
created_at2025-01-03 13:48:40.902225
updated_at2025-01-08 14:28:17.838334
descriptionAdding traits to make parsing types easier
Cargo.toml error:TOML parse error at line 23, column 1 | 23 | autolib = false | ^^^^^^^ unknown field `autolib`, expected one of `name`, `version`, `edition`, `authors`, `description`, `readme`, `license`, `repository`, `homepage`, `documentation`, `build`, `resolver`, `links`, `default-run`, `default_dash_run`, `rust-version`, `rust_dash_version`, `rust_version`, `license-file`, `license_dash_file`, `license_file`, `licenseFile`, `license_capital_file`, `forced-target`, `forced_dash_target`, `autobins`, `autotests`, `autoexamples`, `autobenches`, `publish`, `metadata`, `keywords`, `categories`, `exclude`, `include`
Marc de Jonge (marcdejonge)




CI Documentation

This is an extension to the popular nom crate, that provides a ParseFrom trait that can be implemented on any data that can be parsed in a singular way. This means it should have a parse function available and the signature of that function is compatible with the nom::Parser trait.

Generic vs Specific parsers

The ParseFrom trait is generic over the input type, which means that you can define it generically over any input type that nom supports. The downside of this is that you will need a bunch of restrictions to the input type in a where block. Also, using a generic parser implementation can be more annoying to use, since in some cases Rust can't infer the type of the input or error. See the generic_input example for an example of this.

If you already know what types of input and error you are going to use in the program, using a specific implementation can be more convenient. See the simple example for an example of this.

Default implementations

There are a couple of default implementations provided by this library. Since for these standard types you cannot implement ParseFrom outside of this library, there are choices made for the parsing of these types. Mostly these are for text-based parsing. If you want your own implementation, you can wrap the type in a struct and implement ParseFrom for that struct.


It provides a ParseFrom implementation for a couple of primitive numbers, based on normal text parsing (e.g. the string "123" will be parsed to the number 123).

  • i16
  • i32
  • i64
  • i128
  • u16
  • u32
  • u64
  • u128

Also, the bool type has a default implementation, where it will parse the string "true" to true and "false" to false.


A default implementation for Vec has been provided, as long as T implements ParseFrom, where it uses the nom::character::complete::line_ending parser to separate the elements.

HashMap<T, S>

Similar to the Vec<T> implementation, you can also use a HashSet directly.

HashMap<K, V, S>

A default implementation for HashMap<K, V> has been provided, as long as K and V implement ParseFrom. It uses the nom::character::complete::line_ending parser to separate the key-value pairs and separates the key and value with an equals sign (=).


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Commit count: 13

cargo fmt