
created_at2023-01-28 19:54:32.765673+00
updated_at2023-01-28 19:54:32.765673+00
descriptionHTTP reverse proxy & load balancer
Antonio Sarosi (antoniosarosi)




RXH is an HTTP reverse proxy built with hyper and tokio just for fun. The configuration file (rxh.toml) accepts this options:

# Simple proxy example. All requests sent to port 8000 are forwarded to port
# 8080, including HTTP/1.1 upgrade requests. Upgraded requests will have their
# dedicated TCP tunnel.


listen = ""
forward = ""

# Simple static files server example. This server will run in parallel with the
# one defined above, as the configuration file accepts multiple server
# instances on different ports.


listen = ""
serve = "/home/user/website"

# Complex server example. In this case, the server listens on multiple IP
# addresses, should load balance requests that start with "/api" between ports
# 8080 and 8081 and also serves files from a directory.


listen = ["", ""]

match = [
    { uri = "/api", forward = ["", ""] },
    { uri = "/", serve = "/home/user/website" },

# Weighted load balancing example using WRR (Weighted Round Robin) algorithm.
# With this configuration, from every 6 requests received by the proxy at port
# 8200, 1 will be forwarded to port 8080, 3 of them will be forwarded to port
# 8081 and 2 of them to port 8082.


listen = ["", ""]


algorithm = "WRR" # This is the default, and this is also the only one for now.

backends = [
    { address = "", weight = 1 },
    { address = "", weight = 3 },
    { address = "", weight = 2 },

Start the server using cargo:

cargo run


  • HTTP Forwarded header (RFC 7239).
  • Graceful shutdown (don't kill the process until all sockets are closed).
  • HTTP/1.1 upgraded connections (works like a TCP tunnel).
  • HTTP Via header (Section 3.6.7 of RFC 5322)
  • HTTP/2
  • Static files server.
  • Multiple servers on different ports, both static and proxy.
  • Header customization configs (see config.sketch.toml).
  • Hot reloading (switch the config on the fly without stopping).
  • Cache.
  • Load balancing.
  • Dameonize process.
  • TLS.
Commit count: 59

cargo fmt