
created_at2021-03-13 04:38:48.062065
updated_at2021-03-14 06:39:29.958309
descriptionA macro to define a numerical constant in multiple types at once
Louis Garczynski (lgarczyn)



Workflow Status Maintenance


A macro to generate numerical constants in multiple types at once.

You can have the number Pi be available in f64 or f32

It was designed with three goals in mind:

  • Catch all overflow errors on compile-time
  • Minimize the code footprint
  • Be readable and easy to use

This is meant as a temporary fix to the year-long debate over Rust Pre-RFC #1337


    use polymorphic_constant::polymorphic_constant;

    polymorphic_constant! {
        const PI: f32 | f64 = 3.141592653589793;

    // Which can then be used as

    fn pi_squared () -> f64 {
        PI.f64 * PI.f64

A few features are supported:

    use polymorphic_constant::polymorphic_constant;

    polymorphic_constant! {

        /// Doc comment attributes
        const PI: f32 | f64 = 3.141592653589793;

        // Visibility modifiers (for both constant and type)
        pub (crate) const E: f32 | f64 = 2.7182818284590452;

        // Nonzero numeric types (NonZeroI32, NonZeroU8, etc)
        const ASCII_LINE_RETURN: u8 | nz_u8 = 10;

    // You can handle constants like any const struct
    const PI_COPY: PI = PI;
    const PI_F32: f32 = PI.f32;

    // Into is implemented for every variant of the constant
    fn times_pi<T: std::ops::Mul<T>> (value: T) -> <T as std::ops::Mul>::Output
        PI: Into<T>,
        value * PI.into()

    assert_eq!(times_pi(2.0), 6.283185307179586f64);


This system ensures that you keep all the safeties and warnings given by rust, but no more

Any incompatible type will prevent compilation:

  • Float literals cannot be stored if it would convert them to infinity
const FAILS: f32 | f64 =  3141592653589793238462643383279502884197.0;
  • Literals cannot be stored in a type too small to hold them
const FAILS: u64 | nz_i8 = 128;
  • Negative numbers cannot be stored in unsigned types
const FAILS: i64 | u8 = -1;
  • 0 cannot be stored in non-zero types
const FAILS: nz_u8 | nz_u16 | nz_u32 = 0;
  • However, floats may lose precision, and a lot of it
const SUCCEEDS: f32 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279;


Currently, the same constant cannot hold both int and float variants

    const FAIL: i32 = 0.1;
    const FAIL: f32 = 0;

The constant also has to be initialized with an untyped literal

    const FAIL: i32 = 0u32;

It is still unclear if accepting the examples above could be dangerous, thus the conservative choice.


use polymorphic_constant::polymorphic_constant;

polymorphic_constant! {
    const HEIGHT: i8 | u8 | i16 | u16 | i32 | u32 = 16;
    const WIDTH: i8 | u8 | i16 | u16 | i32 | u32 = 32;

fn main() {
    let size = HEIGHT.i16 * WIDTH.i16;

    assert_eq!(size, 16 * 32);

    let height_copy:i32 = HEIGHT.into();

    assert_eq!(HEIGHT.i32, height_copy);


I would love any feedback on usage, for future ameliorations and features.

License: MIT

Commit count: 9

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