| igdb | | igdb |
version | 0.1.2 |
source | src |
created_at | 2023-03-05 11:14:26.327218+00 |
updated_at | 2023-03-05 16:17:06.786069+00 |
description | IGDB - Video Game Database Api |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 801234 |
size | 147,690 |
This is a fork of the original igbsd-rs written by Carlos Landeras. I updated it to be compatible with the latest IGDB API.
With igdb you can easily retrieve video game related information such as:
and much more!.
Use out of the box clients methods or build your own queries with RequestBuilder to retrieve the exact data that you are looking for.
You have a Code Samples section below to check some samples
Check the documentation here : docs
You can find some sample code snippets here: examples
Add the following lines to you Cargo.toml
igdb = "*"
Or use cargo add if you have it installed:
$ cargo add igdb
igdb-rs supports the following endpoints at this moment:
Endpoint | Description |
Age Ratings | Age Rating according to various rating organisations |
Artworks | Official artworks (resolution and aspect ratio may vary) |
Characters | Video game characters |
Character Mug Shots | Images depicting game characters |
Companies | Video game companies. Both publishers & developers |
Covers | The cover art of games |
Games | Video Games! |
Game Engines | Video game engines such as unreal engine. |
Game Modes | Single player, Multiplayer etc |
Game Videos | Videos associated with games |
Franchises | A list of video game franchises such as Star Wars. |
Multiplayer Modes | Data about the supported multiplayer types |
Platforms | The hardware used to run the game or game delivery network |
Platform Logo | Logo for a platform |
Player Perspectives | Player perspectives describe the view/perspective of the player in a video game |
Release Dates | A handy endpoint that extends game release dates. Used to dig deeper into release dates, platforms and versions. |
Screenshots | Screenshots of games |
Themes | Video game themes |
Websites | A website url, usually associated with a game |
Note: Clients are automatically generated with macros, so adding new endpoints is straightforward, if you need some other endpoint to be added feel free to request it or collaborate with the library submitting a pull request.
With igdb you can easily query the Internet Game Database.
You just need to create an IGDBClient object with your client_id and your token. You can sign in and generate one as explained here:
You can find some sample code snippets here: examples
In order to run the samples, just set the IGDB_CLIENT_ID and IGDB_TOKEN
environment variables with your client_id and token key and execute it by
using the sample name specified inside Cargo.toml file.
cargo run --example search-games-by-name
cargo run --example game-video-urls
let igdb_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let games_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token").games();
let game = games_client.get_first_by_name("Witcher 3").await.unwrap();
println!("Name: {}",;
println!("Summary: {} ...", &game.summary[..150]);
println!("Story line: {}", game.storyline);
println!("Url: {}", game.url);
// Name: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone
// Summary: Hired by the Merchant of Mirrors, Geralt is tasked with overcoming Olgierd von Everec -- a ruthless bandit captain enchanted with the power of immorta ...
// Story line: Professional monster slayer is hired to deal with a ruthless bandit captain who possesses the power of immortality.
// Url:
let games_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token").games();
// Get ten first results containing Borderlands in it's name
let games_results = games_client.get_by_name("Borderlands", 10).await.unwrap();
for game in games_results {
println!("Name: {}",;
println!("Story line: {}", game.storyline);
println!("Url: {}", game.url);
// Name: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Lady Hammerlock The Baroness
// Story line:
// Url:
// Name: Borderlands Legends
// Story line:
// Url:
// Name: Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 3 - Catch a Ride
// Story line:
// Url:
// Name: Borderlands 2: Game of the Year Edition
// Story line:
// Url:
//Omitted for brevity...
let igdb_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let characters_client = igdb_client.characters();
//Get Witcher 3 characters
for ch in characters_client.get_by_game_id(1942, 10).await.unwrap() {
println!("name: {}, slug: {}, url: {}",, ch.slug, ch.url);
// name: Dandelion, slug: dandelion, url:
// name: Jaskier, slug: jaskier, url:
// name: Emhyr Var Empreis, slug: emhyr-var-empreis, url:
// name: Ciri, slug: ciri, url:
// name: Avallac'h, slug: avallach, url:
//Omitted for brevity...
let igdb_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let games_client =;
let game = games_client
.get_first_by_name("Always Sometimes Monsters")
let engine_id = game.game_engines.first().unwrap();
let engines_client = igdb_client.game_engines();
let engine = engines_client
.get_first_by_id(*engine_id as usize)
"name: {}, url: {}, companies: {:?}",, engine.url, engine.companies
// name: RPG Maker VX Ace, url:, companies: []
let igdb_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let release_client = igdb_client.release_dates();
//Get releases for Borderlands3 with id 19164
let releases = release_client.get_by_game_id(19164, 10).await.unwrap();
let platform_client = igdb_client.platforms();
for release in releases {
let platform = platform_client
.get_first_by_id(release.platform as usize)
"platform: {} release date: {}",, release.human
// platform: Xbox One release date: 2019-Sep-13
// platform: PC (Microsoft Windows) release date: 2019-Sep-13
// platform: PlayStation 4 release date: 2019-Sep-13
// platform: Google Stadia release date: 2019-Sep-13
let igdb_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let videos_client = igdb_client.game_videos();
//Query first 8 youtube videos for Witcher 3
let response = videos_client.get_by_game_id(1942, 8).await.unwrap();
for video in response {
println!("{:?}", video);
// Youtube links for Witcher 3 Game
// GameVideo { id: 5993, game: 1942, video_id: "xQGam9OHSUo" }
// GameVideo { id: 5989, game: 1942, video_id: "_IBAovRNCuA" }
// GameVideo { id: 5995, game: 1942, video_id: "8ZLfJjlZKvc" }
// GameVideo { id: 5987, game: 1942, video_id: "5nLipy-Z4yo" }
// GameVideo { id: 5991, game: 1942, video_id: "6f8TbvsZ5Mk" }
// GameVideo { id: 5994, game: 1942, video_id: "p14dHAwLOmo" }
// GameVideo { id: 5990, game: 1942, video_id: "QrwGXAcE6ZA" }
// GameVideo { id: 5996, game: 1942, video_id: "sb81f-ejNSI" }
let igdb_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let games_client =;
let witcher = games_client.get_first_by_name("Witcher 3").await.unwrap();
//Get the first 3 covers for the Witcher 3 game
let covers_client = igdb_client.covers();
let covers_response = covers_client.get_by_game_id(, 3).await.unwrap();
//Get the first 3 screenshots for the Witcher 3 game
let screenshots_client = igdb_client.screenshots();
let screenshots_response = screenshots_client
.get_by_game_id(, 3)
for (i, cover) in covers_response.iter().enumerate() {
format!("cover{}.jpg", i),
for (i, screenshot) in screenshots_response.iter().enumerate() {
format!("screenshot{}.jpg", i),
Find games meeting the request builder criteria
let igdb_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let mut game_request = IGDBClient::create_request();
.add_fields(vec!["storyline", "summary"])
.contains("name", "Ast")
.add_where("category", Equality::NotEqual, "0")
.sort_by("name", OrderBy::Descending)
// Generated query
// fields name,storyline,summary; where name ~ *"Ast"* & category != 0; sort name desc; limit 3;
let game_client =;
let games = game_client.get(game_request).await.unwrap();
for g in games {
println!("Name: {}",;
//Name: Yo-Kai Watch Blasters: Moon Rabbit Crew
//Name: XCOM 2: Shen's Last Gift
//Name: Warlock: Master of the Arcane - Armageddon
Get Borderlands 2 multiplayer information building a custom query
let idbg_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let games_client =;
let mut games_req = IGDBClient::create_request();
.search("Borderlands 2")
let result = games_client.get(games_req).await.unwrap();
let ids: Vec<String> = result.iter().map(|g|;
let names: Vec<String> = result.iter().map(|g|;
let multiplayer_client = idbg_client.multiplayer_modes();
let mut mul_request = IGDBClient::create_request();
mul_request.all_fields().add_where_in("id".to_owned(), ids);
let results = multiplayer_client.get(mul_request).await.unwrap();
for (i, m) in results.iter().enumerate() {
println!("{} has online coop: {}", names[i], m.onlinecoop);
println!("{} has local coop: {}", names[i], m.lancoop);
// Prints:
// Borderlands 2 has online coop: true
// Borderlands 2 has local coop: false
let igdb_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let games_client =;
let game = games_client.get_first_by_name("Modern Warfare 3").await.unwrap();
println!("Game: {}, rating: {}, total votes: {}",, game.total_rating as usize, game.total_rating_count);
//Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, rating: 80, total votes: 442
let igdb_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let franchises_client = igdb_client.franchises();
let games_client =;
//Get games inside franchises containing name "Lego"
for franchise in franchises_client
.get_by_name("Lego", 5)
for game in & {
let game_info = games_client.get_first_by_id(*game as usize).await.unwrap();
println!("Name: {}",;
// Name: Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
// Name: Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
// Name: LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
// Name: Lego Racers 2
// Name: LEGO Racers
// Omitted for brevity...
let igdb_client = IGDBClient::new("client_id", "token");
let games_client =;
let age_rating_client = igdb_client.age_ratings();
let game = games_client
.get_first_by_name("Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3")
for age_rating in game.age_ratings {
//Get a maximum of 3 age ratings for Modern Warfare 3
let ratings = age_rating_client
.get_by_id(age_rating as usize, 3)
for rating in ratings {
"Game: {}, Category: {:?}, Rating: {:?}",, rating.category, rating.rating
// Game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Category: PEGI, Rating: Eighteen