstype: "", rw: false
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/usr", container_path: "/usr", fstype: "", rw: false
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/dev/null", container_path: "/dev/null", fstype: "", rw: true
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/dev/random", container_path: "/dev/random", fstype: "", rw: true
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/dev/urandom", container_path: "/dev/urandom", fstype: "", rw: true
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/dev/zero", container_path: "/dev/zero", fstype: "", rw: true
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] UID map: host_id: 5001, container_id: 5001
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] GID map: host_id: 1000, container_id: 1000
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Seccomp: disabled
[2022-08-21T09:14:11Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Execve: /bin/bash ["/bin/bash"]
bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
bash-5.1$ pwd
bash-5.1$ ls
bin  dev  lib  lib64  proc  usr
bash-5.1$ ls /dev
null  random  urandom  zero
bash-5.1$ ls /proc
1           bus        crypto         execdomains  ioports    kmsg           locks    mtrr          scsi      sys            uptime
4           cgroups    devices        fb           irq        kpagecgroup    meminfo  net           self      sysrq-trigger  version
acpi        cmdline    diskstats      filesystems  kallsyms   kpagecount     misc     pagetypeinfo  slabinfo  sysvipc        vmallocinfo
asound      config.gz  dma            fs           kcore      kpageflags     modules  partitions    softirqs  thread-self    vmstat
bootconfig  consoles   driver         interrupts   key-users  latency_stats  mounts   pressure      stat      timer_list     zoneinfo
buddyinfo   cpuinfo    dynamic_debug  iomem        keys       loadavg        mtd      schedstat     swaps     tty
bash-5.1$ exit
[2022-08-21T09:14:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Result: {"status":"OK","reason":"","exit_code":0,"start_time":"2022-08-21T09:14:11.058546277Z","real_time":{"secs":16,"nanos":460452556},"system_time":{"secs":0,"nanos":8744000},"user_time":{"secs":0,"nanos":3149000},"max_rss":3780}

More examples can be found in hakoniwa-cli/examples.

Rust Library

The code below is almost eq to hakoniwa run --policy-file KISS-policy.toml -- /bin/bash:

use hakoniwa::{Error, Sandbox, SandboxPolicy, Stdio};

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let policy = SandboxPolicy::from_str(
mounts = [
  { source = "/bin"        , target = "/bin"         },
  { source = "/lib"        , target = "/lib"         },
  { source = "/lib64"      , target = "/lib64"       },
  { source = "/usr"        , target = "/usr"         },
  { source = "/dev/null"   , target = "/dev/null"     , rw = true },
  { source = "/dev/random" , target = "/dev/random"   , rw = true },
  { source = "/dev/urandom", target = "/dev/urandom"  , rw = true },
  { source = "/dev/zero"   , target = "/dev/zero"     , rw = true },

LANG     = {{ os_env "LANG"     }}
LANGUAGE = {{ os_env "LANGUAGE" }}
LC_ALL   = {{ os_env "LC_ALL"   }}
TERM     = {{ os_env "TERM"     }}

    let mut sandbox = Sandbox::new();

    let prog = std::env::var("SHELL").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("/bin/sh"));
    let argv = vec![&prog];
    let mut executor = sandbox.command(&prog, &argv);
    let result = executor
        // .ro_bind("/etc", "/myetc")? // --ro-bind /etc:/myetc
        // .rw_bind("/data", "/data")? // --rw-bind /data
        // .limit_cpu(Some(2)) // --limit-cpu 2
        // .limit_walltime(Some(5)) // --limit-walltime 5


More examples can be found in hakoniwa/examples.

Running inside Docker

First, clone this repository and build the docker image:

$ make prodcontainer

Then, run hakoniwa command in the container:

$ docker run --privileged --rm -it hakoniwa-prodcontainer:latest hakoniwa run --verbose -- /bin/bash
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::cli::run] Configuration: "KISS-policy.toml"
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/tmp/hakoniwa-yBV2slf6", container_path: "/"
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "", container_path: "/proc", fstype: "proc"
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/bin", container_path: "/bin", fstype: "", rw: false
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/lib", container_path: "/lib", fstype: "", rw: false
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/lib64", container_path: "/lib64", fstype: "", rw: false
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/usr", container_path: "/usr", fstype: "", rw: false
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/dev/null", container_path: "/dev/null", fstype: "", rw: true
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/dev/random", container_path: "/dev/random", fstype: "", rw: true
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/dev/urandom", container_path: "/dev/urandom", fstype: "", rw: true
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Mount point: host_path: "/dev/zero", container_path: "/dev/zero", fstype: "", rw: true
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] UID map: host_id: 1000, container_id: 1000
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] GID map: host_id: 1000, container_id: 1000
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Seccomp: disabled
[2023-11-04T09:24:27Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Execve: /bin/bash ["/bin/bash"]
bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
bash-5.1$ pwd
bash-5.1$ ls
bin  dev  lib  lib64  proc  usr
bash-5.1$ ls /dev
null  random  urandom  zero
bash-5.1$ ls /proc
1           bus        crypto         execdomains  ioports    kmsg           locks    mtrr          scsi      sys            uptime
4           cgroups    devices        fb           irq        kpagecgroup    meminfo  net           self      sysrq-trigger  version
acpi        cmdline    diskstats      filesystems  kallsyms   kpagecount     misc     pagetypeinfo  slabinfo  sysvipc        vmallocinfo
asound      config.gz  dma            fs           kcore      kpageflags     modules  partitions    softirqs  thread-self    vmstat
bootconfig  consoles   driver         interrupts   keys       latency_stats  mounts   pressure      stat      timer_list     zoneinfo
buddyinfo   cpuinfo    dynamic_debug  iomem        key-users  loadavg        mtd      schedstat     swaps     tty
bash-5.1$ exit
[2023-11-04T09:24:40Z INFO  hakoniwa::executor] Result: {"status":"OK","reason":"","exit_code":0,"start_time":"2023-11-04T09:24:27.975208221Z","real_time":{"secs":12,"nanos":171313268},"system_time":{"secs":0,"nanos":2516000},"user_time":{"secs":0,"nanos":10995000},"max_rss":3584}




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Commit count: 233

cargo fmt