| octocrate | | octocrate |
version | |
source | src |
created_at | 2023-04-11 13:37:55.245363 |
updated_at | 2025-02-11 02:32:29.685608 |
description | A comprehensive GitHub REST API library based on Rust. |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 836048 |
Cargo.toml error: | TOML parse error at line 18, column 1 | 18 | autolib = false | ^^^^^^^ unknown field `autolib`, expected one of `name`, `version`, `edition`, `authors`, `description`, `readme`, `license`, `repository`, `homepage`, `documentation`, `build`, `resolver`, `links`, `default-run`, `default_dash_run`, `rust-version`, `rust_dash_version`, `rust_version`, `license-file`, `license_dash_file`, `license_file`, `licenseFile`, `license_capital_file`, `forced-target`, `forced_dash_target`, `autobins`, `autotests`, `autoexamples`, `autobenches`, `publish`, `metadata`, `keywords`, `categories`, `exclude`, `include` |
size | 0 |
octocrate is a comprehensive GitHub REST API library based on Rust.
octocrate = "*"
Use features to selectively import the required APIs:
octocrate = { version = "*", features = ["repos", "git", "pulls", "issues", "users", "search"] }
Or use the full
feature to import all APIs and Webhooks (note: this will increase compilation time):
octocrate = { version = "*", features = ["full"] }
You can also import only types without using the corresponding APIs:
octocrate-types = "*"
Use features to selectively import the required types:
octocrate-types = { version = "*", features = ["repos", "git", "pulls", "issues", "users", "search"] }
Import Webhooks types:
octocrate-webhooks = { version = "*", features = ["pull_request", "push"] }
You can check octocrate-types documentation and octocrate-webhooks documentation for all supported features and types.
Create a default GitHub API configuration and use it to get a repository's Pull Request:
use octocrate::{APIConfig, Error, GitHubAPI};
async fn main() {
// Create a default GitHub API configuration
let config = APIConfig::default().shared();
let api = GitHubAPI::new(&config);
let pull_request = api
.get("panghu-huang", "octocrate", 1)
// ..
// Import the repos API instead of GitHubAPI
use octocrate::{repos::GitHubReposAPI, APIConfig, GitHubAPI, PersonalAccessToken};
async fn main() {
// Create a personal access token
let personal_access_token = PersonalAccessToken::new("YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN");
// Use the personal access token to create a API configuration
let config = APIConfig::with_token(personal_access_token).shared();
let repos_api = GitHubReposAPI::new(&config);
let commit = repos_api
use octocrate::{APIConfig, AppAuthorization, GitHubAPI};
async fn main() {
let app_id = "YOUR_APP_ID";
let private_key = "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY";
// Create a GitHub App authorization
let app_authorization = AppAuthorization::new(app_id, private_key);
// Use the GitHub App authorization to create an API configuration
let config = APIConfig::with_token(app_authorization).shared();
let api = GitHubAPI::new(&config);
// Get the Installation for a repository
let installation = api
.get_repo_installation("panghu-huang", "octocrate")
// Get the Installation Access Token for this Installation
let installation_token = api
// Use the Installation Access Token to create a new API configuration
let config = APIConfig::with_token(installation_token).shared();
let api = GitHubAPI::new(&config);
let repository = api
.get("panghu-huang", "octocrate")
// ..
use octocrate::{
issues, APIConfig, AuthorAssociation, GitHubAPI, PersonalAccessToken,
async fn main() {
let personal_access_token = PersonalAccessToken::new("YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN");
let config = APIConfig::with_token(personal_access_token).shared();
let api = GitHubAPI::new(&config);
// Create a comment request
let comment = issues::create_comment::Request {
body: "Hello, world! (Created by octocrate)".to_string(),
// Create a comment on the issue
let issue_comment = api
.create_comment("panghu-huang", "octocrate", 1)
use octocrate::{
pulls, APIConfig, Error, GitHubAPI, PersonalAccessToken,
async fn main() {
let personal_access_token = PersonalAccessToken::new("YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN");
let config = APIConfig::with_token(personal_access_token).shared();
let api = GitHubAPI::new(&config);
// Use builder pattern to construct query parameters
let query = pulls::list::Query::builder()
let pull_requests = api
.list("facebook", "react")
// ..
use octocrate::{repos, APIConfig, GitHubAPI, PersonalAccessToken};
use tokio::fs::File;
async fn main() {
let file_path = std::path::Path::new("test.txt");
// File is from tokio::fs module
let file = File::open(file_path).await.unwrap();
// Get the file's length
let content_length = file.metadata().await.unwrap().len();
let query = repos::upload_release_asset::Query::builder()
let release_asset = github_api
.upload_release_asset("panghu-huang", "octocrate",
// Set the content type of the file
.header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
// Set the content length of the file
.header("Content-Length", content_length.to_string())
// Set the file content
// ..
You can find more example code in the octocrate/tests directory.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to improve the project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.