
created_at2020-11-19 17:30:37.852542
updated_at2020-11-19 17:30:37.852542
descriptionA Embedded HAL driver for the DHT humidity and temperature sensors.




A Rust DHT driver using embedded-hal interfaces.

An interface to the DHT Digital Humidity and Temperature sensors.


The design of this crate is inspired by:

All of these libraries and also this library are basically the same, only the interfaces are a little different.

The code has been tested with DHT22 sensor, a Raspberry Pi 3B, and the rppal.


This library makes use of the traits provided by the embedded-hal crate. Unfortunately, a lot of stuff is still missing in embedded-hal, such as traits for reconfigurable GPIOs and disabling interrupts. Therefore it should be expected that this library will be change over time.


To create a driver for the DHT sensor, the caller have to provide the following items:

  • a GPIO pin, which implements the InputPin and OutputPin traits of embedded-hal. Additionally, it should be able to reconfigure the pin (from output to input). Unfortunately, this is currently not part of embedded-hal, so the trait from this crate needs to be implemented.
  • a timer providing the DelayMs and DelayUs traits.
  • interrupts need to be suppressed while we are reading the signal line. This crate provides a simple trait InterruptCtrl for this purpose.

Example: Using the library on a Raspberry Pi

Implementing the GPIO interfaces.

You can use rppal to control the GPIO pin. However, a wrapper needs to be implemented because of the "orphan" rule for implementation of external traits for external structs.

extern crate rppal;
use rppal::gpio::{Gpio, Mode, PullUpDown};
extern crate hal_sensor_dht;
use hal_sensor_dht::{DHTSensor, SensorType};

struct MyPin(rppal::gpio::IoPin);

impl MyPin {
    pub fn new(pin: rppal::gpio::Pin) -> MyPin {

impl InputPin for MyPin {
    type Error = <rppal::gpio::IoPin as InputPin>::Error;
    fn is_high(&self) -> Result<bool, <rppal::gpio::IoPin as InputPin>::Error> {
    fn is_low(&self) -> Result<bool, <rppal::gpio::IoPin as InputPin>::Error> {

impl OutputPin for MyPin {
    type Error = <rppal::gpio::IoPin as OutputPin>::Error;
    fn set_high(&mut self) -> Result<(), <rppal::gpio::IoPin as OutputPin>::Error> {
    fn set_low(&mut self) -> Result<(), <rppal::gpio::IoPin as OutputPin>::Error> {

impl hal_sensor_dht::IoPin for MyPin {
    fn set_input_pullup_mode(&mut self) {
    fn set_output_mode(&mut self) {

Implementing the Delay interfaces.

The DelayMs is no problem, but microsecond delay is. However, only need a a tiny delay, therefore we use write and read operation to produce such small delay.

use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use rppal::gpio::{Gpio, Mode, PullUpDown};

use std::ptr::read_volatile;
use std::ptr::write_volatile;
struct MyTimer {}

impl DelayUs<u16> for MyTimer {
    fn delay_us(&mut self, t:u16) {
        let mut i = 0;
        unsafe {
            while read_volatile(&mut i) < t {
                write_volatile(&mut i, read_volatile(&mut i) + 1);

impl DelayMs<u16> for MyTimer {
    fn delay_ms(&mut self, ms: u16) {

Disabling Interrupts.

You will use sched_setscheduler from the libc crate for this purpose. This is good enough for reading the sensor data.

extern crate libc;
use libc::sched_param;
use libc::sched_setscheduler;
use libc::SCHED_FIFO;
use libc::SCHED_OTHER;

struct MyInterruptCtrl {}

impl hal_sensor_dht::InterruptCtrl for MyInterruptCtrl {
    fn enable(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            let param = sched_param { sched_priority: 32 };
            let result = sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_FIFO, &param);

            if result != 0 {
                panic!("Error setting priority, you may not have cap_sys_nice capability");
    fn disable(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            let param = sched_param { sched_priority: 0 };
            let result = sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_OTHER, &param);

            if result != 0 {
                panic!("Error setting priority, you may not have cap_sys_nice capability");

Putting it all together

OK, finally we are done! Here is some example code for the main function. Keep in mind, that there should be a delay between two calls of the read function. You will not get a valid result every time, the function is called. But it should be good enough to monitor the temperature of your room.

fn main() {
    let pin_number = 12;
    if let Ok(gpio) = Gpio::new() {
        if let Ok(pin) = gpio.get(pin_number) {
            let my_pin = MyPin::new(pin);
            let my_timer = MyTimer{};
            let my_interrupt = MyInterruptCtrl{};
            let mut sensor = DHTSensor::new(SensorType::DHT22, my_pin, my_timer, my_interrupt);

            for _i in 0 .. 200 {
                if let Ok(r) = sensor.read() {
                    println!("Temperature = {} / {} and humidity = {}",
        } else {
            println!("Error: Could not get the pin!")
    } else {
        println!("Error: Could not get the GPIOs!")


For this example, you need the libc crate, the rppal crate, the embedded-hal crate, and of cause this crate!

libc = "0.2.21"

path = "../hal_sensor_dht"
features = ["floats"]

version = "0.2.4"
features = ["unproven"]

version = "0.11.3"
features = ["hal", "hal-unproven"]
Commit count: 4

cargo fmt