
created_at2024-05-26 17:00:55.39434
updated_at2024-05-26 17:00:55.39434
descriptionA powerful and lightweight graphics library for making Rust games
Dylan Rogers (dylanopen)



Welcome to Realms - the lightweight Rust game library!

Realms is a library that allows you to easily make games, animations and any 2D graphics using Rust.

This is a 'mid-level' crate which provides an extremely simple API to easily draw to a graphical window, without being bloated like a typical game engine. Realms is a game library.

Getting started

First, create a new project with cargo new <project_name>.

Next, import Realms into your Rust project by adding the following line to your Cargo.toml:


Replace VERSION_NUMBER with the latest Realms version (displayed above). Alternatively, run this command in your terminal from inside your project directory:

cargo new project_name

Replace project_name with the name of the game you want to create.

Finally, add this code to the src/ file:

use realms::event::Event;
use realms::window::Window
use realms::Colour;

fn main()
  let mut window = Window::new("My Amazing Game", 800, 450).unwrap();  // Create a new `Window`. For now, we won't worry about error handling.
  let fill_colour = Colour::from_rgb(0, 100, 255);  // Stores the background colour of the window.
  let mut running = true;  // Keep looping until this is `false`.

  while running
    window.fill(fill_colour.clone()).unwrap();  // Copy the fill_colour so we can use it again on the next iteration.
    for event in window.get_events()
      match event
        Event::Quit => {
          running = false;  // Stop the loop if the user closes the program.
        _ => {  }  // Default, do nothing if the event doesn't match.
    window.draw();  // Draw the frame.

Running this code using cargo run will give you this result:

An 800x450 window with title "My Amazing Game" and filled with a blue background

Congratulations! You have successfully written your first Realms game :)

Note: For more info, please see the full explanation at

Example: Shapes and events

So far, we've just filled the background colour. What if we wanted to draw some shapes?

In this example, we will build a program where a rectangle follows your mouse pointer on the screen.

Copy this code into your file:

use realms::event::Event;
use realms::shape::Rect;
use realms::window::Window;
use realms::Colour;

fn main()
  let mut window = Window::new("Shapes and events", 800, 600).unwrap();
  let mut running = true;

  let mut mouse_x = 400;  // Rectangle starting position.
  let mut mouse_y = 600;  // Must be mutable so we can update it.
  while running
    window.fill(Colour::from_rgb(255, 255, 255)).unwrap();  // white
    for event in window.get_events()
      match event
        Event::Quit => {
          running = false;
        Event::MouseMotion(event) => {
          mouse_x = event.x;  // Update mouse position.
          mouse_y = event.y;  // `event` is a MouseMotionEvent struct: it also holds the current mouse position.
        _ => {  }
    let rect = Rect::new(
      mouse_x-16, mouse_y-16,  // The coordinates represent the top-left of the rect. Subtracting 16 ensures the rectangle's centre is at the mouse position.
      32, 32,
      Colour::from_rgb(255, 100, 0)  // orange
    rect.draw(&mut window).unwrap();  // Draw the rectangle to the window. Realms uses `object.draw(&mut window)` notation.

Run the program and you should see an orange rectangle follow the cursor!

Note: For more info, please see the full explanation at


The above examples are just a very brief introduction to the Realms library.

Please view the documentation on GitHub. There is also some information available at, although documentation there is limited.

Thank you for choosing Realms to build your next great game!

Commit count: 4

cargo fmt