
created_at2024-02-17 06:21:38.801018+00
updated_at2024-04-09 23:11:30.746588+00
descriptionRSaPar is a Rust library for schema-based parsing and validation of structured data files, inspired by JSaPar for Java.
Guillermo Céspedes Tabárez (dertin)



👋 Overview

RSaPar is a Rust library for schema-based parsing and validation of structured data files, inspired by JSaPar for Java.

💻 Usage

To use RSaPar, you need to define a ParserConfig and then call the parser() method.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to get started:

  1. Add RSaPar to your project with:

    cargo add rsapar
  2. Define the data schema: Create a schema XML file (schema.xml) to describe the structure of your data. The schema format attempts to follow the same rules as JSaPar's schema format. Detailed documentation on the support and compatibility with the JSaPar schema format in RSaPar will be provided soon. An example schema can be found in the example folder.

  3. Configure the parser: Set up the parser configuration with the path to your data file, the number of workers, and the path to your schema file.

    use rsapar::ParserConfig;
    let config = ParserConfig {
        file_path: "./example/data.txt".to_string(),
        fn_worker: None,
        n_workers: 4,
        file_schema: "./example/schema.xml".to_string(),
    let result = rsapar::parser(config);

This setup provides a brief overview of how to start using RSaPar. The schema structure is inspired by JSaPar, and more information on this alignment will be available in the future.

🚀 Roadmap

  • Full support for validation of fixed-width files (v0.1.2)

For more details on upcoming features and releases, check out the milestones

💫 Contributions

Contributions make the open source community thrive. Your contributions to RSaPar are greatly appreciated!

To contribute, fork the repo, create your feature branch, and submit a pull request. For bugs or suggestions, please open an issue with the appropriate tag (bug for bugs, enhancement for improvements). Don’t forget to star the project!

Thank you for your support!

🪪 License

Distributed under the MIT or Apache-2.0 License.

Please note that while RSaPar attempts to follow the same schema format rules as JSaPar, it is a separate implementation and does not reuse the JSaPar codebase.

Commit count: 22

cargo fmt