
created_at2024-01-26 08:08:30.404792+00
updated_at2024-04-17 05:17:21.369614+00
descriptionNo description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
Eliot Whalan (ewhal)



Rust API client for moonsdk

No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 1.0.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder in a directory named moonsdk and add the following to Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

moonsdk = { path = "./moonsdk" }

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description

AaveApi | borrow | POST /aave/{name}/borrow | AaveApi | lend | POST /aave/{name}/lend | AaveApi | repay | POST /aave/{name}/repay | AaveApi | user_reserve_data | POST /aave/{name}/user-reserve-data | AccountsApi | broadcast_tx | POST /accounts/{accountName}/broadcast-tx | AccountsApi | create_account | POST /accounts | AccountsApi | delete_account | DELETE /accounts/{accountName} | AccountsApi | deploy_contract | POST /accounts/{accountName}/deploy | AccountsApi | get_account | GET /accounts/{accountName} | AccountsApi | get_balance | GET /accounts/{accountName}/balance | AccountsApi | get_nonce | GET /accounts/{accountName}/nonce | AccountsApi | list_accounts | GET /accounts | AccountsApi | sign_message | POST /accounts/{accountName}/sign-message | AccountsApi | sign_transaction | POST /accounts/{accountName}/sign-transaction | AccountsApi | sign_typed_data | POST /accounts/{accountName}/sign-typed-data | AccountsApi | transfer_eth | POST /accounts/{accountName}/transfer-eth | BitcoinApi | create_bitcoin_account | POST /bitcoin | BitcoinApi | get_bitcoin_account | GET /bitcoin/{accountName} | BitcoinApi | list_bitcoin_accounts | GET /bitcoin | BitcoinApi | sign_bitcoin_transaction | POST /bitcoin/{accountName}/sign-tx | BitcoincashApi | create_bitcoin_cash_account | POST /bitcoincash | BitcoincashApi | get_bitcoin_cash_account | GET /bitcoincash/{accountName} | BitcoincashApi | list_bitcoin_cash_accounts | GET /bitcoincash | BitcoincashApi | sign_bitcoin_cash_transaction | POST /bitcoincash/{accountName}/sign-tx | ConveyorFinanceApi | swap | POST /conveyorfinance/{name}/swap | CosmosApi | create_cosmos_account | POST /cosmos | CosmosApi | get_cosmos_account | GET /cosmos/{accountName} | CosmosApi | list_cosmos_accounts | GET /cosmos | CosmosApi | sign_cosmos_transaction | POST /cosmos/{accountName}/sign-tx | DefaultApi | get_message | GET /ping | DogeCoinApi | create_doge_coin_account | POST /dogecoin | DogeCoinApi | get_doge_coin_account | GET /dogecoin/{accountName} | DogeCoinApi | list_doge_coin_accounts | GET /dogecoin | DogeCoinApi | sign_doge_coin_transaction | POST /dogecoin/{accountName}/sign-tx | EnsApi | resolve | POST /ens/resolve | Erc1155Api | balance_of | POST /erc1155/{name}/balance-of | Erc1155Api | balance_of_batch | POST /erc1155/{name}/balance-of-batch | Erc1155Api | is_approved_for_all | POST /erc1155/{name}/is-approved-for-all | Erc1155Api | safe_batch_transfer_from | POST /erc1155/{name}/safe-batch-transfer-from | Erc1155Api | safe_transfer_from | POST /erc1155/{name}/safe-transfer-from | Erc1155Api | set_approval_for_all | POST /erc1155/{name}/set-approval-for-all | EosApi | create_eos_account | POST /eos | EosApi | get_eos_account | GET /eos/{accountName} | EosApi | list_eos_accounts | GET /eos | EosApi | sign_eos_transaction | POST /eos/{accountName}/sign-tx | Erc20Api | allowance_erc20 | POST /erc20/{name}/allowance | Erc20Api | approve_erc20 | POST /erc20/{name}/approve | Erc20Api | balance_of_erc20 | POST /erc20/{name}/balance-of | Erc20Api | decimals_erc20 | POST /erc20/{name}/decimals | Erc20Api | name_erc20 | POST /erc20/{name}/name | Erc20Api | symbol_erc20 | POST /erc20/{name}/symbol | Erc20Api | total_supply_erc20 | POST /erc20/{name}/total-supply | Erc20Api | transfer_erc20 | POST /erc20/{name}/transfer | Erc20Api | transfer_from_erc20 | POST /erc20/{name}/transfer-from | Erc721Api | approve | POST /erc721/{name}/approve | Erc721Api | balance_of | POST /erc721/{name}/balance-of | Erc721Api | get_approved | POST /erc721/{name}/get-approved | Erc721Api | is_approved_for_all | POST /erc721/{name}/is-approved-for-all | Erc721Api | name | POST /erc721/{name}/name | Erc721Api | owner_of | POST /erc721/{name}/owner-of | Erc721Api | safe_transfer_from | POST /erc721/{name}/safe-transfer-from | Erc721Api | set_approval_for_all | POST /erc721/{name}/set-approval-for-all | Erc721Api | symbol | POST /erc721/{name}/symbol | Erc721Api | token_uri | POST /erc721/{name}/token-uri | Erc721Api | transfer | POST /erc721/{name}/transfer | Erc721Api | transfer_from | POST /erc721/{name}/transfer-from | LitecoinApi | create_litecoin_account | POST /litecoin | LitecoinApi | get_litecoin_account | GET /litecoin/{accountName} | LitecoinApi | list_litecoin_accounts | GET /litecoin | LitecoinApi | sign_litecoin_transaction | POST /litecoin/{accountName}/sign-tx | OneinchApi | approve_call_data | POST /oneinch/approve-call-data | OneinchApi | approve_spender | POST /oneinch/approve-spender | OneinchApi | protocols | POST /oneinch/protocols | OneinchApi | quote | POST /oneinch/quote | OneinchApi | swap | POST /oneinch/{accountName}/swap | OneinchApi | tokens | POST /oneinch/tokens | OnramperApi | on_ramper_checkout | POST /onramper/fund/${accountName} | OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_quotes_buy | GET /onramper/quotes/buy | OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_quotes_sell | GET /onramper/quotes/sell | OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_assets | GET /onramper/assets | OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_currencies | GET /onramper/currencies | OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_defaults_all | GET /onramper/defaults | OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_on_ramps_all | GET /onramper/onramps | OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_payment_types | GET /onramper/payment-types | OnramperApi | on_ramper_get_supported_payment_types_fiat | GET /onramper/payment-types/fiat | RippleApi | create_ripple_account | POST /ripple | RippleApi | get_ripple_account | GET /ripple/{accountName} | RippleApi | list_ripple_accounts | GET /ripple | RippleApi | sign_ripple_transaction | POST /ripple/{accountName}/sign-tx | SolanaApi | create_solana_account | POST /solana | SolanaApi | get_solana_account | GET /solana/{accountName} | SolanaApi | list_solana_accounts | GET /solana | SolanaApi | sign_solana_transaction | POST /solana/{accountName}/sign-tx | TronApi | create_tron_account | POST /tron | TronApi | get_tron_account | GET /tron/{accountName} | TronApi | list_tron_accounts | GET /tron | TronApi | sign_tron_transaction | POST /tron/{accountName}/sign-tx | UniSwapApi | add_liquidity | POST /uniswap/{name}/add-liquidity | UniSwapApi | remove_liquidity | POST /uniswap/{name}/remove-liquidity | UniSwapApi | swap_exact_eth_for_tokens | POST /uniswap/{name}/swap-exact-eth-for-tokens | UniSwapApi | swap_exact_tokens_for_tokens | POST /uniswap/{name}/swap-exact-tokens-for-tokens | YearnApi | add_liquidity | POST /yearn/{name}/add-liquidity | YearnApi | add_liquidity_weth | POST /yearn/{name}/add-liquidity-weth | YearnApi | remove_liquidity | POST /yearn/{name}/remove-liquidity | YearnApi | remove_liquidity_weth | POST /yearn/{name}/remove-liquidity-weth |

Documentation For Models

To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:

cargo doc --open


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