
created_at2015-02-27 05:26:17.714716
updated_at2015-12-11 23:55:29.371301
descriptionDeprecated in favour of `external_mixin`. Use Python to generate your Rust, right in your Rust.
Owners (github:contain-rs:owners)




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Deprecated in favour of external_mixin

Write Python code to emit Rust code right in your crate.


python_mixin! {"
x = 1 + 2
print('fn get_x() -> u64 { %d }' % x)

fn main() {
    let value = get_x();
    assert_eq!(value, 3);

Should I actually use it?

Probably not, this is mainly me experimenting with more language plugins. A more portable/usable way to do this sort of code-generation is via a Cargo build script plus the include! macro.

Some downsides (not exhaustive):

  • python_mixin! relies on having correctly-named Python binaries in the user's path, and, e.g. "python" is sometimes Python 2 and sometimes Python 3 and it's mean to require users to have installed Python on Windows. (Build scripts only need a Cargo and a Rust compiler, which the user is guaranteed to have if they're trying to build your Rust code.)

  • Errors in the generated code are hard to debug, although the macro does try to give as useful error messages as possible e.g. file/line numbers emitted by Python point as closely as possible to the relevant part of the original string containing the source (including working with editors' jump-to-error facilities). The parsed Rust doesn't actually appear anywhere on disk or otherwise, so you cannot easily see the full context when the compiler complains (in contrast, a build script just generates a normal file right in your file-system).


Available on, so you can just add

python_mixin = "*"

to your Cargo.toml.


The python_mixin! macro consumes a single string, passes it to a Python interpreter and then parses the output of that as Rust code. It behaves like a macro_rules! macro, in that it can be used in any AST position: expression, item etc.

The string argument to python_mixin! can be a macro invocation itself, it is expanded before passing to Python.

Options can be specified (comma-separated) in an optional { ... } block before the Python string. See Options for the possible options.


Compute the Unix time that the program was built at, by calling Python's time.time function.


fn main() {
    let time_of_build = python_mixin! {"
import time
    println!("this was compiled at {}", time_of_build);

Use Python 2's naked print statement and Python 3's division semantics:


fn main() {
    let value2 = python_mixin! {
        { version = "2" }
        "print 1 / 2"
    let value3 = python_mixin! {
        { version = "3" }
        "print(1 / 2)"

    assert_eq!(value2, 0);
    assert_eq!(value3, 0.5);

Compute Fibonacci numbers in the best way possible, by making Python print a function to compute each number:


// create fib_0, fib_1, ..., fib_N functions that return the
// respective fibonacci number.
python_mixin! { r#"
print("fn fib_0() -> u64 { 0 }")
print("fn fib_1() -> u64 { 1 }")

def make_function(n):
    print("fn fib_%d() -> u64 { fib_%d() + fib_%d() }" % (n, n - 1, n - 2))

for i in range(2, 30 + 1):

fn main() {
    println!("the 30th fibonacci number is {}", fib_30());


name type default
version string "" controls the version of Python used: python_mixin! tries to execute the python{version} binary.

(Maybe this table will get longer? Who knows. Tables are cool.)

Commit count: 9

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