❯ badge --help
Usage: badge -s <subject> [--style <style>] [--size <size>] [--color <color>] [--icon <icon>] [--icon-color <icon-color>] [--out <out>] [-t <text>] [--data <data>]
Fast badge generator for any purpose
-s, --subject badge subject
--style badge style. [possible values: flat | f, classic | c]
--size badge size. [possible values: large | l, medium | m, small | s]
--color badge color. Must be a valid css color
--icon badge icon. icon can be any Brand or Solid icons from fontawesome
--icon-color icon color. Must be a valid css color
--out output svg to file
-t, --text badge text
--data data for badge chart.
--help display usage information