
created_at2020-02-23 14:23:31.002705
updated_at2020-10-23 15:16:59.708315
descriptionrust-lv2's core library
Adrien Prokopowicz (prokopyl)



Rust-LV2's core library.

The foundation of rust-lv2, a safe, fast, and ergonomic framework to create LV2 plugins for audio processing, written in Rust.

This crate provides the Plugin trait along with some utilities, which lets you create a basic audio plugin with the option to use host and plugin extensions.


This example contains the code of a simple amplification plugin. Please note that this isn't the only thing required to create a plugin, see the documentation below for more details.

// Import everything we need.
use lv2_core::prelude::*;

// The input and output ports are defined by a struct which implements the `PortCollection` trait.
// In this case, there is an input control port for the gain of the amplification, an input audio
// port and an output audio port.
struct Ports {
    gain: InputPort<Control>,
    input: InputPort<Audio>,
    output: OutputPort<Audio>,

// The plugin struct. In this case, we don't need any data and therefore, this struct is empty.
struct Amp;

// LV2 uses URIs to identify types. This association is expressed via the `UriBound` trait, which
// tells the framework that the type `Amp` is identified by the given URI.
// This trait is unsafe to implement since you **need** to include the \0 character at the end of
// the string.

// The implementation of the `Plugin` trait, which turns `Amp` into a plugin.
impl Plugin for Amp {
    // Tell the framework which ports this plugin has.
    type Ports = Ports;
    // We don't need any special host features; We can leave them out.
    type InitFeatures = ();
    type AudioFeatures = ();

    // Create a new instance of the plugin; Trivial in this case.
    fn new(_plugin_info: &PluginInfo, _features: &mut ()) -> Option<Self> {

    // Process a chunk of audio. The audio ports are dereferenced to slices, which the plugin
    // iterates over.
    fn run(&mut self, ports: &mut Ports, _features: &mut ()) {
        let coef = if *(ports.gain) > -90.0 {
            10.0_f32.powf(*(ports.gain) * 0.05)
        } else {

        for (in_frame, out_frame) in Iterator::zip(ports.input.iter(), ports.output.iter_mut()) {
            *out_frame = in_frame * coef;

// Generate the plugin descriptor function which exports the plugin to the outside world.


The original LV2 API (in the C programming language) is documented by "the LV2 book". This book is in the process of being translated to Rust along with the development of rust-lv2 (link) and describes how to properly use rust-lv2.


Like any other crate of rust-lv2, this crate has the optional host feature. Some of the types defined by some crates are only useful for testing or LV2 hosts. Since the goal of this framework is to provide an easy way to create plugins, these aren't necessary and therefore gated behind that feature.


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Commit count: 709

cargo fmt