
created_at2024-04-30 07:49:29.201612+00
updated_at2024-04-30 07:49:29.201612+00
descriptionA cli-based, multi-architecture gadget-finding tool, designed for fast operation, even with large binaries like browser engines and OS kernels.
Grant Spencer (GarntS)




A cli-based, multi-architecture gadget-finding tool, designed for fast operation, even with large binaries like browser engines and OS kernels.

Main Features

  • Detects and parses PE/COFF, ELF, and Mach-O object files to pull architecture, endianness, and executable section/segment flags.
  • Support for arm, arm64, x86, x86_64, mips, mips64, ppc, ppc64, riscv, riscv64, sparc64, and s390x/systemz architectures.
  • Located gadgets are de-duplicated, with all load addresses for a given gadget listed in the output.
  • Built-in regex engine for pre-filtering mnemonics of gadget results.
  • Configurable gadget instruction counts and ending instructions.
  • It's fast.


The minimal invocation of inspector-gadget is very simple:

inspector-gadget /usr/bin/grep

inspector-gadget's default behavior is to:

  1. Parse the input binary, which is assumed to be an object file.
  2. Find every gadget in sections and segments marked as executable, by default finding only gadgets ending with a return instruction.
  3. De-duplicate the gadgets.
  4. Print to stdout the gadget mnemonic and the list of start addresses for each unique gadget that was found.

Changing Output Destination

Use the -o (--out-file) flag:

inspector-gadget -o gadgets.txt /usr/bin/grep

Alternatively, the gadgets get written to stdout, but progress messages get written to stderr, so just redirecting the output to a file will also result in the gadgets getting written to a file:

inspector-gadget /usr/bin/grep > gadgets.txt

Filtering Gadgets

To make the initial filtering easier, or to make working with binaries that have smaller file sizes take fewer steps, inspector-gadget supports filtering the resulting gadget mnemonics using regular expressions via @burntsushi's excellent regex library.

When working with binaries that have larger file sizes, I recommend finding all gadgets matching a loose set of constraints, writing them to a file, then grepping that file repeatedly to find anything specific you might be looking for. If you want a similarly-performant grep implementation, I recommend ripgrep (also written by @burntsushi), which can be obtained via cargo install or through the package manager on most linux distros (or brew on mac).

Use the -r (--regex-str) flag:

inspector-gadget -r "^pop rdx;.*pop r[a-z1-589]{1,3}; ret" /usr/bin/grep

Note: each gadget's mnemonic is separated by "; ", so consider that when constructing any regex patterns.

Changing Gadget Length Constraints

By default, inspector-gadget will find gadgets containing between 2 and 10 instructions. If you'd like to change these bounds, use the --min-insns and --max-insns flags:

inspector-gadget --min-insns 4 --max-insns 6 /usr/bin/grep

Changing Gadget Ending Instructions

By default, inspector-gadget will only search for gadgets ending with whatever instruction are used for a function return for the given architecture. If you'd like to also allow terminating indirect jumps or terminating indirect calls, use the --allow-terminating-call or --allow-terminating-jmp flags:

inspector-gadget --allow-terminating-call /usr/bin/grep

Note: this works great for architectures that have obvious distinctions between instructions that are used for jmp/call/ret, but is less effective or non-functional for RISC architectures that re-use the same instructions for control flow. I've manually implemented heuristics for return instructions for each architecture, but if call/jmp instructions aren't specifically tagged by Capstone for your target architecture, I haven't gone back through and done separate ones myself.

Manually-Specifying Architecture and Endianness

By default, inspector-gadget will parse the object file passed as input in order to determine the correct architecture and endianness to use during disassembly. If you'd like to specifying these values manually, use the --arch and --endianness flags:

inspector-gadget --arch x86_64 --endianness little /usr/bin/grep

If --arch or --endianness flags are passed, the manually-specified values will be used instead of the values parsed from the object file.

Using Raw Binary Data as Input

If you'd like to use raw data as input, use the --raw-binary flag:

inspector-gadget --arch x86_64 --raw-binary /tmp/grep_text_dump.bin

Note: when using --raw-binary, the binary's architecture and endianness must be specified manually. Endianness will default to little-endian if the --endianness flag is not passed, as it is significantly more common. --arch must always be passed when using --raw-binary.

Implementation Details

inspector-gadget is built on the Capstone disassembly framework, and supports gadget-finding for every available Capstone disassembly architecture. The disassembly and gadget-finding process is heavily multithreaded using a work queue of pre-calculated search start addresses and the rayon data-parallelism library.

After using Capstone to find valid gadgets, inspector-gadget uses a custom tree-based data structure to de-duplicate any gadgets that can be found at multiple addresses within the binary.

Up until this point, the mnemonic strings for the gadgets' instructions haven't been accessed or stored anywhere, so inspector-gadget then uses Capstone to disassemble all of the unique gadgets that have been found and generate their final mnemonic strings.

Due to the short length of the gadgets and the significantly smaller number of operations required when compared to the original search, this second disassembly pass both saves a significant amount of memory usage and is significantly faster than if the mnemonic strings had been stored during the initial pass.

inspector-gadget also implements object file parsing for the PE/COFF, ELF, and Mach-O file formats, as well as support for raw input blobs.

Further Documentation

Documentation is available on

Functions and structures are all commented using Rust's doc comments, so rust doc should generate pretty good documentation.


On my test box, it takes less than 10 seconds to find every gadget in an Android arm64 build of, the dylib used by Chrome and the Android system webview:

time target/release/inspector-gadget test_bins/ > /dev/null
real    0m9.758s

The next-best option was Ropper, which took about 35 minutes and didn't bother de-duplicating or sorting the gadgets that it found.

A Windows x86_64 build of xul.dll, the Firefox dylib, took about a minute and a half to process:

time target/release/inspector-gadget test_bins/xul.dll > /dev/null
real    1m25.907s

I gave up waiting on an actual number from Ropper after about 3 hours, but anecdotally it used to be a "run it overnight" sort of problem.

When targeting smaller binaries, results are near-instant:

time target/release/inspector-gadget test_bins/apple-mfi-fastcharge.ko
real    0m0.113s

TODO(garnt): collect better data and make some graphs.


inspector-gadget is licensed under GPLv3.

Commit count: 20

cargo fmt