
created_at2024-03-09 18:23:09.972041
updated_at2024-10-27 01:03:45.480455
descriptionFormat markdown code snippets using your favorite code formatters
Mads Hougesen (hougesen)




Format markdown code snippets using your favorite code formatters.

mdsf 0.3.0
Format markdown code snippets using your favorite code formatters
Mads Hougesen <>

Usage: mdsf <COMMAND>

  format       Run formatters on input files
  verify       Verify files are formatted
  init         Create a new mdsf config
  completions  Generate shell completion
  cache-prune  Remove old caches
  help         Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version


The latest version of mdsf can be downloaded directly from


Linux & MacOS

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -LsSf | sh


powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -c "irm | iex"


Install using the published crate:

cargo install mdsf --locked

or directly from source:

git clone

cargo install --path ./mdsf --bin mdsf

If you do not have Cargo installed, you need to install it first.


You can install mdsf using npm:

npm install -g mdsf-cli

mdsf format .

or run it directly using npx:

npx mdsf-cli format .


brew install hougesen/tap/mdsf


mdsf format
Run formatters on input files

Usage: mdsf format [OPTIONS] [INPUT]...

  [INPUT]...  Path to files and/or directories

      --config <CONFIG>        Path to config
      --debug                  Log stdout and stderr of formatters
      --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>  [possible values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, off]
      --threads <THREADS>      Amount of threads to use. Defaults to 0 (auto)
      --cache                  Only format changed codeblocks
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version

Verify code is formatted

mdsf verify docs/
Verify files are formatted

Usage: mdsf verify [OPTIONS] [INPUT]...

  [INPUT]...  Path to files and/or directories

      --config <CONFIG>        Path to config
      --debug                  Log stdout and stderr of formatters
      --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>  [possible values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, off]
      --threads <THREADS>      Amount of threads to use. Defaults to 0 (auto)
  -h, --help                   Print help
  -V, --version                Print version


The default configuration of mdsf aims to as sane as possible. For that reason the default formatter for each language is the one most people have installed.

If you are interested in customizing which formatter is run, you can create a new mdsf configuration file by running

mdsf init

mdsf supports running multiple formatters on the save code snippet.

  "languages": {
    // Only run `ruff` on Python snippets,
    "python": "ruff",
    // Run `usort` on file and then `black`
    "python": ["usort", "black"],
    // Run `usort`, if that fails run `isort`, finally run `black`
    "python": [["usort", "isort"], "black"],

    // Formatters listed under "*" will be run on any snippet.
    "*": ["typos"],

    // Formatters listed under "_" will only be run when there is not formatter configured for the file type OR globally ("*").
    "_": "prettier"


[!NOTE] mdsf is not a package manager.

Only tools that are already installed will be used.

mdsf currently supports 214 commands. Feel free to open an issue/pull-request if your favorite tool is missing! 😃

Name Command
alejandra alejandra --quiet PATH
ameba ameba --fix PATH
asmfmt asmfmt -w PATH
astyle astyle --quiet PATH
auto-optional auto-optional PATH
autocorrect autocorrect --fix PATH
autoflake autoflake --quiet --in-place PATH
autopep8 autopep8 --in-place PATH
beancount-black bean-black PATH
beautysh beautysh PATH
bibtex-tidy bibtex-tidy -m PATH
bicep:format bicep format PATH
biome:check biome check --write PATH
biome:format biome format --write PATH
biome:lint biome lint --write PATH
black black --quiet PATH
blade-formatter blade-formatter --write PATH
blue blue --quiet PATH
bpfmt bpfmt -w PATH
brittany brittany --write-mode=inplace PATH
brunette brunette --quiet PATH
bsfmt bsfmt PATH --write
bslint bslint --fix PATH
buf:format buf format --write PATH
buildifier buildifier PATH
cabal-fmt cabal-fmt --inplace PATH
cabal-prettify cabal-prettify PATH
cabal:format cabal format PATH
caddy:fmt caddy fmt PATH -w
caramel:fmt caramel fmt PATH
clang-format clang-format -i PATH
clang-tidy clang-tidy --fix PATH
cljfmt:fix cljfmt fix PATH
cljstyle cljstyle fix PATH
codespell codespell PATH --check-hidden --write-changes
crlfmt crlfmt -w PATH
crystal:format crystal tool format PATH
csharpier dotnet csharpier PATH
css-beautify css-beautify -r --type css -f PATH
csscomb csscomb -t PATH
d2:fmt d2 fmt PATH
dart:fix dart fix --apply PATH
dart:format dart format PATH
dcm:fix dcm fix PATH
dcm:format dcm format PATH
deno:fmt deno fmt --quiet PATH
deno:lint deno lint --fix PATH
dfmt dfmt -i PATH
dhall dhall format PATH
djade djade PATH
djlint djlint PATH --reformat
docformatter docformatter --in-place PATH
dockfmt dockfmt fmt -w PATH
docstrfmt docstrfmt PATH
doctoc doctoc PATH
dotenv-linter:fix dotenv-linter fix PATH
dprint:fmt dprint fmt PATH
easy-coding-standard ecs check PATH --fix --no-interaction
efmt efmt -w PATH
elm-format elm-format --elm-version=0.19 --yes PATH
erb-formatter erb-format PATH --write
erlfmt erlfmt -w PATH_STRING
eslint eslint --fix PATH
fantomas fantomas PATH
fish_indent fish_indent -w PATH
fixjson fixjson -w PATH
floskell floskell PATH
fnlfmt fnlfmt PATH
forge:fmt forge fmt PATH
fourmolu fourmolu -i PATH
fprettify fprettify PATH
gci gci write --skip-generated --skip-vender PATH
gdformat gdformat PATH
gersemi gersemi -i -q PATH
gleam:format gleam format PATH
gluon:fmt gluon fmt PATH
gofmt gofmt -w PATH
gofumpt gofumpt -w PATH
goimports-reviser goimports-reviser -format PATH
goimports goimports -w PATH
golines golines -w PATH
google-java-format google-java-format -i PATH
grain:format grain format PATH -o PATH
haml-lint haml-lint --auto-correct PATH
hfmt hfmt -w PATH
hindent hindent PATH
hlint hlint --refactor -i PATH
html-beautify html-beautify -r --type html -f PATH
htmlbeautifier htmlbeautifier PATH
imba:fmt imba fmt -f PATH
isort isort --quiet PATH
joker joker --format --write PATH
js-beautify js-beautify -r --type js -f PATH
json5format json5format -r PATH
jsona:format jsona format PATH
jsona:lint jsona lint PATH
jsonlint jsonlint -i PATH
jsonnetfmt jsonnetfmt -i PATH
juliaformatter.jl julia -E using JuliaFormatter;format_file(\"\")
just just --fmt --unstable --justfile PATH
kcl:fmt kcl fmt PATH
kdlfmt kdlfmt format PATH
kdoc-formatter kdoc-formatter --quiet PATH
ktfmt ktfmt --format --log-level=error PATH
ktlint ktlint --format --log-level=error PATH
kulala-fmt kulala-fmt PATH
leptosfmt leptosfmt --quiet PATH
liquidsoap-prettier liquidsoap-prettier --write PATH
luaformatter lua-format -i PATH
markdownfmt markdownfmt -w PATH
markdownlint-cli2 markdownlint-cli2 --fix PATH
markdownlint markdownlint --fix PATH
markuplint markuplint --fix PATH
mdformat mdformat PATH
mdslw mdslw PATH
misspell misspell -w PATH
mix:format mix format PATH
mojo:format mojo format -q PATH
nginxbeautifier nginxbeautifier PATH
nickel:format nickel format PATH
nimpretty nimpretty PATH
nixfmt nixfmt PATH
nixpkgs-fmt nixpkgs-fmt PATH
nph nph PATH
npm-groovy-lint npm-groovy-lint --format PATH
ocamlformat ocamlformat --ignore-invalid-option --inplace --enable-outside-detected-project PATH
ocp-indent ocp-indent --inplace PATH
opa:fmt opa fmt PATH -w
ormolu ormolu --mode inplace PATH
oxlint oxlint --fix PATH
packer:fmt packer fmt PATH
perltidy perltidy -b PATH
pg_format pg_format --inplace PATH
php-cs-fixer:fix php-cs-fixer fix PATH
phpcbf phpcbf PATH
phpinsights:fix phpinsights fix PATH --no-interaction --quiet
pint pint PATH
prettier prettier --embedded-language-formatting off --log-level error --write PATH
pretty-php pretty-php PATH
prettypst prettypst PATH
protolint protolint lint -fix PATH
puppet-lint puppet-lint --fix PATH
purs-tidy purs-tidy format-in-place PATH
purty purty --write PATH
pycln pycln --no-gitignore --quiet PATH
pyink pyink --quiet PATH
pyment pyment -w PATH
qmlfmt qmlfmt -w PATH
raco:fmt raco fmt -i PATH
refmt refmt --in-place PATH
reformat-gherkin reformat-gherkin PATH
reorder-python-imports reorder-python-imports PATH
rescript:format rescript format PATH
roc:format roc format PATH
rstfmt rstfmt PATH
rubocop rubocop --fix-layout --autocorrect --format quiet PATH
rubyfmt rubyfmt -i PATH
ruff:check ruff check --fix --quiet PATH
ruff:format ruff format --quiet PATH
rufo rufo --simple-exit PATH
rune:fmt rune fmt PATH
rustfmt rustfmt --edition 2021 --quiet PATH
rustywind rustywind --write PATH
scalafmt scalafmt --quiet --mode any PATH
scalariform scalariform PATH
shellharden shellharden --transform --replace PATH
shfmt shfmt --write PATH
sleek sleek PATH
smlfmt smlfmt --force PATH
snakefmt snakefmt PATH
sql-formatter sql-formatter --fix PATH
sqlfluff:fix sqlfluff fix --dialect ansi PATH
sqlfluff:format sqlfluff format --dialect ansi PATH
sqlfmt sqlfmt PATH
sqruff sqruff fix PATH
standardjs standard --fix PATH
standardrb standardrb --fix PATH
stylefmt stylefmt PATH
stylelint stylelint --fix PATH
stylish-haskell stylish-haskell --inplace PATH
stylua stylua --verify PATH
superhtml:fmt superhtml fmt PATH
swift-format swift-format --in-place PATH
swiftformat swiftformat --quiet PATH
taplo taplo format PATH
templ:fmt templ fmt PATH
terraform:fmt terraform fmt -write=true PATH
terragrunt:hclfmt terragrunt hclfmt --terragrunt-hclfmt-file PATH
tlint:format tlint format PATH
tofu:fmt tofu fmt -write=true PATH
topiary topiary format PATH
ts-standard ts-standard --fix PATH
tsqllint tsqllint --fix PATH
twig-cs-fixer:lint twig-cs-fixer lint PATH --fix --no-interaction --quiet
typos typos -w --no-ignore --hidden PATH
typstfmt typstfmt PATH
typstyle typstyle -i PATH
ufmt ufmt format PATH
uiua:fmt uiua fmt PATH
usort usort format PATH
v:fmt v fmt -w PATH
veryl:fmt veryl fmt PATH
vhdl-style-guide vsg -f PATH --fix
wfindent wfindent PATH
xmlformat xmlformat --overwrite PATH
xmllint xmllint --format PATH --output PATH
xo xo --fix PATH
yamlfix yamlfix PATH
yamlfmt yamlfmt -quiet PATH
yapf yapf --in-place PATH
yew-fmt yew-fmt --edition 2021 --quiet PATH
zig:fmt zig fmt PATH
ziggy:fmt ziggy fmt PATH
zprint zprint -w PATH

Shell completions

Shell completions can be generated using mdsf completions <SHELL>.

Generate shell completion

Usage: mdsf completions <SHELL>

  <SHELL>  [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version


Add the following to your .bashrc.

eval "$(mdsf completions bash)"


Add the following to your .zshrc.

eval "$(mdsf completions zsh)"


Add the following to ~/.config/fish/

mdsf completions fish | source


Add the following to your PowerShell configuration (Can be found by running $PROFILE).

Invoke-Expression (&mdsf completions powershell)


Add the following to ~/.elvish/rc.elv.

eval (mdsf completions elvish)


mdsf was inspired by the amazing neovim formatting plugin conform.nvim.

Alternatives to mdsf

Commit count: 498

cargo fmt