
created_at2020-04-03 20:08:33.445555
updated_at2021-01-05 14:07:17.306131
descriptionA parser for JVM hprof heap dumps
Marshall Pierce (marshallpierce)



A parsing library for the hprof file format, which is used for JVM heap dumps.

The library is available as a crate. A number of tools built on top of the library are available in examples/ that may be of interest as ready-to-go tools (particularly ref-count-graph, see Tools below) or as starting points for your own tools.


If you don't have the Rust toolchain, install rustup, which installs the latest stable compiler by default.

Use one of the tools provided by the analyze_hprof example, in this case producing a CSV of the instance count for each class in a heap dump.

cargo run --release --example analyze_hprof -- \
 -f path/to/heapdump.hprof -t 4 \


Instance count,Instance size (bytes),Total shallow instance size (bytes),Class name,Class obj id

If you have very fast storage and a large enough heap dump to notice the difference, try increasing the number of threads used for parsing (-t).


The library parses the mmap'd contents of an hprof file. This allows parsing enormous heap dumps without being constrained by the available system memory, as well as zero-copy parsing. Parsing a Utf8 record type, for instance, results in a stack-allocated struct with an 8-byte id and a &[u8] slice that simply points into the mapped file contents.

While it would be possible (and interesting) to push the zero-copy part further by making even ids simply read from the underlying slice, eagerly parsing those ids hasn't proven to be a performance bottleneck so it hasn't been tackled yet.

Since larger heap dumps are broken up into 2GiB segments, any heap dump large enough to take a noticeable time to parse can be processed in parallel, and a handful of cores will saturate even fast NVMe storage's read throughput. The instance-count tool (see below), for instance, is parallelized and parses heap dumps at 2100-2200MiB/s with 4x 3.5GHz Broadwell cores on an NVMe drive rated for 600,000 IOPS random read at 4KiB (~2300MiB/s). By 6 cores, the drive is completely saturated.


There are a number of tools available as subcommands via the analyze_hprof example, a few of which are described in more detail below. To see the available subcommands:

cargo run --release --example analyze_hprof -- help

Top level args, which are followed by the chosen subcommand:

  • -f - the hprof file to parse
  • -t - optional; the number of threads to use (for tools that parallelize)

Some tools produce dot files to be used with Graphviz.

Subcommand: build-index

Some tools need to look up the class id for each object id. Keeping a separate on-disk index rather than building an in-memory map allows processing very large heap dumps that would otherwise require prohibitive amounts of memory to keep track of billions of object ids.

To create an index for a heap dump:

cargo run --release --example analyze_hprof -- \
    -f path/to/your.hprof \
    build-index \
    -o path/to/index

Subcommand: ref-count-graph

Rather than producing a graph of individual objects and the reference relationships between them, this graphs the relationships between them.

Consider classes Foo and Bar, where Foo has a field b of type Bar (never null). If there are 172893 instances of Foo (and Bar), instead of having a graph with 172893 nodes for Foo objects depicted in it, and another 172893 nodes for the Bar objects that the Foos refer to, there will be two nodes: one for Foo and one for Bar, with an edge between them with a weight of 172893. This way, patterns of object relationships pop out visually even on huge heap dumps that would be intractable to inspect object by object.

--min-edge-count sets the threshold for how many references there must be from a given field to another type for it to be included in the graph. Smaller numbers will show more nodes in the graph at the cost of more visual clutter.

This is the output produced with --min-edge-count 100 on the heap dump of a newly started JVM (click to see full size):

ref count with min edge 100

And with --min-edge-count 1000, aggressively filtering away less common edges:

ref count with min edge 1000

To produce the graph, first build an index for your hprof as shown above, then use it with --index:

cargo run --release --example analyze_hprof -- \
    -f path/to/your.hprof \
    ref-count-graph \
    --index path/to/index \
    --min-edge-count 50 \
    -o path/to/ref-count.dot
dot -Tsvg path/to/ref-count.dot -o path/to/ref-count.svg

Subcommand: instance-counts

Output a CSV of the instance count for each class, ordered by count.

cargo run --release --example analyze_hprof -- \
    -f path/to/your.hprof \

Subcommand: class-hierarchy

Ever wanted to know the class inheritance hierarchy for every loaded class in visual form? Wonder no more. The tool produces a .dot description of a graph, which is then rendered with GraphViz's dot.

cargo run --release --example analyze_hprof -- \
    -f path/to/your.hprof \
    class-hierarchy \
    -o path/to/class-hierarchy.dot
dot -Tsvg path/to/class-hierarchy.dot -o path/to/class-hierarchy.svg

Subcommand: dump-objects

When you just want to see the data in every field of every object.

cargo run --release --example analyze_hprof -- \
    -f path/to/your.hprof \

Generating sample heaps

The sample-dump-tool sub-directory can generate a few different shapes of object graph for your heap analysis amusement.

To see the available subcommands:

cd sample-dump-tool
./gradlew run

And to generate an .hprof that shows different collection types, for example:

./gradlew run --args collections

Why write a JVM heap dump tool in Rust?

I worked a little bit with (and on) jheappo, a conceptually-similar library written in Java, which was fun, but left me wanting more:

  • It was based on InputStream, so parsing couldn't trivially be parallelized, and required copying all data several times
  • Each parsed record was heap-allocated, which was convenient, but not always desirable (GC pressure, constantly flushing the cache, etc)
  • Java object overhead for each parsed object meant that accumulating collections of info on objects, etc, took up more memory than it otherwise might
  • Hprof uses unsigned numeric types in a number of places, which Java can't natively represent
  • Algebraic data types / sum types are nice when using or writing parsers, but Java doesn't have them

Zero-copy parsing in Rust had been on my to-do list for a while, and I had a > billion object heap dump to investigate that crushed every existing heap dump analysis tool I could find, so...

Commit count: 0

cargo fmt