
created_at2023-07-02 16:06:58.443454
updated_at2023-07-02 20:37:21.301048
descriptionPagefind for next.js non output export applications. Fully crawl and index your app in one command.
Jeff Mendez (j-mendez)




Use Pagefind with any live server.


Install the modules required for the program.

  1. cargo install spider_cli
  2. cargo install pagefind
  3. cargo install next-pagefind

Getting Started

  1. Start the dev or prod instance on port 3000 and run next-pagefind at the root directory of your next application to create your search index's and output the content into the public folder.

  2. Optional: Add data-pagefind-meta="url[href]" on your meta hrefLang links example: <link rel="alternate" hrefLang="en" href="" data-pagefind-meta="url[href]"/> to replace the location of the links.

  3. Setup pagefind in the your next.js project. The example before uses the layout to setup the PageFindUI wasm module once.

// pagefind.tsx
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'

export const PageFind = () => {
  const loaded = useRef<boolean>(false)

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!loaded.current) {
      loaded.current = true
      let observer: MutationObserver

      const PagefindUI =
        // @ts-ignore
        typeof window.PagefindUI !== 'undefined' && window.PagefindUI

      if (PagefindUI) {
        try {
          new PagefindUI({
            element: '#search',
            resetStyles: false,
            showImages: false,
            showEmptyFilters: false,

          // delete the observer code below if you did step 2 and target production websites
          const pagefindDrawer = document.querySelector('.pagefind-ui__drawer')

          // replace the .html from links with path
          if (pagefindDrawer) {
            const callback = () => {
              const links: NodeListOf<HTMLAnchorElement> =

              for (const link of links) {
                link.href = link.href.replace('.html', '')

            observer = new MutationObserver(callback)

            observer.observe(pagefindDrawer, {
              attributes: false,
              childList: true,
              subtree: true,
        } catch (e) {

      return () => {
        if (observer) {
  }, [loaded])

  return (
      <div id='search'></div>
// layout.tsx
import React from 'react'

// use layout for scripts _pagefind
export function Layout({ children }) {
  return (
        <link href="/_pagefind/pagefind-ui.css" rel="stylesheet" key="pagefind-ui-css" />
        <script src="/_pagefind/pagefind-ui.js" type="text/javascript" key="pagefind-ui-js" />
      <main id="main-content" data-pagefind-body>
// pages/index.tsx
import React from 'react'
import { Layout } from './layout'
import { PageFind } from './pagefind'

export function Home({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
      <h1>Home Page</h1>
      <PageFind />

Home.getLayout = Layout;
// _app.js

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  // Use the layout defined at the page level, if available
  const getLayout = Component.getLayout || ((page) => page)
  return getLayout(<Component {...pageProps} />)

Dark Mode

If you need to handle themes include the following css before _/pagefind/pagefind-ui.css.

Inside your public folder add the following file css/_pagefind.css with the markup.

:root {
    --pagefind-ui-scale: 1;
    --pagefind-ui-primary: #034ad8;
    --pagefind-ui-text: #393939;
    --pagefind-ui-background: #ffffff;
    --pagefind-ui-border: #eeeeee;
    --pagefind-ui-tag: #eeeeee;
    --pagefind-ui-border-width: 2px;
    --pagefind-ui-border-radius: 8px;
    --pagefind-ui-image-border-radius: 8px;
    --pagefind-ui-image-box-ratio: 3 / 2;
    --pagefind-ui-font: sans-serif;
    --pagefind-ui-placeholder: #000;

:root.dark {
    --pagefind-ui-primary: #eeeeee;
    --pagefind-ui-text: #eeeeee;
    --pagefind-ui-background: #152028;
    --pagefind-ui-border: #152028;
    --pagefind-ui-tag: #152028;
    --pagefind-ui-placeholder: #fff;

.pagefind-ui__search-input::placeholder {
    color: var(--pagefind-ui-placeholder);
    opacity: 1;

Next include the css before pagefind <link href="/css/_pagefind.css" rel="stylesheet" />.

Example of pagefind being used with the A11yWatch blog


Some optional options below.

next-pagefind --help
Pagefind for next.js non output export applications. Fully crawl and index your app in one command.

Usage: next-pagefind [OPTIONS]

  -d, --download-dir <DOWNLOAD_DIR>  The download directory for storing the static.html files
  -u, --url <URL>                    The website url
  -h, --help                         Print help
  -V, --version                      Print version


  1. Allow passing in custom port output.
  2. Allow custom locale building folders for pagefind. In the meantime you can manually stitch the folders with spider and simply use npx -y pagefind --source _temp_spider_downloads --bundle-dir public/_pagefind && cp -R _temp_spider_downloads/public/_pagefind public/ to perform the conversion.
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