
created_at2016-04-03 14:47:09.200828
updated_at2020-07-17 18:22:32.306073
descriptionMake a release of a cargo project
Daniel Trstenjak (dan-t)



Build Status


A command line tool to make a semi-automatic release of a cargo project.

You've to be explicit about the new version number by specifing which part of the version number should be incremented (e.g. rusty-release minor) and you've to write the Changelog by yourself, rusty-release will only put the new version number at the top of the Changelog and open it.


$ cargo install rusty-release

The build binary will be located at ~/.cargo/bin/rusty-release.


rusty-release has to be called with a version (rusty-release <VERSION>), where <VERSION> has to be either major, minor, patch or current. major/minor/patch increment the appropriate part of the current version number and current makes a release with the current version number. So current is most likely useful for the first, initial release.

The release process:

  • Checks if the git working tree isn't dirty, that there's nothing staged and that the local and the remote git repositories are synchronized.

  • Runs the tests.

  • The current version is read from the Cargo.toml and incremented according to <VERSION> and written back to the Cargo.toml.

  • Builds a release.

  • If available, the changelog - with the new version added at the top - and a temporary file containing all commits from HEAD to the previous release are opened in the configured editor.

    Every file which lower case base name is equal to changelog is considered as a changelog file.

  • A git commit is created containing the changed and not ignored files with the configured commit message.

  • A git tag is created with the configured name.

  • The git commit and tag are pushed to the remote repository.

  • cargo publish is called.


If available, the configuration file .rusty-release.toml is read from the home directory and from the cargo project root directory (where the Cargo.toml resides).

The current supported configuration (default configuration displayed) is:

# publish to
cargo_publish = true

# push to git remote repository
git_push = true

# string template for the creation of the commit message, currently the two
# placeholders '<PROJ_NAME>' - the name of the cargo project - and
# '<NEW_VERSION>' - the version of the release - are supported
commit_message = "<PROJ_NAME> <NEW_VERSION>"

# a string template like 'commit_message' supporting the same placeholders
tag_name = "v<NEW_VERSION>"

# the editor command for opening the changelog, for the best experience the
# editor command should be able to open multiple files in a split view,
# first the environment variables $EDITOR and $VISUAL are checked and if
# they aren't available then "gvim -o" is used
editor = "gvim -o"
Commit count: 103

cargo fmt