| pebble_query | | pebble_query |
version | 0.1.0 |
source | src |
created_at | 2023-10-14 06:10:40.261144+00 |
updated_at | 2023-10-14 06:10:40.261144+00 |
description | A helper library for SeaOrm to parse execute, and return standard DTOs with query metadata. |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 1002953 |
size | 55,766 |
Pebble query
A simple helper library for SeaOrm to parse (applying filters, pagination, and sorting), execute, and return standard DTOs with metadata.
.In other words, Pebble Query provides some composable, generic functions that allow feeding SeaOrm the same standard struct and expecting results wrapped in standard struct ready to be consumed. It can greatly simplify the common queries and can used for any SeaOrm entities without much boilerplate code.
For a sample database task:
You can do:
A typical SeaOrm DSL query looks like this which is not easily reusable:
let db = conn();
let book_ids: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];
// construct query
let select: Select<Book> = book::Entity::find()
Expr::col((document::Entity, document::Column::Id)).is_in(book_ids).into_condition() // filter by book ids
Expr::col((book::Entity, book::Column::Title)) // contains "sea"
.and(Expr::col((book::Entity, book::Column::PublicationYear)) // published after 1976
let result: Vec<book::Model> = select.clone().all(db).await?;
// another trip to the database to get the pagination information such as total number of items and pages.
let pagination_info = select
.paginate(db, 10)
For each entity, in order to use Pebble Query, all that you need to write anew is a mapper between the queryable field names and SeaOrm Columns. For example:
let book_column_map: HashMap<String, (book::Entity, book::Entity::Column)> = std::collections::HashMap::from([
("id".to_string(), (book::Entity, book::Column::Id)),
("title".to_string(), (book::Entity, book::Column::Title)),
("publication_year".to_string(), (book::Entity, book::Column::PublicationYear)),
// and so on to map all the fields you want to be able to query
].into_iter().map(|(k, v)| (k.to_string(), v)).collect();
// then you can populate the standard SearchQuery DTO struct with the same query as above. Our example below is handwritten, but usually is generated and fed to SeaOrm backend. In fact, you can simply provide None for the `SearchQuery` parameter to Pebble Query and it will return all the results filtered by your initial `Select<T>`.
let query = SearchQuery {
sort: Some(SearchSortOption {
field: "title".to_string(),
order: SortDirection::Asc as i32,
offset: 10,
length: 10,
page: 0,
filter: Some(SearchFilter {
must: vec![
SearchCondition {
field: "title".to_string(),
operator: SearchOperator::Contains as i32,
value: Some("sea".to_string()),
SearchCondition {
field: "publication_year".to_string(),
operator: SearchOperator::GreaterThan as i32,
value: Some("1976".to_string()),
Then you can simply do:
let db = conn();
let book_ids: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];
let select: Select<Book> = book::Entity::find()
Expr::col((document::Entity, document::Column::Id)).is_in(book_ids).into_condition() // filter by book ids
let results: PebbleQueryResult<book::Entity> = use_pebble_query(select, query, &BOOK_COLUMN_MAP, db).await?;
Or use fluent syntax:
let db = conn();
let result = book::Entity::find()
Expr::col((document::Entity, document::Column::Id)).is_in(doc_ids).into_condition()
.pebble_query(query, &BOOK_COLUMN_MAP, db).await?; // add this to your existing `Select`.
The query result, with pagination information will be returned in these structs, ready to be returned to the frontend.
// The result will contain the following information:
pub struct PebbleQueryResult<T: EntityTrait> {
pub metadata: SearchResultMetadata,
pub results: Vec<T::Model>,
pub struct SearchResultMetadata {
pub result_items: i32,
pub offset: i32,
pub length: i32,
pub page: i32,
pub result_total_pages: i32,
pub result_total_items: i32,
pub query: Option<SearchQuery>,
pub filter_count: Option<i32>,
pub filter_reason: Option<String>,
And all of these are reusable. For most types of business-logic involving book
entity, you can simply attach .pebble_query(query, &BOOK_COLUMN_MAP, db).await?
to your existing SeaOrm Select
and expect the same structured result.
For new entities, you only need to write a new mapper.
Some other middle util methods, e.g. convert SearchCondition to SeaOrm Condition, are also exposed which you can use to reduce boilerplate code.
dependency is only used for the sample DTOs, both of which can be removed.