
created_at2017-12-05 16:28:09.216943
updated_at2019-03-31 08:06:17.103199
descriptionSupports defining opaque typedefs
YOSHIOKA Takuma (lo48576)




Build Status
opaque_typedef: Latest version Documentation
opaque_typedef_macros: Latest version

This is a proc-macro crate for the Rust programming language.

This crate helps developers to define opaque typedef (strong typedef) types easily with less boilerplates.

NOTE: This library is under development and unstable.

Opaque typedef

You may want to define a new type, with the same internal representation as other types but without implicit type conversion. Real world example:

These types usually have additional restriction to internal type (UncasedStr has looser comparison function and NotNan cannot have NaN) and you may want to implement some traits and don't want to implement some other traits (for example, you may want From<&str> for &UncasedStr but don't want Deref<Target=str> for UncasedStr).

opaque_typedef crate helps you "derive" specific traits (i.e. reuse the traits implemented for internal types) for your type.

To see example, see files under the opaque_typedef_tests/src/ directory.


Think struct Outer(Inner);:

  • Inner type means Inner type.
  • Outer type means Outer type.
  • Outer is opaque typedef (strong typedef) of Inner.
  • Unsized type means str, [i32], or something (usually slice types).
  • Sized type means String, i32, &u8, or something.

How to use

Examples are in opaque_typedef_tests/src/.

1. Specify "extern crate"


opaque_typedef = "^0.0.4"
opaque_typedef_macros = "^0.0.4"

lib.rs or main.rs:

extern crate opaque_typedef;
extern crate opaque_typedef_macros;

2. Derive OpaqueTypedef for sized types, OpaqueTypedefUnsized for unsized types

Sized type:

/// My owned string.
#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, OpaqueTypedef)]
pub struct MyString(String);

Unsized type:

/// My string slice.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, OpaqueTypedefUnsized)]
pub struct MyStr(str);

Note that #[repr(C)] (or #[repr(transparent)]) is necessary for unsized types.

Then you can use OpaqueTypedef trait or OpaqueTypedefUnsized trait. It will be useful to implement methods for your types!

About the necessity of #[repr(*)], see https://github.com/lo48576/opaque_typedef/issues/1.

3. Specify if the mutable reference can be used for deriving traits (optional)

If you want opaque_typedef to derive traits who might return mutable reference to inner value (such as DerefMut, AsMut) or traits who might mutate inner value (such as AddAssign), you should specify #[opaque_typedef(allow_mut_ref)].

/// My string slice.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, OpaqueTypedefUnsized)]
pub struct MyStr(str);

If you don't specify it, opaque_typedef refuses "derive"s such as #[opaque_typedef(derive(DerefMut))]

4. "Derive" more traits

You can specify traits with #[opaque_typedef(derive(Trait1, Trait2, ...))].

For example:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, OpaqueTypedefUnsized)]
#[opaque_typedef(derive(AsciiExt, AsMut(Deref, Self), AsRef(Deref, Self), DefaultRef, Deref,
                        DerefMut, Display, FromInner, Into(Arc, Box, Rc, Inner),
                        PartialEq(Inner, InnerRev, InnerCow, InnerCowRev, SelfCow, SelfCowRev),
                        PartialOrd(Inner, InnerRev, InnerCow, InnerCowRev, SelfCow, SelfCowRev)))]
pub struct MyStr(str);

Note that some traits can be shortened. Examples:

  • AsMutDeref can be written as AsMut(Deref)
  • AsRefSelf can be written as AsRef(Self)
  • IntoRc can be written as Into(Rc)
  • PartialEqInner can be written as PartialEq(Inner)
  • PartialOrdInner, PartialOrdSelfCow can be written as PartialOrd(Inner, SelfCow)

To see lists of "derive"-able items, read the rest of the document or see the source (Derive enum in opaque_typedef_macros/src/derives/mod.rs).

To see full list of shortened notations for "derive"-able items, see Derive::append_from_nested_names method at opaque_typedef_macros/src/derives/mod.rs).

4.1. Specify deref target (optional)

If you specify Deref, DerefMut, AsRefDeref or something related to Deref, you can also specify "deref target" by #[opaque_typedef(deref(...))].

/// My owned string.
#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, OpaqueTypedef)]
#[opaque_typedef(derive(AsMut(Deref, Inner), AsRef(Deref, Inner), Deref, DerefMut, Display,
                        FromInner, IntoInner, PartialEq(Inner, InnerRev),
                        PartialOrd(Inner, InnerRev)))]
#[opaque_typedef(deref(target = "str", deref = "String::as_str",
                       deref_mut = "String::as_mut_str"))]
pub struct MyString {
    inner: String,

Opaque_typedef uses the inner type as the default deref target type, but you can use a different type as the example above.

  • target:
    • Deref target type.
  • deref:
    • Conversion function from a reference to the inner type into a reference to the outer type.
    • The function should implement Fn(&Inner) -> &DerefTarget.
  • deref_mut:
    • Conversion function from a mutable reference to the inner type into a mutable reference to the outer type.
    • The function should implement Fn(&mut Inner) -> &mut DerefTarget.

In the example, AsMutInner implements AsMut<String> for MyString, and AsMutDeref implements AsMut<str> for MyString.

If you don't specify #[opaque_typedef(allow_mut_ref)], deref_mut would not be used and you can omit it.

5. Specify custom validator (optional)

You can specify custom validator. The value of inner type is validated on conversion into outer type. By custom validator, you can restrict the inner value.

To use custom validator, specify these attributes:

  • validator
    • Validator function. This should have types such as Inner -> Result<Inner, Error>.
      • For sized types, Inner -> Result<Inner, Error>. Validator can modify the given value and return the modified value.
      • For unsized types, &Inner -> Result<&Inner, Error>.
  • error_type
    • Validation error type. Validator specified by validator should use this type as error.
    • This cannot be generic, and cannot use any type parameters of the outer types.
  • error_msg (optional)
    • Error message on panic when validation failed. This value is used when panickable conversion failed, for example, when invalid value is passed to Outer::from_inner (not Outer::try_from_inner).
    • Internally, unwrap() will be used to panic when error_msg is absent, and expect(error_msg) will be used when error_msg is specified.

The example below is taken from opaque_typedef_tests/src/even32.rs and opaque_typedef_tests/tests/even32.rs.

/// Even `i32`.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, OpaqueTypedef)]
#[opaque_typedef(derive(Binary, Deref, Display, FromInner, PartialEq(Inner, InnerRev),
                        PartialOrd(Inner, InnerRev), LowerHex, Octal, UpperHex))]
#[opaque_typedef(validation(validator = "validate_even32", error_type = "OddError",
                            error_msg = "Failed to create `Even32`"))]
pub struct Even32(i32);

impl Even32 {
    /// Returns the inner `i32` even value.
    pub fn to_i32(&self) -> i32 {

/// A type of an error indicating the integer is an odd number, not even.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct OddError;

fn validate_even32(v: i32) -> Result<i32, OddError> {
    if v % 2 == 0 {
    } else {

mod tests {
    fn ok() {
        let v = Even32::from(42);
        assert_eq!(v.to_i32(), 42);

    fn from_odd() {
        // Panics with message "Failed to create `Even32`: OddError".
        let _ = Even32::from(3);

6. Specify custom comparator (optional)

You can use custom implementations for PartialEq and PartialOrd.

To use custom comparator, specify these attributes:

  • partial_eq
    • Partial equality function. This should have types such as &Inner -> &Inner -> bool.
  • partial_ord
    • Partial order function. This should have types such as &Inner -> &Inner -> Option<::std::cmp::Ordering>.
  • ord
    • Total order function. This should have types such as &Inner -> &Inner -> ::std::cmp::Ordering.
    • #[derive(Ord)] doesn't use PartialOrd::partial_cmp impl, so they can be inconsistent by mistake. Remember to keep them (including PartialEq::eq) consistent.

The example below is taken from opaque_typedef_tests/src/reverse_order.rs and opaque_typedef_tests/tests/reverse_order.rs.

/// A wrapper type with reverse order.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Ord, Hash, OpaqueTypedef)]
#[opaque_typedef(derive(AsciiExt, AsMut(Deref), AsRef(Deref), Binary, Deref, DerefMut, Display,
                        FromInner, LowerHex, Octal, PartialOrdSelf, UpperHex))]
#[opaque_typedef(cmp(partial_ord = "(|a, b| PartialOrd::partial_cmp(a, b).map(|o| o.reverse()))",
                     ord = "(|a, b| Ord::cmp(a, b).reverse())"))]
pub struct ReverseOrderSized<T>(pub T);

fn reverse_i32() {
    use std::cmp::Ordering;
    assert_eq!(ReverseOrderSized(3i32).partial_cmp(&ReverseOrderSized(2i32)), Some(Ordering::Less));
    assert!(ReverseOrderSized(3i32) < ReverseOrderSized(2i32));
    assert_eq!(ReverseOrderSized(3i32).cmp(&ReverseOrderSized(2i32)), Ordering::Less);
    assert_eq!(ReverseOrderSized(3i32).cmp(&ReverseOrderSized(3i32)), Ordering::Equal);
    assert_eq!(ReverseOrderSized(3i32).cmp(&ReverseOrderSized(4i32)), Ordering::Greater);


Defining basic constructions and casts

For sized type

#[derive(OpaqueTypedef)] implements opaque_typedef::OpaqueTypedef trait, and it has some basic and useful methods.

See https://docs.rs/opaque_typedef/*/opaque_typedef/trait.OpaqueTypedef.html for detail.

For unsized type

#[derive(OpaqueTypedefUnsized)] implements opaque_typedef::OpaqueTypedefUnsized trait, and it has some basic and useful methods. Especially OpaqueTypedefUnsized::from_inner() would be very useful.

See https://docs.rs/opaque_typedef/*/opaque_typedef/trait.OpaqueTypedefUnsized.html for detail.

Automatic derive for many std traits

The traits below are supported.

Note that some (such as DefaultRef) are available only for sized types.

std::convert, type conversion

  • As{Mut,Ref}{Deref,Inner,Self}
    • AsMutDeref implements AsMut<DerefTarget> for Outer.
    • AsMutInner implements AsMut<Inner> for Outer.
    • AsMutSelf implements AsMut<Outer> for Outer.
    • AsRefDeref implements AsRef<DerefTarget> for Outer.
    • AsRefInner implements AsRef<Inner> for Outer.
    • AsRefSelf implements AsRef<Self> for Outer.
  • Deref, DerefMut
    • Deref implements std::ops::Deref for Outer.
    • DerefMut implements std::ops::DerefMut for Outer.
  • Into{Arc,Box,Inner,Rc}, FromInner
    • IntoArc implements From<Outer> for Arc<Outer> (if possible) or Into<Arc<Outer>> for Outer.
    • IntoBox implements From<Outer> for Box<Outer> (if possible) or Into<Box<Outer>> for Outer.
    • IntoInner implements From<Outer> for Inner.
    • IntoRc implements From<Outer> for Rc<Outer> (if possible) or Into<Rc<Outer>> for Outer.
    • FromInner implements From<Inner> for Outer.


  • std::fmt::*
    • Binary implements std::fmt::Binary for Outer.
    • Display implements std::fmt::Display for Outer.
    • LowerExp implements std::fmt::LowerExp for Outer.
    • LowerHex implements std::fmt::LowerHex for Outer.
    • Octal implements std::fmt::Octal for Outer.
    • Pointer implements std::fmt::Pointer for Outer.
    • UpperExp implements std::fmt::UpperExp for Outer.
    • UpperHex implements std::fmt::UpperHex for Outer.


  • Partial{Eq,Ord}{Inner,InnerCow,SelfCow}{,Rev}
    • PartialEqInner implements PartialEq<Inner> for Outer and similar ones.
    • PartialEqInnerRev implements PartialEq<Outer> for Inner and similar ones.
      • This is reverse (operands order swapped) version of PartialEqInner.
    • PartialEqInnerCow implements PartialEq<Cow<Inner>> for Outer and similar ones.
    • PartialEqInnerCowRev implements PartialEq<Outer> for Cow<Inner> and similar ones.
      • This is reverse (operands order swapped) version of PartialEqInnerCow.
    • PartialEqSelf implements PartialEq<Outer> for Outer and similar ones.
      • This is very similar to #[derive(PartialEq)], but it will be useful with custom comparison.
    • PartialEqSelfCow implements PartialEq<Cow<Outer>> for Outer and similar ones.
    • PartialEqSelfCowRev implements PartialEq<Outer> for Cow<Outer> and similar ones.
      • This is reverse (operands order swapped) version of PartialEqSelfCow.
    • PartialEqSelfCowAndInner implements PartialEq<Cow<Outer>> for Inner and similar ones.
    • PartialEqSelfCowAndInnerCow implements PartialEq<Inner> for Cow<Outer> and similar ones.
      • This is reverse (operands order swapped) version of PartialEqSelfCowAndInner.
    • PartialOrdInner implements PartialOrd<Inner> for Outer and similar ones.
    • PartialOrdInnerRev implements PartialOrd<Outer> for Inner and similar ones.
      • This is reverse (operands order swapped) version of PartialOrdInner.
    • PartialOrdInnerCow implements PartialOrd<Cow<Inner>> for Outer and similar ones.
    • PartialOrdInnerCowRev implements PartialOrd<Outer> for Cow<Inner> and similar ones.
      • This is reverse (operands order swapped) version of PartialOrdInnerCow.
    • PartialOrdSelf implements PartialOrd<Outer> for Outer and similar ones.
      • This is very similar to #[derive(PartialOrd)], but it will be useful with custom comparison.
    • PartialOrdSelfCow implements PartialOrd<Cow<Outer>> for Outer and similar ones.
    • PartialOrdSelfCowRev implements PartialOrd<Outer> for Cow<Outer> and similar ones.
      • This is reverse (operands order swapped) version of PartialOrdSelfCow.
    • PartialOrdSelfCowAndInner implements PartialOrd<Cow<Outer>> for Inner and similar ones.
    • PartialOrdSelfCowAndInnerCow implements PartialOrd<Inner> for Cow<Outer> and similar ones.
      • This is reverse (operands order swapped) version of PartialOrdSelfCowAndInner.
  • Ord
    • Ord implements std::cmp::Ord for Outer.
      • This is very similar to #[derive(Ord)], but it will be useful with custom comparison.


  • Unary ops
    • Neg{,Ref}
    • Not{,Ref}
  • Binary ops
    • {Add,BitAnd,BitOr,BitXor,Div,Mul,Rem,Shl,Shr,Sub}{,Assign}{,Ref}{Self,Inner,InnerRev}


  • AsciiExt implements std::ascii::AsciiExt for Outer.

  • DefaultRef implements Default for &Outer.


  • More traits
    • Nightly-only traits (TryFrom, TryInto, ...) (#6)
  • Support types with multiple fields (#9)


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Commit count: 181

cargo fmt