
created_at2022-03-16 02:22:47.294645
updated_at2022-03-16 20:31:04.191365
descriptionSmart Contract Testing Tools
PFC (PFC-developer)




Testing multiple smart contracts is difficult. Especially when you have multiple contracts all interacting with each other. This suite of tools is focused on making integrating testing easier, and to supplement the unit testing being done. It assumes you are using terra-rust to create wallet/keys locally.

there are two components. PFC-Loader, and PFC-Replayer


will attempt to store and instantiate the WASM files in the directory specified (defaulting to ./resources) resources directory

For each WASM file it finds, it will look for a corresponding set of 'json' files using the pattern <xyz>.wasm -> <xyz>.*.init.json or <xyz>*.migrate.json and attempt to instantiate them. This pattern allows you to instantiate multiple contracts using the same WASM file.

It will generate 2 files 'code_id.env' & 'contracts.env' file with name value pairs matching the filenames and their associated contract addresses.

for example




these files can be hand modified, and are also read by the replayer, the values ready to be integrated into the replayer requests


most items can be read from the environment or the '.env' file if it is present

 $ pfc-loader --help

will display the arguments and usage. a sample run, using the WASM files in the resources/init directory:

 $ pfc-loader --sender test --test_directory resources/init

[2022-03-16T01:01:40Z INFO  terra_rust_cli::cli_helpers] Using Gas price of 0.01133uluna
[2022-03-16T01:01:42Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:01:56Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:02:08Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:02:17Z INFO  pfc_loader] code_id.env stored
[2022-03-16T01:02:17Z INFO  pfc_loader] WASMs ["terra_peep721", "cw20_legacy", "pfc_XXXXXXX"]
[2022-03-16T01:02:17Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:02:22Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:02:30Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:02:34Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:02:41Z INFO  pfc_loader] contracts.env stored

$ cat code_id.env
# Generated 2022-03-16T01:02:17.092602700+00:00
# To force re-storage, remove the line. This will re-store the code, and do migrate
$ cat contracts.env
# Generated 2022-03-16T01:02:41.753588900+00:00
# To force re-instantiation, remove the line. This will re-instantiation the code

If you find it too terse, change your RUST_LOG environment variable to 'info' or 'debug'


The replayer takes an input files ending in *.test.json in a directory example and attempts to execute these commands and validate that the output matches.

There are currently 3 types of commands.

  • Query ... run a query against a contract, and validate the JSON response
  • Exec ... execute a smart contract action, and validate the attributes it returns
  • Send ... send some native coins to a person/contract

json replacement codes

inside the json files PFC-replayer will attempt to expand certain common variables that might appear in messages:

  • ###SENDER### - the account initiating the action
  • ###CODE_ID### - the code ID of the WASM (instantiate message only)
  • ###ADMIN### - the admin account (instantiate/migrate message only)
  • ###CONTRACT### - the contract address (migrate messages only)
  • ###NEW_CODE_ID### - the code ID of the new WASM (migrate messages only)
  • ###E:XXXX### - the contents of environment variable 'XXXX'
  • ###V:XXXX### - the contents of variable 'XXXX'. (for things like random numbers)
  • ###A:XXXX### - the account address of the private key 'XXXX' in your wallet
  • ###O:XXXX### - the operator address of the private key 'XXXX' in your wallet

the test file has 2 parameters,

  • random_per_file - which will instruct the generator to create N random variables named RAND_FILE_1 -> N for the life of the file
  • random_per_command - which will instruct the generator to create N random variables named RAND_CMD_1 -> N for the life of the command

the intent is to be able randomly generate things like NFT token names/ids which are meant to be unique.


most items can be read from the environment or the '.env' file if it is present

$ pfc-replayer --help

will display the arguments and usage. a sample run, the test script in the resources directory. The tool currently will run all files ending in *.test.json.

[2022-03-16T01:10:15Z INFO  terra_rust_cli::cli_helpers] Using Gas price of 0.01133uluna
[2022-03-16T01:10:15Z INFO  pfc_replayer] resources\cw20_load.test.json
[2022-03-16T01:10:16Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Query - terra12m8wthgl9wjk90kx8gukrn4m7hsdrj07q4qk8c
[2022-03-16T01:10:16Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Query test minter terra12m8wthgl9wjk90kx8gukrn4m7hsdrj07q4qk8c
[2022-03-16T01:10:16Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Query balance terra12m8wthgl9wjk90kx8gukrn4m7hsdrj07q4qk8c
[2022-03-16T01:10:16Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Query NFT tokens should be empty terra1crc8ctl5fvtv9yqs4n7de9qz5y2qm37yle6fux
[2022-03-16T01:10:17Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:10:27Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK Bank Send send funds terra1n3g37dsdlv7ryqftlkef8mhgqj4ny7p8v78lg7-> terra1hlxy5gduv0mvm2kks0eamymuzm4c9xmmjklavj # 20uluna
[2022-03-16T01:10:28Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Exec NFT config terra1crc8ctl5fvtv9yqs4n7de9qz5y2qm37yle6fux -- Error
[2022-03-16T01:10:29Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:10:45Z ERROR pfc_replayer] Transaction 34DBFB6C0C3EFFB19556D0399F2825526CA7C3B229CFF3840086DAA5201F7BFE not found after 5 attempts

in this case the test failed, as the chain was taking too long to return the TX. re-running it with 'retries 10' resolved the issue

$ pfc-replayer --sender test --retries 10
[2022-03-16T01:12:27Z INFO  terra_rust_cli::cli_helpers] Using Gas price of 0.01133uluna
[2022-03-16T01:12:27Z INFO  pfc_replayer] resources\cw20_load.test.json
[2022-03-16T01:12:28Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Query - terra12m8wthgl9wjk90kx8gukrn4m7hsdrj07q4qk8c
[2022-03-16T01:12:28Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Query test minter terra12m8wthgl9wjk90kx8gukrn4m7hsdrj07q4qk8c
[2022-03-16T01:12:29Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Query balance terra12m8wthgl9wjk90kx8gukrn4m7hsdrj07q4qk8c
[2022-03-16T01:12:29Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Query NFT tokens should be empty terra1crc8ctl5fvtv9yqs4n7de9qz5y2qm37yle6fux
[2022-03-16T01:12:29Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:12:37Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK Bank Send send funds terra1n3g37dsdlv7ryqftlkef8mhgqj4ny7p8v78lg7-> terra1hlxy5gduv0mvm2kks0eamymuzm4c9xmmjklavj # 20uluna
[2022-03-16T01:12:37Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Exec NFT config terra1crc8ctl5fvtv9yqs4n7de9qz5y2qm37yle6fux -- Error
[2022-03-16T01:12:38Z INFO  terra_rust_api::client::tx] TX broadcast #messages =1
[2022-03-16T01:12:48Z INFO  pfc_replayer] OK: Exec NFT config terra1crc8ctl5fvtv9yqs4n7de9qz5y2qm37yle6fux

See the resources directory for more examples


ASL 2.0 - see LICENSE


If you think this was useful, feel free to delegate to the PFC validator. It will help defray the costs.

PFC - As Terra is all about the Precious Fractional Choice right... feel free to drop me a line

Commit count: 0

cargo fmt