
created_at2023-02-07 02:26:51.480707
updated_at2023-02-07 02:26:51.480707
descriptionHigh-level library for fMP4 streaming
Sam Nystrom (Stonks3141)




Repository Release CI License

pet-monitor-app is a simple video streaming server for Linux. It provides out-of-the-box support for HTTPS and password authentication.


Precompiled Binary

Install libx264 using your system's package manager. Download the binary and corresponding .sha256 file for your OS/architecture from the releases page. Run sha256sum --check pet-monitor-app-VERSION-TARGET.sha256 to verify the checksum. If it is correct, move the binary into ~/.local/bin.

Building from Source

Install rustup and run these commands:

git clone
cd pet-monitor-app
cargo build --release
cp target/release/pet-monitor-app ~/.local/bin

If you have just installed, you can run just install after cloning.


Run these commands to start the server:

pet-monitor-app set-password MY_PASSWORD
pet-monitor-app start

This first sets the password with the set-password subcommand, and then starts the server. You can view the page at http://localhost:8080. To reset your password, run the set-password subcommand again.

For a full list of command-line options, run with the --help flag.

The configuration file is located at ~/.config/pet-monitor-app/config.toml. To enable TLS, add this to the config file:

port = 8443
cert = "path/to/cert.pem"
key = "path/to/key.key"

You can now view the page at https://localhost:8443.

Running pet-monitor-app as root is not necessary and should be avoided. If you want your server to listen on port 80 or 443, you should set up NAT forwarding to forward external port 80 to internal port 8080. If this is not possible, install nginx and use it to reverse proxy port 80 or 443 to pet-monitor-app.



# The argon2 hash of the password
password_hash = '$argon2id$v=19$m=32768,t=8,p=4$19nFC/J5TEtjGGePEsLX+g$KmofOFmpLIBwqC7PkpHYyQyTiQF82IoBKanci2Dn5Ds'
# The secret used to sign authentication tokens
jwt_secret = 'DkTeDKts0tinlvmfUtbnepKqYHeX1B8w7sQ5LG9KW+s='
# The timeout for auth tokens in seconds
jwt_timeout = 345600
# The domain to serve from
domain = 'localhost'
# The IP to listen on
host = ''
# The port to listen on
port = 8080
# The device to capture video from
device = '/dev/video0'
# The format to capture video in
format = 'YUYV'
# The resolution to capture video in
resolution = [640, 480]
# The frame interval to use
# The framerate is equal to the first part divided by the second
interval = [1, 30]
# The video rotation (must be one of 0, 90, 180, or 270)
rotation = 0

# Additional V4L2 controls
foo = 0

# TLS configuration
# The port to listen on for TLS
port = 8443
# Path to the SSL certificate
cert = "path/to/cert.pem"
# Path to the SSL certificate key
key = "path/to/key.key"


You will need to install rustup and just.

To start the server, run cargo run -- start. In debug mode, the server will read client files from disk, and in release mode, they will be bundled into the binary.

To build the program, run cargo build --release. The binary should be located at target/release/pet-monitor-app.


PRs are welcome. If you contribute code, try to add integration tests for any new functionality.


This project was inspired by soyersoyer/fmp4streamer.

Commit count: 622

cargo fmt