
created_at2021-08-21 12:02:53.013734+00
updated_at2022-01-29 04:39:21.209624+00
descriptionA password manager for *nix operating systems



title: Passafe

Passafe The password manager for *nix Operating Systems

Passafe is a password manager made for *nix using rust Passafe stores the passwords in your local filesystem. This ensures that only you the user will be able to see the passwords Fun thing about passafe is that it doesn't store passwords in raw format rather it encrypts it using the master password provided by the user

Why should you use a password manager

  • A password manager stores all the passwords that you give it and reduces your hassle for remembering passwords in a large way. By using a password manager you only need to remember one password to access all your passwords.
  • What passafe does that is great for you is that it stores your passwords in your filesystem

Why should you use passafe

  • Passafe stores all your passwords in your filesystem which means that the password that you create will only be accessible to you and to those whi knows the master password for passafe
  • By doing this we are also giving complete freedom for our users. We are not a free as in no fee software we are a Free as in freedom software

FAQs about passafe

  • Where are passwords stored ?

    Passwords are stored in ~/.local/share/passafe/passwords.json file JSON is easily readable but since passafe stores passwords by encrypting it no one can look at the password by using the file

  • Is passafe collecting any data ?

    No not at all. Passafe doesn't collect any info or store your password in a database. If you want to check whether we are telling the truth it's easy just read to source code and you will understand that passafe doesn't store any of your data in a database


Compiling from source

  • Clone the repo using
git clone
  • After cloning the repo cd into passafe
cargo install --path .

Binary installation

Features implemented so far

Creating a master password

Storing a master password

Login functionality

Creating Passwords and storing them

Encrypting user inputed passwords before storing them

Printing all the passwords given by the user after decrypting it

Coloured outputs


This project is open to contributions from anyone.


If you find any bugs or have a feature you want create an issue it will really help the project grow

Contact The Author


Commit count: 41

cargo fmt