
created_at2024-11-03 23:51:23.499994
updated_at2024-11-29 00:24:10.18461
descriptionThe way to interact and learn stuff
Cargo.toml error:TOML parse error at line 18, column 1 | 18 | autolib = false | ^^^^^^^ unknown field `autolib`, expected one of `name`, `version`, `edition`, `authors`, `description`, `readme`, `license`, `repository`, `homepage`, `documentation`, `build`, `resolver`, `links`, `default-run`, `default_dash_run`, `rust-version`, `rust_dash_version`, `rust_version`, `license-file`, `license_dash_file`, `license_file`, `licenseFile`, `license_capital_file`, `forced-target`, `forced_dash_target`, `autobins`, `autotests`, `autoexamples`, `autobenches`, `publish`, `metadata`, `keywords`, `categories`, `exclude`, `include`
Colin Roberts (Autoparallel)




A Rust-powered academic research management system

Library Crates.io docs.rs   |   CLI Crates.io CI License

learner header

Features Installation Usage Configuration Roadmap Contributing Development License Acknowledgements


  • Paper Metadata Management

    • Support for arXiv, IACR, and DOI sources
    • Automatic source detection from URLs or identifiers
    • Full metadata extraction including authors and abstracts
  • Local Database

    • SQLite-based storage with full-text search
    • Configurable document storage
    • Platform-specific defaults
  • Interactive Interfaces

    • Terminal User Interface (TUI) with vim-style navigation
    • Command-line interface (CLI) for scripting and automation with shell CLI completions
    • Search, filter, and preview functionality
    • Document management and viewing
    • Daemon support for background operations



learner = { version = "*" }  # Uses latest version

CLI Tool

cargo +nightly install learnerd --features tui

This installs both the CLI tool and TUI interface, accessible via the learner command.

To obtain shell completions for learner:

# replace fish with your shell: bash, zsh or whatever
# then, move completions to somewhere reasonable, and source them from your shell setup config.
learner -g fish > learner_completions.fish
source learner_completions.fish


Library Usage

use learner::{Paper, Database};

async fn main() -> Result> {
    let db = Database::open(Database::default_path()).await?;
    // Add papers from various sources
    let paper = Paper::new("https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.07041").await?;
    // Download associated document
    let storage = Database::default_storage_path();

Command Line Interface

# Initialize database
learner init --default-retrievers

# Add papers
learner add 2301.07041
learner add "https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.07041" --pdf
learner add "10.1145/1327452.1327492" --no-pdf

# Search papers
learner search "quantum computing"
learner search "quantum" --author "Feynman" --detailed
learner search "neural" --source arxiv --before 2023

# Remove papers
learner remove "outdated paper"
learner remove "temp" --force --remove-pdf

Terminal User Interface

If you install with

cargo install learnerd --features tui

you can get access to a Terminal User Interface (TUI). To launch the interactive TUI just do:


TUI navigation:

  • /k, /j: Navigate papers
  • /h, /l: Switch panes
  • :: Enter command mode
  • o: Open selected PDF
  • q: Quit

TUI commands:

:add      # Add a paper
:remove   # Remove paper(s)
:search   # Search papers

(TODO:) Search within TUI supports all filters:

:search "quantum" --author "Feynman"
:search "neural" --source arxiv --before 2023

System Daemon Management

learnerd can run as a background service for paper monitoring and updates. Currently, there are no distinct processes it runs but there is a tracking issue: issue #83.

System Service

# Install and start
sudo learnerd daemon install
sudo systemctl enable --now learnerd  # Linux
sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/learnerd.daemon.plist  # macOS

# Remove
sudo learnerd daemon uninstall


  • Linux: /var/log/learnerd/
  • macOS: /Library/Logs/learnerd/

Files: learnerd.log (main, rotated daily), stdout.log, stderr.log


  • Permission Errors: Check ownership of log directories
  • Won't Start: Check system logs and remove stale PID file if present
  • Installation: Run commands as root/sudo


The learner system uses a flexible configuration system that allows customization of paper sources, storage paths, and retrieval behavior.

Default Locations

  • Config:

    • Linux: ~/.config/learner/config.toml
    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/learner/config.toml
    • Windows: %APPDATA%\learner\config.toml
  • Database:

    • Linux: ~/.local/share/learner/learner.db
    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/learner/learner.db
    • Windows: %APPDATA%\learner\learner.db
  • Papers:

    • Linux/macOS: ~/Documents/learner/papers
    • Windows: Documents\learner\papers

Configuration File

The configuration file (config.toml) allows you to customize:

# Base configuration
database_path = "/custom/path/to/db.sqlite" # Where the datbase itself is stored
storage_path = "/custom/path/to/papers"     # Where the documents are stored
retrievers_path = "/custom/path/to/papers"  # Where configuration for retrievers are stored

Adding Custom Sources

  1. Create a source configuration in TOML:
name = "New Paper Source"
base_url = "https://api.example.com"
pattern = "^PREFIX-\\d+$"  # Regex for identifier validation
endpoint_template = "/api/v1/papers/{identifier}"
headers = { "API-Key" = "your-key" }  # Optional headers

# For JSON responses
response_format = { type = "json" }
field_maps.title = { path = "data.title" }
field_maps.abstract = { path = "data.description" }
field_maps.pdf_url = { 
    path = "data.files.pdf",
    transform = { type = "url", base = "https://cdn.example.com", suffix = ".pdf" }

# For XML responses
response_format = { type = "xml" }
field_maps.title = { path = "paper/title" }
field_maps.authors = { path = "paper/authors/author" }

Put this TOML configuration file in your ~/.learner/retrievers/ (or equivalent) directory. Examples can be found in crates/learner/config/retrievers/.

Source Requirements

Custom sources must provide:

  1. A unique identifier pattern (regex)
  2. An API endpoint that returns paper metadata
  3. Field mappings for required metadata:
    • Title
    • Authors
    • Abstract
    • Publication date
    • Optional: PDF URL, DOI

Supported Response Formats

  • JSON:

    • Path-based field extraction
    • Value transformations (dates, URLs)
    • Array handling for authors/references
  • XML:

    • XPath-style field selection
    • Namespace handling
    • Multiple value aggregation

Project Structure

  1. learner - Core library

    • Paper metadata extraction and management
    • Database operations and search
    • PDF handling and source-specific clients
    • Error handling and type safety
  2. learnerd - CLI application

    • Paper and document management interface
    • System daemon capabilities
    • Logging and diagnostics


  • Generic LLM integration (similar to the configurable Retriever abstraction)
  • RAG system
  • Document version control and annotations
  • Paper discovery and streaming
  • Configurable daemon process (e.g., watch file system, RSS, automated LLM querying)
  • REST API and Daemonize so learner can be a plugin with/for other apps (e.g., Raycast, Syncthing)
  • Database improvements (more searchable fields, tags, organization)
  • TUI improvements (organization, flexibility, in-terminal paper reading)
  • Citation analysis and related works.


Contributions welcome! Please open an issue before making major changes.

CI Workflow

Our automated pipeline ensures:

  • Code Quality

    • rustfmt and taplo for consistent formatting
    • clippy for Rust best practices
    • cargo-udeps for dependency management
    • cargo-semver-checks for API compatibility
  • Testing

    • Full test suite across workspace and platforms

All checks must pass before merging pull requests.


This project uses just as a command runner.

# Setup
cargo install just
just setup

# Common commands
just test       # run tests
just fmt        # format code
just ci         # run all checks
just build-all  # build all targets

[!TIP] Running just setup and just ci locally is a quick way to get up to speed and see that the repo is working on your system!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Made for making learning sh*t less annoying.
Commit count: 81

cargo fmt