OpenZL Design
OpenZL Goals and Non-Goals
- A production ready and proof-system agnostic ZK library for blockchain applications (support arkworks/groth16, zk-garage/plonk, microsoft/nova)
- ZIR: A shallow embedded circuit DSL in Rust that can rule out some common errors using Rust's type systems
- Common gadgets such as hashing, commitment, accumulators in ZIR.
- Able to compile both prover and verifier to standard WASM and substrate flavored WASMI
- Tutorials support substrate ecosystem zero-knowledge proof applications
- Build high-level language like Circom/Cairo (Would love to see someone else build high level language compiled to ZIR though)
- Build "yet another plonk"
- Create new fragmentation in ZK tooling space
OpenZL Roadmap and Milestones
Milestone 1 (Prototype): July, 2022
Milestone 2 (Feature Complete): Sep, 2022
Milestone 3 (Audit): Nov. 2022
Potential auditors: ABDK, Least Authority, Trail of Bits
Open-Sourced Contribution
OpenZL will be closely curated by Manta Team and will NOT accept open-sourced contribution unless communicated with Manta Team.
OpenZL Oversee Committee
- Shumo Chu (Co-founder, Manta Network)
- Luke Pearson (Research Partner, Polychain Capital)
- Bryan Chen (CTO, Acala Network)
Funding and spendings will be managed in a 2/3 multisig.