
created_at2017-07-20 15:56:04.539524
updated_at2017-07-20 15:56:04.539524
descriptionHeterogeneous System Architecture(HSA) bindings for Rust
Kazuki Oikawa (kazuki)




Heterogeneous System Architecture(HSA) v1.1 bindings for Rust


Tested Environment

  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X
  • M/B: ASRock AB350M Pro
  • Linux Distribution: Gentoo Linux (amd64)
  • ROCm: v1.6.0

included tools


Dump HSA information

$ cargo run --bin hsainfo
[HSA SystemInfo]
* version: 1.1
* timestamp: 9564.460777427 [s] (freq: 1000 [MHz])
* signal-max-wait: 18446744073709551615
* endianness: Little
* machine_model: Large

[Agent (CPU)]
  * name: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Eight-Core Processor
  * vendor: CPU
  * feature: AgentDispatch
  * machine_model/profile: Large / Full
  * float_rounding: Near / Near
  * fast_f16_operation: false
  * wavefront size: 0
  * workgroup max dim: [0, 0, 0]
  * workgroup max size: 0
  * grid max dim: Dim3 { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }
  * grid max size: 0
  * fbarrier max size: 0
  * queues max: 0
  * queue min/max/type: 0 / 0 / Multi
  * version: 1.1
  [Region (Global)]
    * size: 33751019520
    * global flags: {KernArg, FineGrained}
    * alloc max_size/granule/align: 33751019520 4096 4096
  [Region (Global)]
    * size: 33751019520
    * global flags: {CoarseGrained}
    * alloc max_size/granule/align: 33751019520 4096 4096

[Agent (GPU)]
  * name: gfx803
  * vendor: AMD
  * feature: KernelDispatch
  * machine_model/profile: Large / Base
  * float_rounding: Near / Near
  * fast_f16_operation: false
  * wavefront size: 64
  * workgroup max dim: [1024, 1024, 1024]
  * workgroup max size: 1024
  * grid max dim: Dim3 { x: 4294967295, y: 4294967295, z: 4294967295 }
  * grid max size: 4294967295
  * fbarrier max size: 32
  * queues max: 128
  * queue min/max/type: 4096 / 131072 / Multi
  * version: 1.1
    * name: AMD:AMDGPU:8:0:3
    * machine_models/profiles: {Large} / {Base}
    * float rounding modes: {Near} / {Near}
    * fast f16 ops: true
    * workgroup max dim: [1024, 1024, 1024]
    * workgroup max size: 1024
    * grid max dim: Dim3 { x: 4294967295, y: 4294967295, z: 4294967295 }
    * grid max size: 18446744073709551615
    * fbarrier max size: 32
      * size: 64
  [Region (Global)]
    * size: 4294967296
    * global flags: {CoarseGrained}
    * alloc max_size/granule/align: 4294967296 4096 4096
  [Region (Group)]
    * size: 65536
  [Region (Global)]
    * size: 33751019520
    * global flags: {KernArg, FineGrained}
    * alloc max_size/granule/align: 33751019520 4096 4096
  [Region (Global)]
    * size: 33751019520
    * global flags: {CoarseGrained}
    * alloc max_size/granule/align: 33751019520 4096 4096


HSA sample program

$ cargo run --bin vector_copy
Checking finalizer 1.0 extension support succeeded.
Getting a gpu agent succeeded.
Querying the agent name succeeded.
The agent name is gfx803.
Getting a ISA succeeded.
Obtaining machine model succeeded.
Querying the isa maximum queue size succeeded.
The maximum queue size is 131072.
Creating the queue succeeded.
Create the program succeeded.
Adding the brig module to the program succeeded.
Finalizing the program succeeded.
Create the executable succeeded.
Loading the code object succeeded.
Freeze the executable succeeded.
Extract the symbol from the executable succeeded.
Extracting the kernel object from the executable succeeded.
Extracting the group segment size from the executable succeeded.
Extracting the private segment size from the executable succeeded.
Creating a HSA signal succeeded.
Finding a fine grained memory region succeeded.
Finding a kernarg memory region succeeded.
Allocating argument memory for input parameter succeeded.
Allocating argument memory for output parameter succeeded.
Allocating kernel argument memory buffer succeeded.
Dispatching the kernel
Passed validation.
Commit count: 12

cargo fmt