
created_at2023-05-02 23:24:03.979539
updated_at2023-12-11 01:42:41.152929
descriptionRust implementation of the Helius SDK



Unofficial Helius SDK Written in Rust

For more in depth details about Helius features, please consult the official Typescript SDK

This README will largely present what functionality is available in this implementation


I'm not ready to commit to no breaking changes yet so will be making 0.x.x releases for now

Getting Started

Installation And Usage

cargo add helius-sdk
use helius_sdk::*;

fn main() {
    let client = Helius::new(env::var("API_KEY").unwrap(), Cluster::MainnetBeta);

Other variant for Enums

Most enums in this crate have an Other(String) options if new variants have been added to the helius API that have not yet been included in this crate. When using these variants, do keep in mind there is a high chance that upgrading to a new version will break your code if you have logic around receiving a response of this form. As they will then have a proper distinct value in the enum for deserialization.


Create Webhook

let hook = client.create_webhook(&CreateWebhookRequest {
        data: WebhookData {
            webhook_url: "insert url here".to_string(),
            transaction_types: vec![TransactionType::NftBid, TransactionType::NftBidCancelled],
            account_addresses: vec!["M2mx93ekt1fmXSVkTrUL9xVFHkmME8HTUi5Cyc5aF7K".to_string()],
            webhook_type: Some(WebhookType::Discord),
            auth_header: None,
            txn_status: None,
            encoding: None

Get All Webhooks

Retrieve all webhook for the current user account

let hooks = client.get_all_webhooks();

Get Webhook by ID

let hook = client.get_webhook_by_id("insert webhook id here"));

Edit Webhook

let mut hook = client.get_webhook_by_id(hook.webhook_id.as_str()).unwrap();
hook.webhook_data.webhook_type = WebhookType::Discord.into();
let ehook = client.edit_webhook(EditWebhookRequest{
    webhook_id: hook.webhook_id,
    data: hook.webhook_data,

Delete Webhook

client.delete_webhook("insert webhook id here");

Create Collection Webhook

A convenience method, not actually a part of the helius rest interface.

let res = client.create_collection_webhook(&CreateCollectionWebhookRequest {
    data: WebhookData {
        webhook_url: "insert url here".to_string(),
        transaction_types: vec![TransactionType::NftSale],
        account_addresses: vec![],
        webhook_type: Some(WebhookType::Discord),
        auth_header: None,
        txn_status: None,
        encoding: None
    collection_query: CollectionIdentifier::FirstVerifiedCreators(vec!["GVkb5GuwGKydA4xXLT9PNpx63h7bhFNrDLQSxi6j5NuF".to_string()]),

Enhanced Transactions API-

Parse transactions

let res = client.parse_transaction(
        transactions: vec!["insert txn id here".to_string()]


Get All Tokens For Collection

let res = client.get_mintlist(MintlistRequest {
    query: CollectionIdentifier::FirstVerifiedCreators(vec!["GVkb5GuwGKydA4xXLT9PNpx63h7bhFNrDLQSxi6j5NuF".into()]),
    options: HeliusOptions {limit: 1000.into(), pagination_token: None}.into()

Token Metadata API

Get Token Metadata

let res = client.get_token_metadata(&TokenMetadataRequest{
        mint_accounts: vec!["insert token mint address"],
        include_off_chain: true,
        disable_cache: false

RPC Abstractions

Helper methods for common RPC operations

Get Solana TPS


Request Airdrop

let key = Pubkey::new_unique();
client.rpc.airdrop(&key, 10 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL).expect();

Access Solana Connection

Users can also access the underlying solana_sdk rpc client to make other standard rpc calls.

let conn = client.rpc.connection();
let inflation = conn.get_inflation_rate();


  • Beta/Alpha endpoints?
Commit count: 23

cargo fmt