
created_at2022-02-18 20:01:26.299915
updated_at2022-06-27 18:13:10.160943
descriptionA daemon for managing the pinephone keyboard case battery
Eric Stokes (estokes)




Megi is integrating this functionality into the kernel, which is where it belongs. As such, this project is now deprecated. Hopefully the kernel functionality will roll out very soon.

UPDATE: 2022-06:

I can't say I know what's going on with this. The sysfs entries kbpwrd depends on first disappeared, then megi announced the kernel power driver, now they are back with different names and the kernel power driver doesn't seem to be doing anything. As such I've updated the paths and I am once again running this daemon on my manjaro phosh device.

PinePhone (Pro) Keyboard Case Power Manager

As described in Megi's blog, the dual battery nature of the keyboard case and the PinePhone present some power management challenges that need to be solved in software. This little daemon is meant to get optimal run times out of the system, as well as respond to changes in charging state.

Theory of Operation

Moving charge around is an inherently wasteful thing to do, one looses energy at the step up to usb voltage, the step down from usb to charge voltage, and in the charging itself. The most efficient thing to do in a dual battery system is for each battery to contribute to powering the load in proportion to it's capacity, thereby eliminating at least the charging losses (the step up and step down is unavoidable). As such this daemon seeks to do exactly that, within the limits of the hardware.

It seeks to both avoid charging the internal battery with the keyboard battery, and to keep both batteries at roughly the same state of charge, by changing the input current limit of the internal battery in response to the current load and a set of heristics. The only exception to this rule is that it will charge the internal battery if it falls below 30%, to prevent the phone from completely discharging while the keyboard battery still has capacity (quite critical on the PPP, as a complete discharge there can mean spending hours in maskrom mode before a bootup is possible).

There are a few benefits to this approach,

  • LiPo batteries (and batteries in general) are more efficient at light loads relative to their capacity, so we should get longer runtimes at e.g. C/10 vs at C/2
  • To some extent this is also true for power electronics
  • Since we roughly match the state of charge of the keyboard to the phone, the phone's fuel gauge is a reasonable approximation of the actual state of charge.

Current State

Now working on the pinephone and pinephone pro. The pinephone has an unfortunate kernel bug that causes it to report the absolute value of the current instead of the actual value. This issue combined with the problem that the battery state is always Charging if a charger is connected, even if the battery is actually discharging, means that I have to use a heuristic to guess when the battery is discharging. It works fine most of the time, but there will be cases where I guess wrong. This isn't as bad as it sounds, since the default limit of 500mA is almost always the correct value for the pinephone.

The powerbank ic in use in the keyboard does not really deal well with balacing charging it's own battery and feeding the load. If you leave it at the default current limit and increase the phone current limit when both batteries are deeply discharged it will draw too much current and shutdown/restart in a loop while getting pretty warm. The daemon manages the limits when charging in order to prevent this from happening. It will always try to keep both batteries charging, but will prioritize the main battery so the phone doesn't run out of power and turn off. It tries to keep within safe limits, and as a result might not charge quite as fast as would be technically possible.


  • Guess the keyboard battery state of charge in order to make a better descision about which battery should take the load

  • Gather more runtime data


If you have rust installed you can build it with

$ cargo install kbpwrd

I may post binaries for poplar distros. Hopefully it will get packaged. Because this software runs as root, you should read it, or have someone you trust read it before running it. I know there have been malware incidents in the pine community recently. This isn't malware, but don't take my word for it!


Right now it's in an early stage of development and testing, so it doesn't daemonize, and I didn't write systemd startup units or init scripts yet. I run it as root in a terminal with logging turned on.

[root@sasami-chan ~]$ RUST_LOG=info {path-to-binary}/kbpwrd

it will then print log messages every second

2022-04-01T01:34:46Z INFO  kbpwrd] ph v: 3923, a: 469, s: Charging, l: 850, c: 47, kb v: 4071, a: 1527, s: Charging, l: 1500, c: 48, act: Pass

currents are in mA and voltages are in mV. 'l' is the input current limit. The first part of the line referrs to the phone, the second to the keyboard, and the action describes what the daemon plans to do this cycle (e.g. raise, lower, set to default the input current limit on the phone).

When running the daemon you should observe your main battery discharging, but much more slowly than it normally would.

Commit count: 73

cargo fmt