
created_at2023-10-12 00:26:43.204503
updated_at2024-01-08 16:50:23.21018
descriptionThe client of PlantUML Server




The client of PlantUML Server.

This project aims to make a tool that helps to run PlantUML diagram generation in a CI/CD environment. If you are generating locally with VS Code plugins, it is difficult to run them in a CI/CD environment.

short usage

Request to

cargo install plantuml-server-client-rs
  echo '@startuml'
  echo 'Bob -> Alice : hello'
  echo '@enduml'
} | plantuml-server-client > out.svg


$ plantuml-server-client --help
The client of PlantUML Server.

Usage: plantuml-server-client [OPTIONS]

  -i, --input <INPUT>            input file path. if not specified, use stdin
  -o, --output <OUTPUT>          output file prefix. if both of `--input` and `--output` are not specified, use stdout
  -c, --config <CONFIG>          config file path. if `--config` option is specified and the configuration file fails to load, this program will exit with an error for security reasons
  -m, --method <METHOD>          HTTP Method: `"get"` | `"post"`
  -u, --url-prefix <URL_PREFIX>  Server's URL Prefix. default: `""`. example: `"http://localhost:8080/"`
  -f, --format <FORMAT>          output format: `"svg"` | `"png"` | `"txt"`
  -C, --combined                 output pre-proccessed data has `.puml` extension
      --metadata <METADATA>      output path for metadata
  -v, --verbose...               increase log level: `-v` -> info, `-vv` -> debug. if the `PSCR_LOG` environment variable is specified, this `-v` option will ignore. related: [`init_logger`][`crate::init_logger`]
  -h, --help                     Print help
  -V, --version                  Print version

configuration from file

You can omit CLI option by configuration file (.pscr.conf).

cp sample.pscr.conf .pscr.conf
vim .pscr.conf

priority: [specified by "--config" option] -> .pscr.conf -> .config/.pscr.conf -> ${HOME}/.pscr.conf -> ${HOME}/.config/.pscr.conf

multiple diagrams in one file

Generates multiple diagrams if multiple diagram definitions are included in a single specified file.

If a.puml is below,

@startuml a1
title a1
a -> b

@startuml a2
title a2
a -> b
a <- b

you execute the following command.

plantuml-server-client --input a.puml --output outputs

Finally, you will get outputs/a/a1.svg and outputs/a/a2.svg.

no output prefix

If you execute the following command (--output is not specified),

plantuml-server-client --input a.puml

you get a/a1.svg and a/a2.svg. ([source file basename]/[diagram ID].[extension])

!include pre-process

The diagram is generated after pre-processing.

If a.puml is below

@startuml a0
!include b.iuml!b2
!include b.iuml!1
!include b.iuml

and b.iuml is below,

@startuml b0
Bob -> Bravo

@startuml b1
Bob <- Bravo

@startuml b2
Alice -> Alpha

you execute the following command.

plantuml-server-client --input a.puml --output outputs

Finally, you will get outputs/a/1.svg that generated from the below PlantUML source text.

@startuml a0
Alice -> Alpha
Bob <- Bravo
Bob -> Bravo

!include_many and !include_once are also supported, but multiple include with !include_once is not supported (only warning).

write combined file

With the --combined optional argument, plantuml-server-client will output combined diagrams with the .puml extension. A combined diagram is a diagram that has been pre-processed.

write metadata

With the --metadata optional argument, plantuml-server-client will output the metadata during generation. The output path is specified by the --metadata optional argument. The metadata is in JSON format and contains information gathered for the include process, the title in the diagram, and so on.

TODO list

  • !includesub preprocess
  • !$A=B preprocess (around include)
Commit count: 85

cargo fmt