
created_at2019-11-18 17:57:25.111978
updated_at2023-10-29 22:48:10.170452
descriptionThe minimal, obvious, graphical, widget application interface.
Schell Carl Scivally (schell)




minimal, obvious, graphical web application interface

mogwai is a view library for creating GUI applications. It is written in Rust and runs in your browser and has enough functionality server-side to do rendering. It is an alternative to React, Backbone, Ember, Elm, Purescript, etc.


  • provide a declarative approach to creating and managing view nodes
  • encapsulate component state and compose components easily
  • explicate view mutation
  • be small and fast (aka keep it snappy)


The main concepts behind mogwai are

  • sinks and streams instead of callbacks

    View events like click, mouseover, etc are sent through streams instead of invoking a callback. Streams can be mapped, filtered and folded.

  • widget views are dumb

    A view is just a struct that mutates the UI tree after receiving a message from a stream. Views are constructed and nested using plain Rust functions or an RSX macro.

  • widget logic is one or more async tasks that loop over event messages

    Widgets use asynchronous task loops that receive events from the view and send updates to the view in response.


Here is an example of a button that counts the number of times it has been clicked:

use mogwai_dom::prelude::*;

struct Button {
    clicks: usize,
    click: Output<()>,
    text: Input<String>,

impl Button {
    /// Convert into a `ViewBuilder`
    fn builder(mut self) -> ViewBuilder {
        rsx! (
            button(|_: JsDomEvent| ())) {
                // Using braces we can embed rust values in our UI tree.
                // Here we're creating a text node that starts with the
                // string "Clicked 0 times" which updates every time a
                // message is received on the stream.
                {("Clicked 0 times",}
        ).with_task(async move {
            while let Some(()) = {
                self.clicks += 1;
                self.text.set(if self.clicks == 1 {
                    "Clicked 1 time".to_string()
                } else {
                    format!("Clicked {} times", self.clicks)

let btn = Button::default();
// Get a sink to manually send events.
let mut click_sink =;
// Build the view to render in the browser
let view = Dom::try_from(btn.builder()).unwrap();
// Attach it to the browser's DOM tree;

// Spawn asyncronous updates
wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(async move {
    // Queue some messages for the view as if the button had been clicked:
    // view's html is now "<button>Clicked 2 times</button>"


If you're interested in learning more - please read the introduction and documentation.


  • No vdom diffing keeps updates snappy and the implementation minimal
  • Async logic by default
  • Explicit mutation
  • ViewBuilder allows running on multiple platforms (web, ios, android, desktop, etc)

mogwai uses streams, sinks, a declarative view builder and async logic to define components and how they change over time.

View mutation is explicit and happens as a result of views receiving messages, so there is no performance overhead from vdom diffing.

If you prefer a functional style of programming with lots of maps and folds - or if you're looking to go vroom! then maybe mogwai is right for you :)

Please do keep in mind that mogwai is still in alpha and the API is actively changing - PRs, issues and questions are welcomed. As of the 0.6 release we expect that the API will be relatively backwards compatible.

made for rustaceans, by a rustacean

mogwai is a Rust first library. There is no requirement that you have npm or node. Getting your project up and running without writing any javascript is easy enough.


mogwai is snappy! Here are some very handwavey and sketchy todomvc metrics:

mogwai performance benchmarking

ok - where do i start?

First you'll need new(ish) version of the rust toolchain. For that you can visit and follow the installation instructions.

Then you'll need wasm-pack.

For starting a new mogwai project we'll use the wonderful cargo-generate, which can be installed using cargo install cargo-generate.

Then run

cargo generate --git

and give the command line a project name. Then cd into your sparkling new project and

wasm-pack build --target web

Then, if you don't already have it, cargo install basic-http-server or use your favorite alternative to serve your app:

basic-http-server -a

Happy hacking! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


:green_book: Cooking with Mogwai is a series of example solutions to various UI problems. It aims to be a good reference doc but not a step-by-step tutorial.

group channel :phone:

Hang out and talk about mogwai in the support channel:

more examples please

Examples can be found in the examples folder.

To build the examples use:

wasm-pack build --target web examples/{the example}

Additional external examples include:


Please consider sponsoring the development of this library!

Commit count: 266

cargo fmt