| pingap | | pingap |
version | 0.9.0 |
source | src |
created_at | 2024-03-22 12:14:33.744975+00 |
updated_at | 2024-11-02 07:50:36.087562+00 |
description | A reverse proxy like nginx |
homepage | |
repository | |
max_upload_size | |
id | 1182579 |
size | 898,473 |
A reverse proxy like nginx, built on pingora, simple and efficient.
Sentry and opentelemetry are optional, they are supported in the full-featured version.
flowchart LR
internet("Internet") -- request --> pingap["Pingap"]
pingap --* --> apiUpstream[","]
pingap -- --> cdnUpstream[","]
pingap -- --> upstream[","]
Loads all configurations from /opt/pingap/conf
or file /opt/pingap/pingap.toml
and run in the background. Log appends to /opt/pingap/pingap.log
RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf -d --log=/opt/pingap/pingap.log
Validate the configurations, send quit signal to pingap, then start a new process to handle all requests.
RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf -t \
&& pkill -SIGQUIT pingap \
&& RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf -d -u --log=/opt/pingap/pingap.log
Watch the configurations, if one of them changes, graceful restart pingap. autoreload
means if only the upstream and location configurations are updated, they will take effect about 10s without restarting.
RUST_LOG=INFO pingap -c=/opt/pingap/conf \
-a -d --autoreload --log=/opt/pingap/pingap.log
is base64("pingap:123123")
docker run -it -d --restart=always \
-v $PWD/pingap:/opt/pingap \
-p 3018:3018 \
vicanso/pingap -c /opt/pingap/conf \
--autoreload \
make dev
If you need a web admin, you should install nodejs and build web asssets.
# generate admin web asset
cd web
yarn install
cd ..
make build-web
addrs = [""]
upstream = "charts"
path = "/"
addr = ""
locations = ["lo"]
All toml configurations are as follows pingap.toml.
graph TD;
server["HTTP Server"];
locationA["Location A"];
locationB["Location B"];
locationPluginListA["Proxy Plugin List A"];
locationPluginListB["Proxy Plugin List B"];
upstreamA1["Upstream A1"];
upstreamA2["Upstream A2"];
upstreamB1["Upstream B1"];
upstreamB2["Upstream B2"];
locationResponsePluginListA["Response Plugin List A"];
locationResponsePluginListB["Response Plugin List B"];
start("New Request") --> server
server -- "host:HostA, Path:/api/*" --> locationA
server -- "Path:/rest/*"--> locationB
locationA -- "Exec Proxy Plugins" --> locationPluginListA
locationB -- "Exec Proxy Plugins" --> locationPluginListB
locationPluginListA -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamA1
locationPluginListA -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamA2
locationPluginListA -- "done" --> response
locationPluginListB -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamB1
locationPluginListB -- "proxy pass:" --> upstreamB2
locationPluginListB -- "done" --> response
upstreamA1 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListA
upstreamA2 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListA
upstreamB1 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListB
upstreamB2 -- "Exec Response Plugins" --> locationResponsePluginListB
locationResponsePluginListA --> response
locationResponsePluginListB --> response
response["HTTP Response"] --> stop("Logging");
CPU: M2, Thread: 1
wrk '' --latency
Running 10s test @
2 threads and 10 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 67.10us 67.52us 4.63ms 99.53%
Req/Sec 74.82k 2.57k 85.56k 92.57%
Latency Distribution
50% 69.00us
75% 76.00us
90% 83.00us
99% 105.00us
1504165 requests in 10.10s, 196.52MB read
Requests/sec: 148928.76
Transfer/sec: 19.46MB
Our current MSRV is 1.74
This project is Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.