| persway | | persway |
version | 0.6.2 |
source | src |
created_at | 2020-02-27 11:37:20.369398+00 |
updated_at | 2023-03-08 10:48:24.544601+00 |
description | Sway IPC daemon |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 213060 |
size | 108,519 |
Persway works with the Sway Compositor, it persuades it to do little evil things. It features window focus handlers that can be used to adjust the opacity of focused and non-focused windows among many other things. Persway currently supports two layouts: spiral
and stack_main
. The first alternates between horizontal and vertical splits based on window geometry - this usually results in something that looks like a spiral, this layout is the same as what persway previously just called autolayout
. The latter, i.e stack_main
, keeps a stack of windows on the side of a larger main area (this layout is sometimes referred to as master stack).
Persway comes with several commands to control the stack_main
layout as you move around in it. Persway talks to itself through a socket and listens to sway events through the sway socket making it a flexible tool for manipulating the Sway Compositor.
In persway version 0.6.0 the cli interface was changed in a backwards incompatible way. However, the change is minor, all the options and arguments from previous versions are now instead available underneath the daemon
subcommand. So the migration path is simply:
If your previous pre-0.6.0 setup looked like this:
persway -w -e '[tiling] opacity 1' -f '[tiling] opacity 0.95; opacity 1' -l 'mark --add _prev' --autolayout
The same setup on 0.6.0 and up should instead look like this:
persway daemon -w -e '[tiling] opacity 1' -f '[tiling] opacity 0.95; opacity 1' -l 'mark --add _prev' --default-layout spiral
This change was made because persway, as noted above, has gained the ability to talk to itself. That is - in version 0.6.0, persway can talk to itself through a socket to do various things.
This is the main cli interface:
I am Persway. An evil, scheming, friendly daemon.
I talk to the Sway Compositor and persuade it to do little evil things. Give me an option and see what it brings. I also talk to myself.
Usage: persway [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
Starts the persway daemon
Applies to stack main layout - focuses the next stacked window
Applies to stack main layout - focuses the previous stacked window
Applies to stack main layout - swaps the current stacked window with the main window
Applies to stack main layout - pops the top of the stack into main while pushing the old main window to the bottom of the stack
Changes the layout of the focused workspace
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-s, --socket-path <SOCKET_PATH>
Path to control socket. This option applies both to daemon and client. Defaults to <XDG_RUNTIME_DIR>/persway-<WAYLAND_DISPLAY>.sock
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
The daemon cli interface:
Starts the persway daemon
Usage: persway daemon [OPTIONS]
-d, --default-layout <DEFAULT_LAYOUT>
Which layout should be the default when no other layout has been specified for a workspace. Options are: manual, spiral and stack_main
[default: manual]
-w, --workspace-renaming
Enable automatic workspace renaming based on what is running in the workspace (eg. application name)
-f, --on-window-focus <ON_WINDOW_FOCUS>
Called when window comes into focus. To automatically set the opacity of all other windows to 0.8 for example, you would set this to:
[tiling] opacity 0.8; opacity 1
Eg. set all tiling windows to opacity 0.8 but set the currently focused window to opacity 1. Or if you want to skip some applications - in this case firefox - you would do something like:
[tiling] opacity 0.8; [app_id="firefox"] opacity 1; opacity 1
-l, --on-window-focus-leave <ON_WINDOW_FOCUS_LEAVE>
Called when window leaves focus. To automatically mark these for example, you would set this to:
mark --add _prev
and then in your sway config:
bindsym Mod1+tab [con_mark=_prev] focus
-e, --on-exit <ON_EXIT>
Called when persway exits. This can be used to reset any opacity changes or other settings when persway exits. For example, if changing the opacity on window focus, you would probably want to reset that on exit like this:
[tiling] opacity 1
Eg. set all tiling windows to opacity 1
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
The change-layout
subcommand takes layout subcommands:
Changes the layout of the focused workspace
Usage: persway change-layout <COMMAND>
spiral The spiral autotiling layout tiles windows in a spiral formation, similar to AwesomeWM
stack-main The stack_main autotiling layout keeps a stack of windows on the side of a larger main area, this layout comes with a few commands to control it as well
manual The normal sway manual tiling
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
The change-layout
subcommand takes a few options:
The stack_main autotiling layout keeps a stack of windows on the side of a larger main area, this layout comes with a few commands to control it as well
Usage: persway change-layout stack-main [OPTIONS]
-s, --size <SIZE> Size of the main area in percent [default: 70]
-l, --stack-layout <STACK_LAYOUT> The sway layout of the stack: tabbed, tiled or stacked [default: stacked]
-h, --help Print help
There are other subcommands. Go explore.
If you have trouble with workspace naming/numbering and switching workspaces, please see this issue comment: - the gist of it is that it is likely a sway config issue.
If you happen to be on NixOS or you're using the Nix Package Manager, you can easily use the flake and overlay from this repo (provided you're using Nix flakes ofc).
Persway is released under the MIT license.