
created_at2020-05-23 22:31:52.753705
updated_at2020-06-01 11:25:24.905695
descriptionThis application will control all kinds of LED strips based on the ws281x chip.



Pipeline Status

New Home WS 281x

This application will control all kinds of LED strips based on the ws281x chip.

Features (Planed)

Feature Status
Static color done
Gradient done
LED Rainbow done
Random, glowing, fading Lights next
Pre-Programmed light sequence next

Functional features

Feature Status
Gamma Correction done
Shader-Like rendering done
Fixed rendering TPS done
Set bind-address and port from arguments/config file next
Concurrent rendering future

Supported Chips

  • WS2811
  • WS2812(b)
  • SK6812RGB(W)
  • More WS281X chips could be supported with the WS2812 and WS2811 engines but I cannot guarantee any compatibility

Install and setup


To install the application you have to run the (sudo) make install command in the project folder as the root user. This will install all necessary files where they are needed.

Configuration and resources of the application can be found in the /etc/new-home-ws281x directory.


For the setup I assume, that you can, by yourself, connect and troubleshoot your LED Strip/Matrix to the Raspberry PI.

For this application to work you need some things:

The default port on which the application runs is the 4232, and it listens an all IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces/addresses on the Raspberry PI.

Setup is as easy as for all applications. Add a new application in the Applications view in the UI, enter a name for the application, and the IP:PORT for the Raspberry PI. Now you can add devices to rooms, which are running on the PI. If you need help with the required channel, you can take a look into the settings of the application, where you can find a channel builder.


To uninstall this application you can just run (sudo) make uninstall. This will remove the application and all its configuration permanently.

Channel builder

To use the channel builder, you just click on the registered application in the applications view. There you will find 3 combo-boxes which show you the supported controller types, GPIO pins and RGB/BGR etc. mode, which you can perform on a pin.

The shown numbers represent the GPIO pins by their BCM number. For more information on which pin has which number, you can check out


Although the underlying framework (new-home-application and new-home-core) is not yet considered "stable" by the meaning of "api will not change" and "works without any crashes", this application, as it is, is considered stable under this term.

Commit count: 14

cargo fmt