Safe bindings to msdfgen library

- msdfgen-sys Low-level unsafe bindings generated using bindgen.
- msdfgen High-level safe bindings which should be used by applications.
- ttf-parse Enables ttf-parser crate integration which allows create shapes for glyphs of specific font.
- font Enables font crate integration which allows create shapes for glyphs of specific font.
- freetype-rs Enables freetype-rs crate integration which allows create shapes for glyphs of specific font.
- png Enables png crate integration which allows load and save bitmaps from/as PNG images.
- all Meta-feature which enables all supported features.
use std::fs::File;
use notosans::REGULAR_TTF as FONT;
use ttf_parser::Face;
use msdfgen::{FontExt, Bitmap, Gray, Range, MsdfGeneratorConfig, FillRule, MID_VALUE};
let font = Face::from_slice(&FONT, 0).unwrap();
let glyph = font.glyph_index('A').unwrap();
let mut shape = font.glyph_shape(glyph).unwrap();
let width = 32;
let height = 32;
let bound = shape.get_bound();
let framing = bound.autoframe(width, height, Range::Px(4.0), None).unwrap();
let fill_rule = FillRule::default();
let mut bitmap = Bitmap::new(width, height);
shape.edge_coloring_simple(3.0, 0);
let config = MsdfGeneratorConfig::default();
shape.generate_msdf(&mut bitmap, &framing, &config);
// optionally
shape.correct_sign(&mut bitmap, &framing, fill_rule);
shape.correct_msdf_error(&mut bitmap, &framing, &config);
let error = shape.estimate_error(&mut bitmap, &framing, 5, Default::default());
println!("Estimated error: {}", error);
let mut output = File::create("A-letter-msdf.png").unwrap();
bitmap.write_png(&mut output).unwrap();
let mut preview = Bitmap::<Gray<f32>>::new(width * 10, height * 10);
bitmap.render(&mut preview, Default::default(), MID_VALUE);
let mut output = File::create("A-letter-preview.png").unwrap();
preview.write_png(&mut output).unwrap();