
created_at2024-11-29 05:50:05.515234
updated_at2024-12-06 03:57:43.724594
descriptionExtended HTML rendering capabilities for pulldown-cmark
TJ Kells (systemsoverload)




A configurable Markdown to HTML renderer that extends pulldown-cmark. This library provides a flexible HTML rendering system with extensive configuration options, custom styling support, and attribute handling capabilities.


  • Configurable HTML rendering with extensive options
  • Custom attribute mapping for HTML elements
  • Support for heading IDs and custom classes
  • Customizable code block rendering
  • External link handling with nofollow and target="_blank" options
  • Table support with alignment controls
  • Footnote rendering
  • Task list support
  • XHTML-style output option
  • Pretty printing support
  • Syntect-based syntax highlighting for code blocks


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

pulldown-html-ext = "0.1.0"

Quick Start

Here's a simple example of converting Markdown to HTML using default settings:

use pulldown_html_ext::{HtmlConfig, push_html};
use pulldown_cmark::Parser;

let config = HtmlConfig::default();
let markdown = "# Hello\nThis is *markdown*";
let mut output = String::new();
let parser = Parser::new(markdown);
let html = push_html(&mut output, parser, &config);


The library provides extensive configuration options through the HtmlConfig struct:

let mut config = HtmlConfig::default();

// Configure HTML options
config.html.escape_html = true;
config.html.break_on_newline = true;
config.html.xhtml_style = false;
config.html.pretty_print = true;

// Configure heading options
config.elements.headings.add_ids = true;
config.elements.headings.id_prefix = "heading-".to_string();

// Configure link options
config.elements.links.nofollow_external = true;
config.elements.links.open_external_blank = true;

// Configure code block options
config.elements.code_blocks.default_language = Some("rust".to_string());
config.elements.code_blocks.line_numbers = false;

// Configure syntax highlighting ( If feature is enabled )
config.syntect = Some(SyntectConfigStyle {
    theme: "base16-ocean.dark".to_string(),
    class_style: ClassStyle::Spaced,
    inject_css: true,

Custom Attribute Mapping

You can add custom attributes to HTML elements:

use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut config = HtmlConfig::default();
let mut attrs = HashMap::new();
attrs.insert("class".to_string(), "custom-paragraph".to_string());
config.attributes.element_attributes.insert("p".to_string(), attrs);

Custom Writers

Create custom HTML writers by implementing the HtmlWriter trait. This allows you to customize how specific Markdown elements are rendered to HTML:

use pulldown_html_ext::{HtmlConfig, HtmlWriter, HtmlState, HtmlRenderer};
use pulldown_cmark_escape::{StrWrite, FmtWriter};
use pulldown_cmark::{HeadingLevel, Parser};

struct CustomWriter<W: StrWrite> {
    writer: W,
    config: HtmlConfig,
    state: HtmlState,

impl<W: StrWrite> CustomWriter<W> {
    fn new(writer: W, config: HtmlConfig) -> Self {
        Self {
            state: HtmlState::new(),

impl<W: StrWrite> HtmlWriter<W> for CustomWriter<W> {
    fn get_writer(&mut self) -> &mut W {
        &mut self.writer

    fn get_config(&self) -> &HtmlConfig {

    fn get_state(&mut self) -> &mut HtmlState {
        &mut self.state

    // Override heading rendering to add emoji markers and custom classes
    fn start_heading(&mut self, level: HeadingLevel, _id: Option<&str>, classes: Vec<&str>) {
        let level_num = self.heading_level_to_u8(level);
        let emoji = match level_num {
            1 => "🎯",
            2 => "💫",
            _ => "✨",
        self.write_str(&format!("<h{} class=\"fancy-heading level-{}", level_num, level_num));
        if !classes.is_empty() {
            self.write_str(" ");
            self.write_str(&classes.join(" "));
        self.write_str(" ");

    fn end_heading(&mut self, level: HeadingLevel) {
        let level_num = self.heading_level_to_u8(level);
        self.write_str(&format!(" </h{}>", level_num));

// Usage example:
fn main() {
    let mut output = String::new();
    let writer = CustomWriter::new(FmtWriter(&mut output), HtmlConfig::default());
    let mut renderer = HtmlRenderer::new(writer);
    let markdown = "# Main Title\n## Subtitle\n### Section";
    let parser = Parser::new(markdown);
    println!("{}", output);
    // Output:
    // <h1 class="fancy-heading level-1">🎯 Main Title </h1>
    // <h2 class="fancy-heading level-2">💫 Subtitle </h2>
    // <h3 class="fancy-heading level-3">✨ Section </h3>

Syntect-based Syntax Highlighting

The library provides an optional feature to enable syntax highlighting for code blocks using the Syntect library. To use this, you can enable the syntect feature in your Cargo.toml:

pulldown-html-ext = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["syntect"] }

Then, you can configure the syntax highlighting options in your HtmlConfig:

let mut config = HtmlConfig::default();
config.syntect = Some(SyntectConfigStyle {
    theme: "base16-ocean.dark".to_string(),
    class_style: ClassStyle::Spaced,
    inject_css: true,

This will add syntax highlighting to your code blocks using the specified theme and class style.


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Commit count: 0

cargo fmt