
created_at2018-11-06 20:41:45.541143
updated_at2023-12-11 22:32:09.272433
descriptionA command-line hex viewer
David Peter (sharkdp)




hexyl is a simple hex viewer for the terminal. It uses a colored output to distinguish different categories of bytes (NULL bytes, printable ASCII characters, ASCII whitespace characters, other ASCII characters and non-ASCII).


Color Reference

Type of Byte Color ANSI Code
NULL #555753 Bright Black 90
OFFSET #555753 Bright Black 90
ASCII Printable #06989a Cyan 36
ASCII Whitespace #4e9a06 Green 32
ASCII Other #4e9a06 Green 32
Non-ASCII #c4a000 Yellow 33

Colors taken from the Ubuntu terminal color scheme, they could look different in your terminal


On Ubuntu

... and other Debian-based Linux distributions.

If you run Ubuntu 19.10 (Eoan Ermine) or newer, you can install the officially maintained package:

sudo apt install hexyl

If you use an older version of Ubuntu, you can download the latest .deb package from the release page and install it via:

sudo dpkg -i hexyl_0.13.1_amd64.deb  # adapt version number and architecture

On Debian

If you run Debian Buster or newer, you can install the officially maintained Debian package:

sudo apt-get install hexyl

If you run an older version of Debian, see above for instructions on how to manually install hexyl.

On Fedora

If you run Fedora 35 or newer, you can install the officially maintained Fedora package:

sudo dnf install hexyl

On Arch Linux

You can install hexyl from the official package repository:

pacman -S hexyl

On Void Linux

xbps-install hexyl

On Gentoo Linux

Available in dm9pZCAq overlay

sudo eselect repository enable dm9pZCAq
sudo emerge --sync dm9pZCAq
sudo emerge sys-apps/hexyl::dm9pZCAq

On macOS

Via Homebrew:

brew install hexyl

...or via MacPorts:

sudo port install hexyl

On FreeBSD

pkg install hexyl


pkgin install hexyl

On OpenBSD

doas pkg_add hexyl

on Termux

pkg install hexyl


apt install hexyl

Via Nix

nix-env -i hexyl

Via Guix

guix package -i hexyl

Or add the hexyl package in the list of packages to be installed in your system configuration (e.g., /etc/config.scm).

On other distributions

Check out the release page for binary builds.

On Windows

Check out the release page for binary builds. Alternatively, install from source via cargo, snap or scoop (see below). Make sure that you use a terminal that supports ANSI escape sequences (like ConHost v2 since Windows 10 1703 or Windows Terminal since Windows 10 1903).

Via cargo

If you have Rust 1.56 or higher, you can install hexyl from source via cargo:

cargo install hexyl

Alternatively, you can install hexyl directly from the repository by using:

git clone https://github.com/sharkdp/hexyl
cargo install --path ./hexyl

Note: To convert the man page, you will need Pandoc.

You can convert from Markdown by using (in the project root):

pandoc -s -f markdown -t man -o ./doc/hexyl.1 ./doc/hexyl.1.md

Via snap package

sudo snap install hexyl

Get it from the Snap Store

Via Scoop

scoop install hexyl


Licensed under either of

at your option.

Commit count: 441

cargo fmt