
created_at2023-06-26 22:02:07.882464
updated_at2024-06-17 17:20:09.938696
descriptionUtils that help to build package for Playdate
Alexander Koz. (boozook)



Playdate Package Build Utils

Contains manifest format and "build assets by metadata" utils.


Here is the metadata format explanation in examples

Package Info

The following fields are used to generate the package manifest:

# Playdate Package Info
# official doc:
bundle-id = ""
name = "My Game"               # default is
author = "Alex"                # default is package.authors
version = "0.0"                # default is package.version
description = "short about"    # default is package.description

image-path = "img/system"
launch-sound-path = "sfx/jump"

content-warning = "This game contains mild realistic, violence and bloodshed."
content-warning2 = "Really scary game."

build-number = 42 # also can be string, e.g "42"

# also extra fields are supported
# acceptable types of values: string, number, boolean
foo = "bar"

Note, only bundle-id is required, other fields are optional.

Target-specific Package Info

Main Package Info can be overridden with special table for a bin or example. All manifest fields are acceptable, but optional.

Two formats are supported. First is like a cargo's targets:

target = "existing-example-name" # pointing to cargo-target name
# next is same as for main manifest fields, all are optional:
bundle-id = ""
name = "My Example"

Second if just a table:

bundle-id = ""
content-warning = "Scary experimental stuff."

Important: you should not mix these two formats in the same document.


Instructions for Playdate Package Build System such as cargo-playdate.

Describes where assets are stored, how and where they should be in the package.



Assets that for examples or tests only, inherited by main assets.


Dev assets works the same way as main assets, and further saying assets means both assets and dev-assets.

There is two options how to set assets - list or table:

Assets List

Simplest way to declare assets is just list of paths.

  • Path can contain glob-patterns like /**/*o*e.png
  • Path can contain env-vars like ${MY_VARIABLE}
  • Path can be absolute or relative to crate root

So all matched files will be included.

assets = ["assets/**/*.wav", "assets/**/*.png"]

If glob in path, resulting path of file starts with matched part of path, e.g.:

  • for assets/**/*.wav it will be foo/some.wav, if assets contains foo dir

Assets Table

This is a complex way of specifying what assets should be included.

  • Left hand is a path where asset should be in the package,

  • Right hand is the path where source(s) should be found.

  • Both hands can contain globs.

  • Both hands can contain env-var queries like ${MY_VARIABLE}

  • Left hand path is relative to building playdate-package root

  • Right hand path can be absolute or relative to crate root

# Next line means that all png-files in SystemAssets dir wil be included and placed in img/system directory
"img/system/" = "${PLAYDATE_SDK_PATH}/Examples/Game Template/Source/SystemAssets/*.png"
# Next line means that jump.wav will be included and placed in package as sfx/jump.wav
"sfx/jump.wav" = "${PLAYDATE_SDK_PATH}/Examples/Level 1-1/Source/sfx/jump.wav"
# Next line means that img.png will be included in root of package
"/" = "assets/img.png" # path is relative to crate root

Also this way supports simple include and exclude instructions:

"rel-to-crate-root/file-to-include" = true   # left hand is a local path, relative to crate-root,
"file-to-exclude" = false  # OR resulting path that where asset will be in the resulting package.


Package build options, instruction for Playdate Package Build System such as cargo-playdate.

workspace = true           # use `workspace.metadata.playdate.options` as defaults (default is `false`)
assets.dependencies = true # just set or override corresponding value from `workspace.metadata`

Field workspace works like the cargo's feature inheriting a dependency from a workspace, turning on structural inheritance of package.metadata.playdate.options by workspace.metadata.playdate.options.

Available options is assets, see Assets Options.

Currently there is no more options, it's just reserved for future use.

This configuration is used for primary packages only. Primary packages are the ones the user selected on the command-line, either with -p flags or the defaults based on the current directory and the default workspace members. So, options from top-level package are applying to entire dependency tree ignoring options of dependencies. Thus, only the end user controls how the assets will be collected & built.

Note: this is depends on implementation, above is how it works in the reference impl cargo-playdate.

Assets Options

This is how assets will be collected for your package.

dependencies = true    # allow to build assets for dependencies (default is `false`)
overwrite = true       # overwrite existing assets in build dir (default is `true`, alias: `override`)
method = "link"        # "copy" or "link"   (default is `link`)  -  how assets should be collected, make symlinks or copy files
follow-symlinks = true # follow symlinks    (default is `true`)

Field overwrite also allows higher dependencies to overwrite assets of deeper dependency.

This software is not sponsored or supported by Panic.

Commit count: 445

cargo fmt