
created_at2019-04-06 14:33:43.184768
updated_at2020-05-25 09:19:56.710035
descriptionHTTP RESTful API and skeleton server/client implement for I2C bus control





pca9956b-api is an HTTP RESTful API designed to control a PCA9956B IC. This repo includes:

A fully-featured server implementation for Linux, in Rust, can be found at https://github.com/packom/pca9956b.

The text below was automatically generated by the openapi-generator.

Rust API for openapi_client

No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)


This client/server was generated by the [openapi-generator] (https://openapi-generator.tech) project. By using the OpenAPI-Spec from a remote server, you can easily generate a server stub.

To see how to make this your own, look here:


  • API version: 0.1.2

  • Build date: 2020-05-25T09:11:52.903808Z[Etc/UTC]

This autogenerated project defines an API crate openapi_client which contains:

  • An Api trait defining the API in Rust.
  • Data types representing the underlying data model.
  • A Client type which implements Api and issues HTTP requests for each operation.
  • A router which accepts HTTP requests and invokes the appropriate Api method for each operation.

It also contains an example server and client which make use of openapi_client:

  • The example server starts up a web server using the openapi_client router, and supplies a trivial implementation of Api which returns failure for every operation.
  • The example client provides a CLI which lets you invoke any single operation on the openapi_client client by passing appropriate arguments on the command line.

You can use the example server and client as a basis for your own code. See below for more detail on implementing a server.


Run examples with:

cargo run --example <example-name>

To pass in arguments to the examples, put them after --, for example:

cargo run --example client -- --help

Running the example server

To run the server, follow these simple steps:

cargo run --example server

Running the example client

To run a client, follow one of the following simple steps:

cargo run --example client ClearError
cargo run --example client GetAddrEnabled
cargo run --example client GetAddrInfo
cargo run --example client GetAddrValue
cargo run --example client GetApi
cargo run --example client GetConfig
cargo run --example client GetCurrent
cargo run --example client GetError
cargo run --example client GetErrors
cargo run --example client GetFreq
cargo run --example client GetGroup
cargo run --example client GetLedCurrent
cargo run --example client GetLedError
cargo run --example client GetLedInfo
cargo run --example client GetLedInfoAll
cargo run --example client GetLedPwm
cargo run --example client GetLedState
cargo run --example client GetOffset
cargo run --example client GetOutputChange
cargo run --example client GetOverTemp
cargo run --example client GetPwm
cargo run --example client GetSleep
cargo run --example client Reset
cargo run --example client SetAddrEnabled
cargo run --example client SetAddrValue
cargo run --example client SetCurrent
cargo run --example client SetFreq
cargo run --example client SetLedCurrent
cargo run --example client SetLedPwm
cargo run --example client SetOffset
cargo run --example client SetPwm
cargo run --example client SetSleep


The examples can be run in HTTPS mode by passing in the flag --https, for example:

cargo run --example server -- --https

This will use the keys/certificates from the examples directory. Note that the server chain is signed with CN=localhost.

Using the generated library

The generated library has a few optional features that can be activated through Cargo.

  • server
    • This defaults to enabled and creates the basic skeleton of a server implementation based on hyper
    • To create the server stack you'll need to provide an implementation of the API trait to provide the server function.
  • client
    • This defaults to enabled and creates the basic skeleton of a client implementation based on hyper
    • The constructed client implements the API trait by making remote API call.
  • conversions
    • This defaults to disabled and creates extra derives on models to allow "transmogrification" between objects of structurally similar types.

See https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#the-features-section for how to use features in your Cargo.toml.

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Method HTTP request Description
clear_error POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/error/clear
get_addr_enabled GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/addr/{num}/enabled
get_addr_info GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/addr/{num}
get_addr_value GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/addr/{num}/addr
get_api GET /pca9956b/api
get_config GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/config
get_current GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/current
get_error GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/error
get_errors POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/errors
get_freq GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/freq
get_group GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/group
get_led_current GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led/{led}/current
get_led_error GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led/{led}/error
get_led_info GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led/{led}
get_led_info_all GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led
get_led_pwm GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led/{led}/pwm
get_led_state GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led/{led}/state
get_offset GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/offset
get_output_change GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/outputChange
get_over_temp GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/overTemp
get_pwm GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/pwm
get_sleep GET /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/sleep
reset POST /pca9956b/{busId}/reset
set_addr_enabled POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/addr/{num}/enabled/{enabled}
set_addr_value POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/addr/{num}/addr/{addrVal}
set_config POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/config
set_current POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/current/{current}
set_freq POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/freq/{freq}
set_group POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/group/{group}
set_led_current POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led/{led}/current/{current}
set_led_error POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led/{led}/error/{error}
set_led_info POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led/{led}
set_led_info_all POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led
set_led_pwm POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led/{led}/pwm/{pwm}
set_led_state POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/led/{led}/state/{state}
set_offset POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/offset/{offset}
set_output_change POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/outputChange/{outputChange}
set_pwm POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/pwm/{pwm}
set_sleep POST /pca9956b/{busId}/{addr}/sleep/{sleep}

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Endpoints do not require authorization.


Commit count: 24

cargo fmt