
created_at2022-11-21 23:28:38.74291
updated_at2023-06-21 02:42:11.45685
descriptionThis is a Rust library providing external facing functions to performant and trusted encryption in Rust
Mike Mulchrone (WingZer0o)




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This repo is used to expose Rust Crypto encryption algorithms to the NETCore-API for Encryption API Services.

The crate homepage for this crate can be found here.

C# Usage Examples


public class BcryptWrapper
        private static extern IntPtr bcrypt_hash(string passToHash);

        private static extern bool bcrypt_verify(string password, string hash);
        public static extern void free_cstring(IntPtr stringToFree);

        public IntPtr HashPassword(string passwordToHash)
            return bcrypt_hash(passwordToHash);

        public async Task<IntPtr> HashPasswordAsync(string passwordToHash)
            return await Task.Run(() =>
                return bcrypt_hash(passwordToHash);
        public bool Verify(string hashedPassword, string unhashed)
            return bcrypt_verify(unhashed, hashedPassword);
        public async Task<bool> VerifyAsync(string hashedPassword, string unhashed)
            return await Task.Run(() =>
                return bcrypt_verify(unhashed, hashedPassword);


public class RustRSAWrapper
        public struct RustRsaKeyPair
            public IntPtr pub_key;
            public IntPtr priv_key;
        public struct RsaSignResult
            public IntPtr signature;
            public IntPtr public_key;

        private static extern RustRsaKeyPair get_key_pair(int key_size);
        private static extern IntPtr rsa_encrypt(string publicKey, string dataToEncrypt);
        private static extern IntPtr rsa_decrypt(string privateKey, string dataToDecrypt);
        private static extern RsaSignResult rsa_sign(string dataToSign, int keySize);
        private static extern IntPtr rsa_sign_with_key(string privateKey, string dataToSign);
        private static extern bool rsa_verify(string publicKey, string dataToVerify, string signature);
        public static extern void free_cstring(IntPtr stringToFree);

        public IntPtr RsaSignWithKey(string privateKey, string dataToSign)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey))
                throw new Exception("You must provide a private key to sign your data");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToSign))
                throw new Exception("You must provide data to sign with the private key");
            return rsa_sign_with_key(privateKey, dataToSign);
        public async Task<IntPtr> RsaSignWithKeyAsync(string privateKey, string dataToSign)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey))
                throw new Exception("You must provide a private key to sign your data");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToSign))
                throw new Exception("You must provide data to sign with the private key");
            return await Task.Run(() =>
                return rsa_sign_with_key(privateKey, dataToSign);
        public async Task<bool> RsaVerifyAsync(string publicKey, string dataToVerify, string signature)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(publicKey))
                throw new Exception("You must provide a public key to verify the rsa signature");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToVerify))
                throw new Exception("You must provide the original data to verify the rsa signature");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToVerify))
                throw new Exception("You must provide that digital signature that was provided by our signing");
            return await Task.Run(() =>
                return rsa_verify(publicKey, dataToVerify, signature);
        public bool RsaVerify(string publicKey, string dataToVerify, string signature)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(publicKey))
                throw new Exception("You must provide a public key to verify the rsa signature");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToVerify))
                throw new Exception("You must provide the original data to verify the rsa signature");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToVerify))
                throw new Exception("You must provide that digital signature that was provided by our signing");
            return rsa_verify(publicKey, dataToVerify, signature);

        public RsaSignResult RsaSign(string dataToSign, int keySize)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToSign))
                throw new Exception("You must provide data to sign with RSA");
            if (keySize != 1024 && keySize != 2048 && keySize != 4096)
                throw new Exception("You must provide a valid key bit size to sign with RSA");
            return rsa_sign(dataToSign, keySize);

        public async Task<RsaSignResult> RsaSignAsync(string dataToSign, int keySize)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToSign))
                throw new Exception("You must provide data to sign with RSA");
            if (keySize != 1024 && keySize != 2048 && keySize != 4096)
                throw new Exception("You must provide a valid key bit size to sign with RSA");
            return await Task.Run(() =>
                return rsa_sign(dataToSign, keySize);

        public IntPtr RsaDecrypt(string privateKey, string dataToDecrypt)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToDecrypt))
                throw new Exception("You need to provide a private key and data to decrypt to use RsaCrypt");
            return rsa_decrypt(privateKey, dataToDecrypt);
        public async Task<IntPtr> RsaDecryptAsync(string privateKey, string dataToDecrypt)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToDecrypt))
                throw new Exception("You need to provide a private key and data to decrypt to use RsaCrypt");
            return await Task.Run(() =>
                return rsa_decrypt(privateKey, dataToDecrypt);
        public IntPtr RsaEncrypt(string publicKey, string dataToEncrypt)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(publicKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToEncrypt))
                throw new Exception("You need to provide a public key and data to encrypt to use RsaEncrypt");
            return rsa_encrypt(publicKey, dataToEncrypt);
        public async Task<IntPtr> RsaEncryptAsync(string publicKey, string dataToEncrypt)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(publicKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataToEncrypt))
                throw new Exception("You need to provide a public key and data to encrypt to use RsaEncrypt");
            return await Task.Run(() =>
                return rsa_encrypt(publicKey, dataToEncrypt);

        public RustRsaKeyPair GetKeyPair(int keySize)
            if (keySize != 1024 && keySize != 2048 && keySize != 4096)
                throw new Exception("Please pass in a valid key size.");
            return get_key_pair(keySize);
        public async Task<RustRsaKeyPair> GetKeyPairAsync(int keySize)
            if (keySize != 1024 && keySize != 2048 && keySize != 4096)
                throw new Exception("Please pass in a valid key size.");
            return await Task.Run(() =>
                return get_key_pair(keySize);

Supporters / Dontations

Microsoft For Startups

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This project is maintained through Apache 2.0.

Commit count: 0

cargo fmt