| phylo | | phylo |
version | 1.2.2 |
source | src |
created_at | 2024-07-19 16:40:15.319337+00 |
updated_at | 2025-02-16 22:46:35.845095+00 |
description | An extensible Phylogenetics library written in rust |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 1308850 |
size | 8,585,457 |
Phylo a fast, extensible, general-purpose, and WebAssembly-capable library for phylogenetic analysis and inference written in Rust. Phylo-rs leverages a combination of memory safety, speed, and native WebAssembly support offered by Rust to provide a robust set of memory-efficient data structures with basic algorithms ranging from tree manipulation with SPR to computing tree statistics such as phylogenetic diversity.
Implementation of tree-like structures in rust can be difficult and time-intensive. Additionally implementing tree traversals and operations on tree structures (recursive or otherwise) can be an even bigger task.
This crate aims to implement a majority of such methods as easily-derivable traits, so you don't have to implement them from scratch where they are not needed.
We also provide a struct so you don't have to implement one...
Most of the functionality is implemented in [crate::tree::simple_rtree
]. The
] module is used to dealt with phylolgenetic analysis that require tree mutations such as SPR, NNI, etc.
] module is used to simulate random trees
] module is used to read trees from various encodings
] module is used to compute various types of distance between nodes in a tree and between trees
] is a helper module to provide tree traversals and iterations.
The simplest way to build a tree is to create an empty tree, add a root node and then add children to the various added nodes:
use phylo::prelude::*;
let mut tree = SimpleRootedTree::new(1);
let new_node = Node::new(2);
tree.add_child(tree.get_root_id(), new_node);
let new_node = Node::new(3);
tree.add_child(tree.get_root_id(), new_node);
let new_node: Node = Node::new(4);
tree.add_child(2, new_node);
let new_node: Node = Node::new(5);
tree.add_child(2, new_node);
This library can build trees strings (or files) encoded in the newick format:
use phylo::prelude::*;
let input_str = String::from("((A:0.1,B:0.2),C:0.6);");
let tree = SimpleRootedTree::from_newick(input_str.as_bytes())?;
Several traversals are implemented to visit nodes in a particular order. pre-order,
post-order. A traversals returns an [Iterator
] of either nodes or NodeID's
in the order they are to be visited in.
use phylo::prelude::*;
let input_str = String::from("((A:0.1,B:0.2),C:0.6);");
let tree = SimpleRootedTree::from_newick(input_str.as_bytes())?;
let dfs_traversal = tree.dfs(tree.get_root_id()).into_iter();
let bfs_traversal = tree.bfs_ids(tree.get_root_id());
let postfix_traversal = tree.postord_ids(tree.get_root_id());
A number of metrics taking into account topology and branch lenghts are implemented in order to compare trees with each other:
use phylo::prelude::*;
fn depth(tree: &SimpleRootedTree, node_id: usize) -> f32 {
tree.depth(node_id) as f32
let newick_1 = "((A:0.1,B:0.2):0.6,(C:0.3,D:0.4):0.5);";
let newick_2 = "((D:0.3,C:0.4):0.5,(B:0.2,A:0.1):0.6);";
let tree_1 = SimpleRootedTree::from_newick(newick_1.as_bytes())?;
let tree_2 = SimpleRootedTree::from_newick(newick_2.as_bytes())?;
let rfs = tree_1.rfs(&tree_2);
let wrfs = tree_1.wrfs(&tree_2);
let ca =;
let cophen = tree_1.cophen_dist_naive(&tree_2, 2);
The following snippets are code examples of some phylogenetic analyses. You can find these in the examples
directory of the repository
Quantifying the Phylogenetic Diveristy of a set of trees using the Faith Index:
#[cfg(feature = "non_crypto_hash")]
use fxhash::FxHashMap as HashMap;
#[cfg(not(feature = "non_crypto_hash"))]
use std::collections::HashMap;
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::fs::{File, read_to_string};
use phylo::prelude::*;
use std::io::Write;
fn main() {
let paths: HashMap<_, _> = std::fs::read_dir("examples/phylogenetic-diversity/trees")
.map(|x| (x.as_ref().unwrap().file_name().into_string().unwrap(), std::fs::read_dir(x.unwrap().path()).unwrap()
.map(|f| (f.as_ref().unwrap().file_name().into_string().unwrap().split("-").map(|x| x.to_string()).collect_vec()[0].clone(), PhyloTree::from_newick(read_to_string(f.unwrap().path()).unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap()))
for (clade, trees) in paths.iter(){
println!("Clade: {}", clade);
let mut pds = vec![];
for year in 2015..2023{
let tree = trees.get(&year.to_string());
match tree{
Some(t) => {
println!("{}: {}", year, t.get_nodes().map(|n| n.get_weight().unwrap_or(0.0)).sum::<f32>());
pds.push(t.get_nodes().map(|n| n.get_weight().unwrap_or(0.0)).sum::<f32>());
_ => {println!("{}: {}", year, 0.0); pds.push(0.0);},
Here, we copmpute all pairwise RF distances of a set of trees:
#[cfg(feature = "non_crypto_hash")]
use fxhash::FxHashMap as HashMap;
#[cfg(not(feature = "non_crypto_hash"))]
use std::collections::HashMap;
use itertools::Itertools;
use std::fs::{File, read_to_string};
use phylo::prelude::*;
use std::io::Write;
use indicatif::{ProgressIterator, ProgressBar, ProgressStyle};
fn main() {
let trees = (1..11).progress().map(|x| read_to_string(format!("examples/pairwise-distances/r{x}-preprocessed.trees"))
.map(|(y,z)| (x,y,PhyloTree::from_newick(z.as_bytes()).unwrap()))
let bar = ProgressBar::new((trees.len()*(trees.len()-1)/2) as u64);
bar.set_style(ProgressStyle::with_template("[{elapsed_precise}] {bar:40.cyan/blue} {pos:>7}/{len:7} {msg} [eta: {eta}]")
trees.iter().combinations(2).map(|v| (v[0], v[1])).for_each(|(x,y)| {
let out = format!("{}-{}-{}-{}-{}\n", x.0, y.0, x.1, y.1,;
println!("{}", out);;
To run the code examples, run:
cargo run --example phylogenetic-diversity
cargo run --example pairwise-distances