
created_at2021-11-29 02:31:04.634263
updated_at2024-06-06 04:31:28.249425
descriptionMiddleware (fairing) for 0.5 web servers to have integrated slog logging of request activity
Jenifer Champagne (JenChampagne)



Rocket Slogger

Structured logging middleware for the Rocket web framework.

When this fairing (middleware) is attached to an instance of Rocket, detailed log messages will automatically be generated for every request received and every response sent. The logger can also be injected into individual routes to generate additional custom logs at time of request.

On start-up, all configurations are shown as an initial log message. This both lists out the current configuration, and can serve as a sort of signal that the web server has been started/restarted. Next is a log message detailing the routes available, then one of error status catchers, then one of the host and port the server is listening on.


Rust toolchain required. See for installation instructions.

Add this crate to your Rust project:

rocket-slogger = "0.1.0"

Quick Start

Instantiate the fairing (middleware) with a slog-compatible Logger, then add it to your Rocket server:

// Wrap your `slog`-compatible Logger with the fairing
let fairing = Slogger::from_logger(logger);

// Load config from the usual places, such as Rocket.toml and the environment
let mut config = Config::from(Config::figment());

// The fairing does not turn off Rocket's pretty print logs by default
config.log_level = LogLevel::Off;


When the terminal feature is enabled

The helper function Slogger::new_terminal_logger() will setup the logger to output plain text for each log message that looks like the following:

Mar 15 04:32:00.815 INFO Request, method: GET, path: /, content-type: None, user-agent: vscode-restclient

Mar 15 04:32:00.815 INFO Response, size: 11, method: GET, path: /, route: always_greet, rank: -9, code: 200, reason: OK, content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

When the bunyan feature is enabled

The helper function Slogger::new_bunyan_logger() will setup the logger to output bunyan-style JSON objects for each log message that looks like the following:

{"msg":"Request","v":0,"name":"My App","level":30,"time":"2023-03-15T04:29:35.865466064Z","hostname":"my-computer","pid":810142,"method":"GET","path":"/","content-type":null,"user-agent":"vscode-restclient"}

{"msg":"Response","v":0,"name":"My App","level":30,"time":"2023-03-15T04:29:35.867971878Z","hostname":"my-computer","pid":810142,"method":"GET","path":"/","route":"always_greet","rank":-9,"code":200,"reason":"OK","content-type":"text/plain; charset=utf-8","size":11}

Otherwise the Slogger fairing can be built with any slog-compatible Logger with Slogger::from_logger(logger).


There are minimal implementations of a Rocket web server with this logging middleware attached in various configurations inside the ./examples folder.

Keep in mind that some of the examples require features to be enabled.

For example, the command to run the bunyan-callbacks-features is cargo run --example bunyan-callbacks-features --features bunyan,callbacks.


For each request received, a log message is generated containing the following information:

  • HTTP Method (e.g. get, post, put, etc)
  • URL Path (e.g. /path/to/route?query=string)
  • Content-Type Header of Request
  • User Agent

For each response sent, a log message is generated containing the following information:

  • HTTP Method
  • URL Path
  • Content-Type Header of Response
  • Status Code and Reason
  • Response Body Size

When the transactions feature is enabled

For each request received, in addition to the above, the following information will also be generated:

  • Exact UTC date and time with time zone of when the middleware received the request.
  • A unique UUID that will be the same for all logs generated by a single request for corelating logs.

For each response sent, in addition to the above, the following information will also be generated:

  • The same exact time of when the middleware initially received the request.
  • The same unique UUID that corelates the response log to the request log.
  • The total elapsed time from when the middleware received the request to when it received the response in nanoseconds.

When the local_time feature is enabled

The exact date and time with time zone of when the middleware received the request is shown in the systems local time zone.

Note however that the time field of when the log was made remains in the UTC time zone.

When the callbacks feature is enabled

Functions can be attached to the fairing either on request or on response.

These callback functions get access to the slog::Logger containing all of the above fields, as well as a reference to the response and/or request. This enables the callback functions to return the same or a new slog::Logger instance with any new properties added before the log message is generated.

        .on_request(|logger, _request| {
            // currently requires a pinned box to have an async context
            Box::pin(async move {
                // here any async function calls or server state can be fetched
                // so that it can be added to the logger that will form the response log
                let new_logger =!(
                    "field:from-closure" => "some dynamic data derived at request time",
                    "in:request" => "more dynamic metrics",

                // the new logger must be returned in an Option<Arc<Logger>>
        .on_response(|logger, _request, _response| {
            // currently requires a pinned box to have an async context
            Box::pin(async move {
                // here any async function calls or server state can be fetched
                // so that it can be added to the logger that will form the response log
                let new_logger =!(
                    "field:from-closure" => "some dynamic data derived at response time",
                    "in:response" => "more dynamic metrics",

                // the new logger must be returned in an Option<Arc<Logger>>

The Box::pin( async move { ... } ) structure allows for calling async functions, such as executing a database query.

If you know of a cleaner or simpler way of providing async callback functions, the suggestions are very much welcome!

Commit count: 31

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