
created_at2024-06-22 21:01:51.212544
updated_at2024-07-02 19:09:05.197637
descriptionIO functionality for the OpenNBS .nbs format




GitHub Actions Rust Version Code style: rustfmt

A simple rust library to read and write .nbs files from Open Note Block Studio.

rsnbs has all the functionality pynbs has, like iterating over Note Block Studio songs

use rsnbs::read_nbs;

let song = read_nbs("song.nbs");
for note in song.notes {
  println!("tick: {}, instrument: {}", note.tick.unwrap(), note.instrument.unwrap())

or generating new songs programmatically

use rsnbs::{Song, Note};

let song = Song::default();
for i in 0..10 {
  Song.notes.push(Note {
    tick: Some(i), layer: None, instrument: None,
    velocity: 30, panning: None, pitch: None, key: Some(i+35)

the main difference is that every field is an option (for version differences sake) where None acts as 0/"".


The package can be installed with cargo

$ cargo install rsnbs

Reading / Writing

You can use the read_nbs function to read an parse a specific NBS file of any version.

  let song = rsnbs::read_nbs("song.nbs");

This returns a rsnbs::Song object wich can then be written using Song::save"song.nbs", version);

Song struct

Song implements the Default trait so you can instance a default with 1 layer and all None fields

  let song = Song::default();



the first field is header, the file header, of type struct Header

Attribute Type Details

header.version | i8 | The NBS version this file was saved on. header.default_instruments| i8 | The amount of instruments from vanilla Minecraft in the song. header.song_length | i16 | The length of the song, measured in ticks. header.song_layers | i16 | The ID of the last layer with at least one note block in it. header.song_name | String | The name of the song. header.song_author | String | The author of the song. header.original_author | String | The original song author of the song. header.description | String | The description of the song. header.tempo | i16 | The tempo of the song multiplied by 100. header.auto_save | bool | Whether auto-saving has been enabled. header.auto_save_duration | i8 | The amount of minutes between each auto-save. header.time_signature | i8 | The time signature of the song. header.minutes_spent | i32 | The amount of minutes spent on the project. header.left_clicks | i32 | The amount of times the user has left-clicked. header.right_clicks | i32 | The amount of times the user has right-clicked. header.blocks_added | i32 | The amount of times the user has added a block. header.blocks_removed | i32 | The amount of times the user has removed a block. header.song_origin | String | The file name of the original MIDI or schematic. header.loop | bool | Whether the song should loop back to the start after ending. header.max_loop_count | i8 | The amount of times to loop. 0 = infinite. header.loop_start | i16 | The tick the song will loop back to at the end of playback.


the notes field has all the notes of type struct Note stored in a vec in order

Attribute Type Details

note.tick | i32 | The tick at which the note plays. note.layer | i32 | The ID of the layer in which the note is placed. note.instrument | i8 | The ID of the instrument. note.key | i8 | The key of the note. (between 0 and 87) note.velocity | i8 | The velocity of the note. (between 0 and 100) note.panning | u8 | The stereo panning of the note. (between -100 and 100) note.pitch | i16 | The detune of the note, in cents. (between -1200 and 1200)


the layers field is a vec of all layers of type struct Layer in order

Attribute Type Details | String | The name of the layer. layer.lock | bool| Whether the layer is locked. layer.volume | i8 | The volume of the layer. layer.panning | u8 | The stereo panning of the layer.


the instruments field stores all the custom instruments of the song in order in a vec

Attribute Type Details | String | The name of the instrument. instrument.file | String | The name of the sound file of the instrument. instrument.pitch | i8 | The pitch of the instrument. (between 0 and 87) instrument.press_key | bool | Whether the piano should automatically press keys with the instrument when the marker passes them.

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