An implementation of HTTP/1.1 using tokio-io
and tower
Adding dependency to project
proto-http-1 = { git = "", subdir = "proto-http-1" }
Feature Completion
Feature |
Status |
Basic requests and responses |
Done |
Protocol upgrades |
Yes, for connection: upgrade such as HTTP/2 and WebSockets |
Chunked encoding |
Not started |
Keep-alive |
Not started |
Efficient packet reading |
Not started |
Multipart requests |
Not started |
Feature |
Status |
Basic requests and responses |
Started |
Protocol upgrades |
Not started |
Chunked encoding |
Not started |
Keep-alive |
Not started |
Efficient packet reading |
Not started |
Multipart requests |
Not started |
Data structures
graph TD
%% client declarations
CINNER["Client inner Service< (Reader,Writer)>"]:::pink1
%% server declarations
SINNER["Server inner Service< Http1Event>"]:::pink1
%% types
ARW["(AsyncRead, AsyncWriter)"]:::structure
%% relationships
CML -->|Provides| CL
CL -->|Returns| CR
R -->|Inputs to| CL
SML -->|Provides| SL
ARW -->|Inputs to| SL
SL -->|Outputs to| E
CL -->|Outputs to| ARW
E -->|Depends on| R
E -->|Inputs to| SINNER
SINNER -->|Returns| SE
SE -->|Inputs to| SL
ARW -->|Inputs to| CINNER
CINNER -->|Returns| Nothing
%% notes
N1["This is the network primitive"]:::note -->|Note for| ARW
N2["This is the service that would be implemented for the server"]:::note -->|Note for| SINNER
%% style
classDef green1 fill: #00aa00, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef green2 fill: #33aa33, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef green3 fill: #55aa55, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef red1 fill: #aa0000, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef red2 fill: #aa3333, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef red3 fill: #aa5555, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef blue1 fill: #0000aa, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef blue2 fill: #3333aa, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef blue3 fill: #5555aa, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef pink1 fill: #aa00aa, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef pink2 fill: #aa33aa, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef pink3 fill: #aa55aa, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef grey fill: #ddd, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef structure fill: #0000aa, stroke: #333, stroke-width: 2px, color:#ffffff;
classDef note fill: #ffeb3b, stroke: #ff9800, stroke-width: 2px, color: #000, font-style: italic, font-size: 12px;