
created_at2022-06-02 05:32:22.682688
updated_at2022-06-18 20:57:28.157069
descriptionhaveibeenpwned is a command-line application that uses HaveIBeenPwned service and can create and use Binary Fuse filter for efficient query at cost of false positives.



FOSSA Status Crates.io link


haveibeenpwned is a command-line application that uses HaveIBeenPwned service and can create and use Binary Fuse filter (which is smaller than Bloom filter or Cuckoo filter for the same false positive ratio) for efficient query at cost of false positives.


  • Interactively check compromised password using HIBP API (requires internet) with haveibeenpwed interactive-online
  • Download password file using HaveIBeenPwned queries. This can be more up to date than downloading passwords directly from HaveIBeenPwned website. According to Troy Hunt, passwords from ingestions are not included since a password version release in the download version. However, querying the password does contain the ingested passwords. In practice, this contained 4 more passwords than version 8 as of June 16 (847,223,406 vs Version 8's 847,223,402). You can download with haveibeenpwned downloader [path to output file]
  • Downloads can be resumed with haveibeenpwned resume-download
  • Can interactively check compromised password using filter with haveibeenpwned interactive-file [path to filter file] (Note that if you use versions of haveibeenpwned with the included filter or have already ran any command with the path to the filter file before, you do not need to input the path to filter file)
  • Can create filter (of 3 sizes) that allows you to query offline while consuming a fraction of the space. Does require existing downloaded password file (either from website or by using this tool) to create with. Filters can be created with haveibeenpwned create-filter [path to password file] [output path for filter file] Be advised that creating a filter requires a significant amount of RAM. Testing on the downloaded passwords file (~34 GB) for creating a small filter alone used 11 GB on Windows. The Small filter has a false positive rate of <0.4%, while the Medium filter has a false positivity rate of 0.0016% and the Large filter has a false positivity rate of <1 in 4 billion.
  • Check list of passwords in a file (using a filter) to see how many are compromised with haveibeenpwned file-check [path to file with passwords to test] [path to filter] (with optional -p [safe/compromised] command to print either safe or compromised passwords from the file) (If you use the versions of haveibeenpwned with included filter or have loaded a filter manually before, you do not need to enter the path of the filter file again)

Prebuilt Filters

Prebuilt filters are available (small, medium, large). The Windows installer, the .deb version of haveaibeenpwned, and haveibeenpwned on winget comes with the Small filter included. The Small filter has a size of 909 MiB (with false positivity rate of ~0.4%). The Medium filter has a size of 1.77 GiB (with false positivity rate of 0.0016%) and the Large filter has a size of 3.55 GiB (with false positivity rate of <1 in 4 billion).


As haveibeenpwned was in alpha, the design of the filter was not final at the time. Therefore, filter file compatibility was not maintained between versions until now. Filter created by version 0.4.0-alpha is not compatible with 0.5.0 (and version 0.5.0 has smaller filters than version 0.4.0). However, compatibility from v0.5.0 onwards is maintained.


haveibeenpwned can be downloaded from Releases page for Ubuntu .deb package for 18.04 and later, generic linux executable for 64-bit Intel systems (You may need to run chmod +x <path to binary>), and Windows releases. For Windows, haveibeenpwned can also be installed with winget install haveibeenpwned. If you have rustup installed (see Build Guide), you can install by running:

cargo intall haveibeenpwned

Currently, macOS builds are not provided as I do not have a Mac. However, using the build guide and installing with cargo install haveibeenpwned should work. I will also work on creating a flatpak version of haveibeenpwned

Upgrade Instructions

If you use the deb file on Ubuntu, uninstall the deb package with:

sudo apt remove haveibeenpwned

Finally, install with the newer deb file.

For Windows, just replace the older haveibeenpwned.exe with the newer version. If you used winget to install, you can update using winget upgrade haveibeenpwned. If you have used cargo install to install haveibeenpwned, running cargo install haveibeenpwned will update it.

If you used the haveibeenpwned linux binary, just replace it with newer one (you may need to run chmod +x <path to haveibeenpwned> again)

Build Guide

We can use cargo to build haveibeenpwned. We first need to install rustup and build tools (instructions for those can be found here). Then, we can build with:

git clone https://github.com/CKingX/haveibeenpwned.git
cd ./haveibeenpwned
cargo install --path ./

Now you can run by typing haveibeenpwned in terminal. Upgrading can be done with cargo install command again. If you would just like to build the binary, you can build the debug binary with:

cargo build

Release binary can be built with:

cargo build --release

The output of the build command will be in ./target/{debug/release}/haveibeenpwned


haveibeenpwned is licensed as AGPL 3.0. However, there will eventually be an MPL library that can use a filter to check passwords in other programs.

FOSSA Status

Commit count: 71

cargo fmt