
created_at2023-09-13 17:57:52.426319
updated_at2023-09-13 17:57:52.426319
descriptionThe liquid templating language for Rust
Jarrod Overson (jsoverson)





*               NOTE: THIS IS A TEMPORARY FORK OF LIQUID-RUST                  *
*                                                                              *
* Once either of the following PRs (or suitable) lands this will be deprecated *
* - https://github.com/cobalt-org/liquid-rust/pull/496                         *
* - https://github.com/cobalt-org/liquid-rust/pull/492                         *

Original README below

Liquid templating for Rust

Crates Status Dependency Status


  1. Conformant. Incompatibilities with strict shopify/liquid are bugs to be fixed.
  2. Flexible. Liquid embraces variants for different domains and we want to follow in that spirit.
  3. Performant. Do the best we can within what is conformant.

Example applications using liquid-rust:


To include liquid in your project add the following to your Cargo.toml:

$ cargo add liquid


let template = liquid::ParserBuilder::with_stdlib()
    .parse("Liquid! {{num | minus: 2}}").unwrap();

let mut globals = liquid::object!({
    "num": 4f64

let output = template.render(&globals).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "Liquid! 2".to_string());

You can find a reference on Liquid syntax here.

Customizing Liquid

Language Variants

By default, liquid-rust has no filters, tags, or blocks. You can enable the default set or pick and choose which to add to suite your application.

Create your own filters

Creating your own filters is very easy. Filters are simply functions or closures that take an input Value and a Vec<Value> of optional arguments and return a Value to be rendered or consumed by chained filters.

See filters/ for what a filter implementation looks like. You can then register it by calling liquid::ParserBuilder::filter.

Create your own tags

Tags are made up of two parts, the initialization and the rendering.

Initialization happens when the parser hits a Liquid tag that has your designated name. You will have to specify a function or closure that will then return a Renderable object to do the rendering.

See include_tag.rs for what a tag implementation looks like. You can then register it by calling liquid::ParserBuilder::tag.

Create your own tag blocks

Blocks work very similar to Tags. The only difference is that blocks contain other markup, which is why block initialization functions take another argument, a list of Elements that are inside the specified block.

See comment_block.rs for what a block implementation looks like. You can then register it by calling liquid::ParserBuilder::block.

Commit count: 1420

cargo fmt