
created_at2022-02-28 18:43:30.022489+00
updated_at2022-02-28 18:43:30.022489+00
descriptionwrapper for near libraries



Near Standards Library

Library Overview

This library consists of two libraries which build on top of each other:

  • near-account
  • near-internal-balance-plugin

Both libraries deal with storing information related to different accounts in a smart contract. near-account will keep a map of users to some struct. near-account will ensure that users pay for their storage via keeping track of storage. It also keeps track of the total amount of Near deposited into the smart contract and will keep a free Near field.

near-internal-balances-plugin deals with all things Tokens and is built off of near-account. It allows users to transfer tokens into and out of a smart contract. This means that users can "deposit" tokens into a smart contract and the smart contract then has ownership over the tokens. But, the smart contract keeps track of the balances. This is basically what Ref Finance does with tokens.

Currently, the library supports

For more info on both libraries, please check out the

  • near-account docs TODO:
  • near-internal-balance-plugin docs TODO:

Building and Testing

To build run:


As with many Rust libraries and contracts, there are unit tests in near-account and near-internal-balance-plugin.

Additionally, this project has simulation tests in ]the sim directory. Simulation tests allow testing cross-contract calls, which is crucial to ensuring that the following functionality works properly:

  • Storage deposits work successfully for users
  • Free Near is kept track of for users
  • the ft_transfer_call, mt_transfer_call, nft_transfer_call successfully deposit ft's, mt's, and nft's into the user's account balance
  • internal_balance_withdraw_to withdraws tokens successfully from a user's account

These simulation tests are the reason this project has the file structure it does. Note that the root project has a Cargo.toml which sets it up as a workspace. ft, nft, and mt (found outside the core's directory) are all used for simulation testing purposes. dummy is also used for simulation tests.

You can run all tests with one command:

cargo test

If you want to run only simulation tests, you can use cargo test simulate, since all the simulation tests include "simulate" in their names.


  • The maximum balance value is limited by U128 (2**128 - 1).

  • JSON calls should pass U128 as a base-10 string. E.g. "100".

  • This does not include escrow functionality, as ft_transfer_call provides a superior approach. An escrow system can, of course, be added as a separate contract or additional functionality within this contract.


When making changes to the files, remember to use ./ to compile all contracts and copy the output to the res folder. If you forget this, the simulation tests will not use the latest versions.

Note that if the rust-toolchain file in this repository changes, please make sure to update the .gitpod.Dockerfile to explicitly specify using that as default as well.

Commit count: 0

cargo fmt