
created_at2022-03-30 17:12:00.441112
updated_at2022-05-04 11:03:03.743393
descriptionPyroscope Profiler CLI
Abid Omar (omarabid)



Pyroscope CLI (pyroscope-cli)

pyroscope-cli is a general purpose profiler. It currently supports profiling ruby and python applications. The aggregated data from profiling is then sent to a Pyroscope Server. Under the hood, it uses the Pyroscope Rust library and its backends.

This is a Work-in-Progress implementation. Some features (like adhoc/pull mode) are still not available and the profiling spies are limited to Ruby/Python. For the original implementation, you should check the Pyroscope Go agent.


Please see the CHANGELOG for a release history.

Table of Contents


Currently, the best method to locally install pyrsocope-cli is to use the rustc compiler with Cargo.

$ cargo install pyrsocope-cli

Binaries are also available in the Release page. The targeted platforms are x86_64/ARM and linux/macos.

How to use

1. Basic Usage

There are two options to profile programs, regardless of the profiler: Either by connecting to the process PID, or by passing a command where the agent will handle both its execution and profiling.

$ pyroscope-cli connect --pid=$pid --spy-name=rbspy
$ pyroscope-cli exec --spy-name=rbspy ruby ./program.rb

2. Connect to Process

To connect to a process and attach a profiler, you'll need both a PID and the required system privileges. The last one will vary depending on your Operating System and its configuration.

To get the PID of a program, you can use ps and grep:

$ ps -aux | grep ruby

You also need to specify the profiler, the possible values are rbspy (for Ruby) and pyspy (for Python). The pid and spy-name are the two required arguments to profile a process.

$ pyroscope-cli connect --pid=1222 --spy-name=rbspy

3. Execute Commands

pyroscope-cli can execute a command and profile the spawned process. The command is spawned as a child of the agent process. Once the agent process exits, the executed command its child processes exit too.

$ pyroscope-cli exec --spy-name=rbspy ruby ./program.rb

You can also pass arguments to the executed command by appending --

$ pyroscope-cli exec --spy-name=rbspy ruby ./program.rb -- --ruby-arg=value

4. Options

Both the pyroscope-cli agent, and its backend profilers can accept configuration. Some options are accepted by all profilers, while other can only apply to a certain profiler or a multiple of them. The CLI --help menu should give a detailed list of all options that the program can accept.

4.1 Options accepted by all profilers and commands
  • application-name: application name used when uploading profiling data. Default is a randomly generated name.
  • log-level: log level for the application. Default is info. For more information, check logging.
  • sample-rate: sample rate for the profiler in Hz. 100 means reading 100 times per second. Default is 100
  • server-address: Pyroscope server address. Default is http://localhost:4040.
  • tag: tag in key=value form. May be specified multiple times. Default is empty.
4.2 Options accepted by exec command
  • user-name: start process under specified user name.
  • group-name: start process under specified group name.

5. Configuration

There are 3 ways to configure Pyroscope Agent. Configuration precedence is evaluated in the following order: environment variables > configuration files > command-line arguments.

1. Configuration file

Configuration files are stored in TOML format. You can specify configuration file location with -config <path>. This is supported for both exec and connect commands.

pyroscope-cli -c -config /tmp/custom-config.toml <COMMAND>
2. Environment variables

Environment variables must have PYROSCOPE_ prefix and be in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE format, for example:

PYROSCOPE_APPLICATION_NAME=:my-ruby-app pyroscope-cli connect --pid=100 --spy-name=rbspy

6. Logging

Logs are output to the terminal. There are 6 levels of logging. Log levels are not displayed seperately but rather takes precedence. For example, if you specify the info log level, you'll get output for info, warn, error and critical logs.

  • trace: very low priority, often extremely verbose, information.
  • debug: lower priority information.
  • info: useful information.
  • warn: hazardous situations.
  • error: very serious errors.
  • critical: errors that result in program panic.

Supported Profilers

1. rbspy

The rbspy profiler can be used to profile Ruby application. It uses the rbspy backend, which itself is a wrapper around the rbspy profiler.

Options accepted by rbspy
  • detect-subprocesses: keep track of and profile subprocesses of the main process.
  • blocking: enable blocking mode

2. pyspy

The pyspy profiler can be used to profile Ruby application. It uses the pyspy backend, which itself is a wrapper around the py-spy profiler.

Options accepted by pyspy
  • detect-subprocesses: keep track of and profile subprocesses of the main process.
  • blocking: enable blocking mode.
  • pyspy-idle: include idle threads.
  • pyspy-gil: enable GIL mode.
  • pyspy-native: enable native extensions profiling.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see the FAQ page for Frequently Asked Questions.

Shell Completions

pyroscope-cli supports shell auto-completion for bash, zsh, fish, and powershell. You can generate the auto-completion file using the completion command.

For example, to generate auto-complete for fish:

$ pyroscope-cli completion fish >

Building from source

You can build pyroscope-cli from source if you have a Rust toolchain installed. You will need Rust 1.59 or newer.

  1. Install Rust toolchain with rustup:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

For other systems, please check the instructions at

  1. Add ~/.cargo/bin to your PATH:
. "$HOME/.cargo/env"
  1. Build pyroscope-cli
git clone
cd pyroscope-rs/pyroscope_cli
cargo build --release
./target/release/pyroscope-cli --help


Pyroscope is distributed under the Apache License (Version 2.0).

See LICENSE for details.

Commit count: 670

cargo fmt