| nd-triangulation | | nd-triangulation |
version | 0.3.4 |
source | src |
created_at | 2019-12-18 14:14:50.385056 |
updated_at | 2021-02-01 14:13:12.19359 |
description | Arbitrary dimensional triangulations using CGAL |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 190274 |
size | 61,719 |
This library provides an interface to the CGAL Library for creating Triangulations and traverse them in arbitrary dimension. Its feature set is pretty limited, as it is written for a very specific research purpose. However, I am willing to look into integrating new features and of course accept pull requests.
A triangulation can be created incrementally, by adding vertices to it:
let mut tri = Triangulation::new(3); // We are doing a 3 dimensional triangulation
// Everything that can be referenced as a slice can be added to the Triangulation
tri.add_vertex(&[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]).unwrap(); // Add point doesn't work for points in the wrong dimension
tri.add_vertex(&[2.0, 4.1, -2.3]).unwrap();
tri.add_vertex(&[44.2, 45.4, 12.6]).unwrap();
tri.add_vertex(&[-23.2, 24.7, 17.9]).unwrap();
Afterwards, we can iterate over all convex hull cells and their respective points:
for ch_cell in tri.convex_hull_cells() {
for p in ch_cell.vertices() {
println!("{:?} is on the boundary of the convex hull", p);
This crate uses the cpp crate for the interaction with c++ and specifically cgal. This means that in order to use and compile this crate you need to have g++ as well as cgal and eigen3 installed.
At the current state this crate is pretty feature minimal. It offers functionality that I need in my research and compiles in the environment that I need (specifically archlinux right now). However, I am willing to improve this situation if other people want to use this and need other features or environments. Just open an issue with your use case. Furthermore, I am no expert in rust-c++-interop. Therefore, I can and will not promise you that there are no memory leaks or undefined behavior. I am doing my best though ;).